
ɡōnɡ pínɡ jià zhí
  • fair value
  1. FASB定义损害损失如数量被哪一运送的价值超过资产的公平价值。

    FASB defines impairment loss as the amount by which the carrying value exceeds an asset 's fair value .

  2. 论税法的公平价值

    Comments on the Fair Value of Tax Law

  3. 系统思维、可持续发展与法律的公平价值

    Systematic Thinking , Sustainable Development and the Equity Value of Law

  4. 传统冲突法理论的公平价值论

    On Justice Value of the Traditional Theory of Conflict of Laws

  5. 论农村社会保障的公平价值

    On the Value of Fairness Concerning Suburban Social Security

  6. 首先,它是法的公平价值取向的体现。

    First , it presents the law 's orientation of the equal value .

  7. 主要以生产要素替代国家价格确定公平价值;

    Deciding Fair Value according to the prices of productive factors in surrogate country ;

  8. 第五,实现有效的政府监管保障公平价值。

    Five , guarantee the value of equity , the system of government regulation .

  9. 对少数股东的公平价值补偿评估探析

    Appraisal for Fair Value Compensation for Minority Shareholders

  10. 使用传统的方法确定公平价值;

    Deciding Fair Value with traditional measures ;

  11. 网络环境对公平价值的影响很小。

    However , the influence of cyberspace on the present value of fairness is insignificant .

  12. 可见,公共政策的公平价值取向是这些诸多方面的实质性要求。

    So justice as value take of public policy is essentially required by several aspects .

  13. 农业市场服务体系的完善,折射着法律的公平价值。

    The perfection of the agricultural market service system reflects the law 's equity value .

  14. 但两者冲突也是明显的,前置程序在实现效益价值的同时,使公平价值受到很大损害。

    Prepositional procedure do a great harm to fairness when it realizes the value of benefit .

  15. 论我国政府社会管理公平价值取向的现实依据

    On the Practical Basis of the Fair 's Value Orientation for the Government 's Social Management

  16. 公平价值怎样体现?

    How does its value realize ?

  17. 按公平价值计算非货币授予物

    Non-monetary grants at fair value

  18. 而公平价值理念的重要目的是使货物利益方获得结果公平。

    An important objective of the concept of fair value is to enable stakeholders to obtain fair results .

  19. 挤入公司,在和内在的和外部的生意公平价值交易的这一个议题的另外的一个文章的危险。

    Another article in this issue of Fair Value deals with internal and external business risks that impact companies .

  20. 美国是最早制定存款保险制度的国家,存款保险制度有其公平价值所在。

    The USA is the earliest country who established the deposit insurance system , which has its just value .

  21. 毕竟,理论上的股价/销售额增长比率大约为一:公平价值!

    The theoretical price / sales growth ratio , after all , would be about one : fair value !

  22. 使各地的巨无霸价格都以美元来衡量的汇率是我们的公平价值尺度。

    The exchange rate that leaves a Big Mac costing the same in dollars everywhere is our fair-value yardstick .

  23. 现代国际私法在弱者利益保护方面充分表现出人文关怀和实质公平价值取向。

    Modern private international law demonstrates the human concern the material equality in protection of the interest of weak party .

  24. 另外有关公平价值数量性之披露,部份公司信息明显不足。

    Besides , in the quantitative disclosure of the fair value , there is significant inadequacy in the required information .

  25. 竞业禁止制度是市场经济运行秩序的需要,也是法律的公平价值和诚信理念的要求。

    The system is necessary to the market-oriented economy , the rule of good faith and the idea of just .

  26. 我国教育改革与发展应注重教育的社会功能,突显教育公平价值取向。

    Chinese current education reform and development should attach more importance to educational social functions with value orientation of educational equality .

  27. 投资人必须去衡量这些风险,才能正确的去决定各层的公平价值。

    To determine a fair return for bearing the correlation risks , the investors must be able to measure these risks .

  28. 公开原则在法律规范中的直接体现就是信息披露制度,该制度在法律上有着显著的效率价值、公平价值和秩序价值。

    Disclosure is the direct reflect of the " open " that has notable value of efficiency , equity , and order .

  29. 戴德梁行认为,在2010年,全球172个地产市场中,有151个能够为投资者提供“公平价值”。

    Cushman & Wakefield identified 151 out of 172 markets across the world as offering " fair value " for investors in 2010 .

  30. 例证:安德鲁爵士特别谈到了围绕公平价值记账法产生的争议。这种记账法指的是将资产和负债以最新市价入账。

    Example : sir Andrew tackled the controversy over fair value accounting , which attributes an up-to-date market value to assets and liabilities .