- 名endothelium

Variation rate of D1 generation was 33 . 3 % ~ 63 . 4 % and the types of variation included pods of single plant , shape of pod , size of pod , color of endothelium , plant type , growth period , sterility , fertility and yield .
Through six months of low temperature stratification , ABA content of the external seed coat decreased 4.86 times and that of endosperm did 1.15 times , which that of either internal seed coat or embryo increased slightly .
The endotesta consists of one layer of brick shipped parenchymatous cells .
Observation on the Morphology of Seed Endotesta at Chalazal Region of Magnoliaceae
Ratio of length to width of endopleura was higher than that of episperm and mesosperm .
Morphology of chalazal region on endotesta in the seeds of Magnoliaceae and those of related families
Difference of cell arrangement and shape of episperm , mesosperm and endopleura became obvious during seed development .
Researches on Arabidopsis shows that the core component of seed coat pigments is PA , which accumulates in endothelium .
The development of the onagrad type embryo consumes up the endosperm except ont layer that remains in the mature seed .
The contents of nutritional and functional components of walnut kernel pellicle were analyzed preliminarily by using conventional and instrumental analytical methods .
At this moment , the exterior integument develops the testa which is brown and fleshy ; the inner integument develops the endothelium which is hard . 2 .
The status of seed , seed germination bed , seed storage method had very significant effects on seed germination . The germination rate of seed with inner seed coat was very high as 93.5 % , and the germination speed was the fastest , 10.25 d.
Micromorphology of the endocarp and the testa morphology of four medicinal Cinnamomum plants in Guizhou
Formable acrylic treatment for ingrowing nail with gutter splint and sculptured nail The testa sculptures of Acer are divided into four types , as follows : ( 1 ) moasaic ;
Some species such as Corydalis edulis and C. pallida have different seed-coat surface ornamentation types and variation occurs within species . These may be due to their different geographic distribution .