
péi gēn
  • Baconic
培根[péi gēn]
  1. 五分钟后,我们把培根肉或面包放在表面上5秒、30秒或60秒,然后测算转移到食物上的细菌量。

    Five minutes after that , we placed either bacon or bread on the surface for 5,30 or 60 seconds , and then measured the number of bacteria transferred to the food .

  2. 如果你留心,就会发现Cristina完全同意Mark的观点,因为她非常使劲儿地咬她嘴里的培根

    If you notice , she TOTALLY sides with Mark as she chomps on her bacon .

  3. 培根也富含蛋白质,但和它其他加工肉类一样,不应每天食用。

    Bacon is also high in protein but , like other processed meats , also shouldn 't be consumed daily .

  4. 高管培训师特里•R•培根曾经历过让人痛苦的面试过程。

    Executive coach Terry R. bacon has seen his share of painful job interviews .

  5. 十七世纪的英国哲学家培根说过:写作使人精确(Writingmakesanexactman)。

    " Writing makes an exact man "( Francis Bacon , an British philosopher , in the 17th century ) .

  6. 肯德基双层炸鸡汉堡-KFCdoubledown:两片多汁的炸鸡夹着芝士和培根

    Cheese and bacon sandwiched between two fillets of juicy fried chicken ;

  7. 而当时,伯内斯先生的一个客户正是销售培根等猪肉制品的比纳肉类加工公司(Beech-NutPackingCompany)。

    One of Mr. Bernays 's clients at the time was Beech-Nut Packing Company , which sold bacon and other pork products .

  8. 可以统计一下,现在每个人要在Facebook上看多少次培根、鸡蛋和芝士面包的自动播放的视频?

    How many autoplay videos of bacon , egg , and cheese breadboats can one person watch ?

  9. 培根香皂培根iPhone保护袋

    Bacon Soap iPhone Bacon Sleeve

  10. 合理安排时间就是节约时间。(英国哲学家培根.F.)

    To choose time is to save time . ( Francis Bacon , British philosopher )

  11. 今天,全世界都知道培根(FrancesBacon)和沃霍尔(ANDYWARHOL)。

    Today , the world knows Frances Bacon and Andy Warhol .

  12. 《深夜秀》(TheLateShow)主持人斯蒂芬科尔伯特(StephenColbert)在节目中说,每天早晨只有煎培根的香味能把他两个十几岁大的儿子叫醒。

    On The Late Show , presenter Stephen Colbert said only the waft of frying bacon could get his two teenage boys out of bed in the morning .

  13. 顾客将有机会给自己的四盎司牛肉堡(QuarterPounder)添加培根、蘑菇或者焦糖洋葱。

    That will give consumers the chance to add bacon or mushrooms or caramelised onions to their Quarter Pounder .

  14. 在此之前,拍卖会上出售的史上最昂贵艺术品,是弗朗西斯•培根(FrancisBacon)在1969年创作的三联画《弗洛伊德肖像画习作》(ThreeStudiesofLucianFreud)。该作品于2013年11月在佳士得拍出1.424亿美元的价格。

    Previously the most expensive work sold at auction was Francis Bacon 's 1969 triptych " Three Studies of Lucian Freud , " which sold for $ 142.4m at Christie 's in November 2013 .

  15. 培根邮件(bacn)是目前互联网上无处不在的一个热门词汇。

    Now there is bacn ( pronounced " bacon "), the latest buzzword to infiltrate the Internet .

  16. 蘑菇、意式培根(Pancetta)、大蒜披萨:将五盎司的意式培根切成1/4英寸大小的肉丁,中火烹制直至松软。

    Mushrooms , Pancetta and Garlic : Cut 5 ounces pancetta into & # 188 ; - inch lardons and cook over medium heat until soft .

  17. 为了在内衣中注入持久的培根气味,设计者将肉味香料加入染料当中,这项技术的确是NASA首创的。

    In order to infuse the underwear with a bacon-y scent which would last beyond a first-time wear , the creators of the bacon-scented lingerie embedded the fragrance into the ink used in its design , a technology which was indeed first created by NASA .

  18. 该展览的策展人帕梅拉・戈布林(PamelaGolbin)与设计师共同准备了两年时间,展览探讨了戈布林创意灵感的来源,这就是为什么展厅里有许多折起的文章,作者是英国艺术家弗兰西斯・培根(FrancisBacon)。

    Curated by Pamela Golbin , who worked with the designer on it for two years , the exhibition explores the sources of Mr. Van Noten 's creative psyche , which explains all those folded pieces of the British artist Francis Bacon 's papers .

  19. 在美国,大号烤鸡培根汉堡含310卡和14g脂肪,只比烧烤汉堡少40卡和1g脂肪。

    In the US , a premium bacon ranch salad with grilled chicken contains 310 calories and 14g fat , which is only 40 calories and 1g fat less than a BBQ ranch burger .

  20. 根据TheNangfang网站的介绍,这次的限量版汉堡是黑钻培根辣鸡腿堡和玫瑰芝士烤鸡腿堡。

    According to The Nangfang the limited edition treats consist of the Black diamond bacon spicy chicken leg burger and the Rose cheese roasted chicken leg burger 。

  21. 英国作家培根说知识就是力量。

    The English writer Francis Bacon says that knowledge is power .

  22. 培根和鸡蛋可不能放在烤箱里烤的!

    You can 't cook bacon and eggs in the oven !

  23. 培根是他那时代的学问宝库。

    Bacon was a repository of the leaning of his time .

  24. 论培根对科学价值的现代性诠释

    On Bacon 's Interpretation in Modernity to the Value of Science

  25. 上帝,你就不会把培根肉(咸肉)煎脆?

    For Christ sake , can 't you make crispy bacon ?

  26. 今天早上吃煎培根还有煎蛋

    We 're having fried bacon and fried egg this morning .

  27. 这是我们的酒混面粉加枫蜜培根的特制春假小蛋糕。

    That is our beer batter maple bacon spring break cupcake .

  28. 来一份培根生菜三明治加薯条。

    And I 'll have the BLT with the french fries .

  29. 这是酒混面粉加枫蜜培根的特制春假小蛋糕

    And this is our beer-batter maple bacon spring break cupcake .

  30. 选择时间就是节省时间。&培根

    To choose time is to save time . & Francis Bacon