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On Feng Qi 's View of Concrete Truth
A Study of Feng Qi 's Theory of Concrete Truth
However , the absoluteness and the relativity of truth are two properties of every concrete truth , They reflect the dialectism of concrete content of truth .
With regard to the acquisition way of the concrete truth , Feng regarded that the concrete truth is obtained by proposing questions , disputing opinions , criticizing approaches and testing practice .
Based on their qualitive nature , the article analyses the relationship between science and logic , tries to prove that any science have to apply logic to grasp knowledge system of concret truth and explores the process of truth development .
Feng Qi , a modern famous Marxist philosopher of China who dedicated his whole life to the career of philosophy , also discussed the truth in a special chapter in his self-constructed system of epistemology in the broad sense and put forward a characteristic view on concrete truth .
In theory , the absoluteness and relativity of the truth focus on the form .
This , secondly , implies a certain compulsion on thought itself to proceed to these concrete specific truths .
Thirdly , the method analyzing the truth combined with the specific condition that James uses will also give important implication to the discussion of the truth for the modern analytical philosophy .
In the thinking movement of " consistence and different consideration ", logical thinking grasps the truth through specific concrete concept .
Claiming that the truth is concrete , Feng Qi defines the implications of concrete truth , points out the thinking mode of grasping concrete truth , formulates the formation path of concrete truth , and explores the test of concrete truth .