
  1. 认为:税收自由裁量权是税务机关在法律授权的范围内,基于税收的目的,通过自由判断、自主选择而作出一定具体税收行政行为的权力。

    It points out that tax discretion is an administrative power authorizing the tax collector to make within the limits of law independent judgments and decisions on taxation .

  2. 应急决策,作为具体性的行政紧急权力,是公共应急管理的最核心环节,一般是在公共危机已经全面爆发或者即将爆发的情况下做出的。

    Emergent policy decision , a realistic government power and the focus of public administration , is always made out when the public crisis is breaking or nearly breaking .

  3. 在实践操作层面,对公共行政权力的监督制约存在三种具体实现形式:行政权力的自我控制、内部控制、外部控制。

    In terms of the practical operation , there are three forms to implement supervision and restriction of public administration power , which are self - control of administration , internal control and external control .