- 网络KANSAI ELECTRIC POWER;Kansai Electric Power Co;KEPCO

On Thursday , Yukio Edano , industry minister , told local utility Kansai Electric Power to plan for possible rolling blackouts .
The Kansai Electric Power Co. , which owns the plant at the heart of the ruling issued Tuesday , serves a swath of western Japan that includes the metropolis of Osaka .
Kansai Electric Power ( KEPCO ) , operator of most of the atomic facilities in western Japan , including Fukui , has won a partial endorsement from regulators in Tokyo of its stress tests at OI .
An Advanced Distribution Automation System in Japan 's Kansai Electric Power Co
Built in the1950s by Kansai Electric Company to cope with the increasing need for the post-war western part of Japan .
While Kansai Electric said it would appeal , experts said its plans could be delayed by months or even years .
Kansai EP ? methodologies and experiences of the introduction of IT into the ADAS canbe a good reference for constructions of ADASs with IT in China .
Kansai Electric had intended the reactors in Fukui to be among the first in the country to be returned to service after the introduction of the new rules more than two years ago .