
guān jiàn zì
  • keywords
关键字[guān jiàn zì]
  1. 类常量始终为public,所以不能使用可见度关键字。

    Class constants are always public , so you can 't use the visibility keywords .

  2. 从很大程度上讲,这个应用程序使用了极少的Processing图形关键字。

    For the most part , this application uses very little of Processing 's graphics keywords .

  3. 不要在管理对象上使用synchronized关键字

    Do not use the synchronized keyword in Managed Objects .

  4. 利用特定关键字“new”来增加新节。

    Using the special keyword " new " adds a new section .

  5. Go只有一个关键字用于引入循环。

    Go has only one keyword to introduce a loop .

  6. methods关键字允许按照类、方法名或这两者选择要跟踪的方法。

    The methods keyword allows you to select method trace by class , method name , or both .

  7. 而不是放置到堆栈中,变量通过use关键字指定,并存储到静态存储中。

    Instead of being placed on a stack , the variables specified with the use keyword are stored in static storage .

  8. 请注意,我如何使用abstract关键字装饰Person类。

    Note how I adorned the Person class with the abstract keyword .

  9. 然而,已有的基于关键字的Web服务发现不能完全满足用户需求。

    However , the existing keyword-based Web service discovery can not completely meet the customer needs .

  10. NAME在服务定义中指定的标识输入和输出变量名的关键字。

    NAME Keyword identifying input and output variable names as specified in the service definition .

  11. static关键字有很多用法。

    The static keyword has a lot of uses .

  12. 可以很容易地理解closure的use关键字的语法。

    It is easy to understand the syntax of a closure 's use keyword .

  13. 关键字configuration用于可能驱动自动化测试多环境的需求

    A configuration keyword for a requirement that might drive automated testing across multiple environments

  14. return关键字是隐式的,因此代码还可以写为

    The return keyword is implicit so the code can also be written as follows

  15. UNIONALL是将所有选择语句连接起来的关键字。

    UNION ALL is a keyword that concatenates all the Select statements .

  16. 因为“transform”关键字是可选的,所以后面的示例忽略它。

    Since the " transform " keyword is optional , it is omitted from here on .

  17. 在发生溢出的情况下,第一个read只返回关键字EVENTOVERFLOW。

    The first read in an overflow case returns only the keyword EVENT_OVERFLOW .

  18. 每个submission元素都指定了一个replace和instance关键字。

    Each submission element specifies a replace and an instance keyword .

  19. Server被注册后,我们根据每个关键字(key)的类型以迭代方式对一组关键字进行处理。

    After the Server is registered , we iterate through the set of keys and handle each one based on its type .

  20. abstract关键字使得使用接口十分容易,我稍后将加以说明。

    The abstract keyword makes using interfaces a lot easier , as I show later .

  21. 当用户输入一些关键字,敲回车,或者是点击了“Find”按钮之后,第一个匹配的项目将会被展示出来。

    When the user types in some search text and presses Enter , or clicks the'Find'button , the first matching item will display .

  22. 有一个Web页面会显示这些数据,例如表缓存的使用情况、关键字效率、连接上的客户机以及临时表的使用情况。

    A Web page displays the data , such as table-cache usage , key efficiency , connected clients , and temporary-table usage .

  23. 在传入的请求中,将在HTTP用户代理请求头部中寻找MobileDeviceUserAgentKeywords中指定的关键字。

    The keywords specified here are sought within the HTTP user agent request header on incoming requests .

  24. 关键字regression用于您想要建立一个自动化回归测试用例的需求

    A regression keyword for a requirement for which you want to build out an automated regression test case

  25. 搜索color会返回包含color和colour的文档,这适用于关键字和短语搜索。

    A search for color returns documents with color and colour , both for keyword search and phrase search .

  26. 因此,您可以使用abstract关键字强制该行为,如下所示。

    So , you can use the abstract keyword to enforce that behavior , as shown below .

  27. 基于AJAX的内文关键字广告系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of In-Text keyword Advertising System Based on AJAX

  28. 提出了两个来自XML关键字的函数依赖的最小覆盖的计算算法。

    In this paper , we present two algorithms for finding a minimum cover for FDs propagated from XML keys .

  29. 结构化P2P覆盖网络的多关键字搜索研究。

    Multi-keyword search of Structured P2P overlay network .

  30. 注意,两个方法都使用关键字self和访问解析操作符来引用$iodir属性。

    Notice that both methods refer to the $ iodir property using the keywordself and the scope resolution operator .