
nèi jù xìnɡ
  • cohesion
  1. 基于数据切片度量JAVA内聚性

    Measuring JAVA Cohesion Based on Data Slice

  2. 使用XML文档的主要困难在于检查其内部有效性(文档逻辑的内聚性)。

    The fundamental difficulty with XML documents is checking their internal validity ( cohesion of document logic ) .

  3. 水是否本身就有内聚性呢?

    Is water cohesive by nature or not ?

  4. SOA将很多异类服务连接为一个具有内聚性的互操作环境。

    An SOA links together many disparate services into one cohesive interoperating environment .

  5. 然后bureaudechange突然出现,并将内聚性作为消除变更的度量。

    Then the bureau de change pops up and introduces cohesiveness as a measure of ease-of-change .

  6. 将JMS作为分布式传输协议使用将实现一个具有内聚性的系统。

    The use of JMS as a distributed transport makes for a cohesive story .

  7. 对香肠硬度、粘着性、粘滞性、内聚性也无影响(P0.05);

    Sor-bic acid did not effect hardness , adhesiveness , stickness and cohesiveness ( p0.01 ), but significantly influenced gumminess of sausage ( p0.01 ) .

  8. 通用G代码编译系统开发遵循软件工程思想,程序结构合理,内聚性高,具有良好的可靠性和实用性。

    Based on software engineering , the compiler system of procedure structure is rational , the user interface is friendly , and the system has high reliability and practicability .

  9. 您仍可以运用线性模式将hdb1和hdb3组合为具有内聚性的单一线性卷。

    You can still combine hdb1 and hdb3 into a single , cohesive whole using linear mode .

  10. 本文提出了一种对Ostu法进行改进的阈值计算方法,将前景和背景像素类的内聚性结合到Otsu法中,并给出了一个改进的分类判别函数。

    This paper proposes an effective approach to improve Otsu thresholding , which combines cohesiveness of foreground and background image pixel class into standard Otsu thresholding and presents an improved classification function .

  11. 在综合考虑内聚性与耦合性的基础上,构建了cCORS元服务和高级应用服务体系,并给出了构建原则、分层结构、职能列表和部署方法。(3)网格计算理论模型。

    Considering the cohesion and coupling of algorithms , the system structure of meta-services and advanced application services is built , and the building principles , hierarchical structure , functions list , and deployment method are given . ( 3 ) Theoretical model of Grid computing .

  12. 过少的内聚性将使系统变得脆弱。

    Too little , and the system becomes stovepiped and brittle .

  13. 在右上方的图表中,没有封装性,具有高度的内聚性。

    In the upper right there is no encapsulation and high cohesion .

  14. 架构为处理组织内聚性提供了一种方法。

    Framework provides a means for dealing with organization cohesion .

  15. 过多的内聚性将使系统遭受复杂性的全部影响。

    Too much cohesion and the system suffers all the ills of complexity .

  16. 达到合适的封装性和内聚性仍然是一门艺术。

    Achieving the right amount of encapsulation and cohesion is still an art .

  17. 内聚性&被封装的实体如何相互连接

    Cohesion & how the encapsulated entities are connected

  18. 我们认为有两个对象设计概念很有用:内聚性和完整性。

    We suggest that two object design concepts are useful : cohesion and completeness .

  19. 在家庭单位元中表现出强内聚性。

    Exhibited strong cohesion in the family unit .

  20. 再者,封装性和内聚性的应用。

    Again , encapsulation and cohesion applies .

  21. 在此基础上,提出了基于模块内聚性的对象抽取算法。

    An object-extracting algorithm is proposed .

  22. 在左下方的图表中,所有成分被封装到三个更大的成分中,并且具有相对较低的内聚性。

    The lower left , the components are encapsulated into three larger components with less cohesion .

  23. 我们可以考虑基于功能实现的内聚性进行决策。

    We could consider basing our decisions on the cohesiveness of the implementations of the functions .

  24. 包结构反映出高度的功能内聚性、低耦合性、以及强壮的个体从业者所有权。

    Package structure reflects high functional cohesion , loose coupling , and strong individual practitioner ownership .

  25. 模块内聚性的度量方法

    An approach to measuring module cohesion

  26. 村落共同体作为一种实体存在,具有明确的边界和高度的内聚性。

    The village community as one kind of entity existence , has explicit boundary and intensity cohesion .

  27. 程序集的内聚性是指概念单元到单个组件的职责程度。

    Cohesion is the degree to which the responsibilities of a single component form a meaningful unit .

  28. “有效”的实际量度是时间和组织内聚性的函数。

    The actual measure of " effective " is a function of both time and organizational cohesiveness .

  29. 它对服务的清晰性和内聚性,乃至总体的可重用性都有所贡献。

    It contributed to the clarity and cohesiveness of the services , and thus to overall reusability .

  30. 用户体验不仅应该具有内聚性,还应该加以扩展,超越单事务模式。

    The user experience should not only be cohesive , but it should extend beyond a single transaction .