
nèi hán jià zhí
  • intrinsic value
  1. 行政程序的内涵价值是行政程序研究的重要起点,是研究行政程序价值实现的基础。

    The intrinsic value of the administrative procedures is an important starting point of the administrative procedures . It is also the basis of the value of research and administrative procedures to achieve .

  2. 论述了国际标准的主要内涵价值:科学合理普遍适用;

    This article mainly discusses the function and importance of international standards : the scientific , reasonable and universal applicability ;

  3. 这些司法理念无疑契合和谐社会的内涵价值,是宽严相济刑事政策在刑事诉讼领域的具体体现。

    Without any doubt , these judicial ideas agree with the connotation and value of harmonious society and incarnate the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy .

  4. 第三章重点分析国际展览会宣传材料中的非言语形象:用符号学理论阐明非言语符号的指示和图像功能、象征和内涵价值以及修辞力量。

    The third chapter focuses on the analysis of images of non-verbal signs in international exhibition profiles : applying semiotic theories to the analysis of indexical and iconic functions , symbolic and connotative values and rhetorical power of non-verbal signs .

  5. 为了改变银行保险业务现有的简单经营模式,提高银保业务内涵价值,破解我国目前银保业务发展遇到的瓶颈,必须进行改革创新,努力寻求银保业务创新发展的方法。

    In order to change the existing simple to operate the business mode and improve the business became the value , cracking are silver in the business development bottlenecks , we must reform , trying to find the insurance business methods .

  6. 对生态屏障概念内涵与价值的认识

    A Discussion on Concept Definition and Academic Value of Ecological Defence

  7. 大众文化具有多元性,其所内涵的价值观念、道德观念也具有多样性。

    The value concept and moral concept it contains is various .

  8. 当前行政程序内涵及价值研究述评

    Comments on the Connotations and Values of Current Administrative Process

  9. 产业创新链的内涵与价值实现的机理分析

    Analysis on the Industry Innovation Chain Intension and the Value Realization Mechanism

  10. 第二部分,主要介绍我国高校人事自主权的内涵、价值与演变。

    The second part , mainly introduces our country university autonomy dilemma .

  11. 第三章高校校园环境艺术设计的内涵与价值取向,首先分析了高校校园环境艺术设计的定义。

    First , it analyses the definition of the campus environment art design .

  12. 先进文化的内涵和价值

    The Connotations and the Values of the Advanced Culture

  13. 新时期大学生法制观念教育的内涵与价值

    Connotation and value of legal sense education for undergraduate in the new time

  14. 谈奥运会吉祥物的内涵及价值

    On the Connotation and Value of Olympic Mascots

  15. 党格:内涵与价值、问题与对策

    A Party 's Character : Its Connotations , Value-orientations , Problems and the Countermeasures

  16. 论商标信息的内涵与价值

    On the Intensions and Values of Brand Information

  17. 宗教社会科学:内涵与价值

    Social Science of Religion : Connotation and Value

  18. 论现代艺术体操的内涵及其价值

    On Modern Rhythmic Gymnastics Connotation and its Value

  19. 现代司法理念的内涵与价值

    The Connotation and Value of Modern Legal Concept

  20. 楷书的内涵及其价值探讨

    The Connotation of Regular Script and Its Value

  21. 高校重点学科特色的内涵、价值与建设思路

    Connotation , Value and Construction of the Features of Key Disciplines in Colleges and Universities

  22. 科学史教育的内涵和价值

    Connotation and value of science history education

  23. 在多维文化视野中,现代旅游愈益突出了文化的内涵与价值。

    From multiple cultural perspectives , the cultural intension and value is obvious in modern tourism .

  24. 生存模式本身都是指向生存的,但各自的内涵与价值取向不同。

    Survival modes all point to survival , but they have different meanings and value orientations .

  25. 第二部分:关于公共政策中公民参与的内涵及价值分析。

    The second part : analyzing the value and meaning of civic participation in public policy process .

  26. 中华武术“内外兼修”的文化内涵及价值取向

    The Cultural Connotation and Value Orientation of the Combination of the Inner and Outer Qualities of Chinese Wushu

  27. 绘画内涵的价值纬度发生偏移,造成负面价值影响。

    The value latitude of the painting connotation drifted off its course and negative effects has been made .

  28. 在此基础上主要分析了人力资源租赁内涵及价值内涵;

    Based on this , it analyses both the connotation of the rent and the value in human resource .

  29. 两者都有特定的作画程序与表达方式、人文内涵与价值标准。

    Both of them have their own particular painting procedures , expressing ways , humane connotation and value standards .

  30. 应该从天人关系的高度分析它的成因、内涵和价值。

    The cause of formation of intensive cultivation and its meaning and value should be analyzed by studying human-nature relation .