
ɡuān jiàn bù zhòu
  • Key Steps;committed step
  1. 三维地层建模是地下空间数字化的一个关键步骤。

    The 3D geological modeling is a committed step of underground space digitization .

  2. 这就是为什么精熟团队学习是建立学习型组织的一个关键步骤。

    This is the reason for being good at group learning is a committed step of organizing a studying type group .

  3. 载体DNA的制备是构建大片段基因组文库的关键步骤之一。

    Preparation of vector DNA is a crucial step to large-insert genomic library construction .

  4. 因此,服务识别是SOA应用的关键步骤。

    Therefore , the service identification is the key step in SOA .

  5. 根癌农杆菌介导的基因转化过程中,TDNA的整合是关系到外源基因能否稳定遗传的关键步骤。

    The T-DNA integration is a critical step of the steady inheritance for foreign genes during the Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation .

  6. 在整个周期进程中,细胞顺利完成G2/M期的转换是实现细胞增殖的一个关键步骤。

    During the cell cycle , successful accomplishment of G_2 / M transition is a pivotal process to carry out proliferation .

  7. 布局是VLSI物理设计的关键步骤之一。

    Placement is one of the most critical stages in VLSI physical design .

  8. 构建BAC文库的一个关键步骤就是BAC载体DNA的制备。

    A crucial step in BAC library construction is preparation of BAC vector DNA .

  9. 信息抽取是解决从海量Web页面中提取有价值的信息和知识的重要技术手段,而页面结构特征的挖掘和提取是信息抽取过程的关键步骤。

    Information extraction is an important technology of extracting valuable information and knowledge from massive Web pages , within which Web page structure mining and extraction is a key step .

  10. 而后对雷达仿真的几个关键步骤如信号产生、回波产生、信号处理等进行建模,同时对信号处理的各个步骤给出了Matlab仿真的结果。

    Then , several key approaches such as signal generation , echo generation and signal processing are modeled . The simulation results are showed by Matlab .

  11. 照射野验证是实施精确放射治疗质量保证(QA)的关键步骤之一。

    Portal image verification is one of key QA procedures for implementation of accurate radiotherapy .

  12. 系统分析和系统设计是管理信息系统(MIS)建设的关键步骤,采用优秀的计算机辅助软件工程(CASE)工具来支持系统分析和系统设计能提高工作效率。

    System analysis and system design is a key step of MIS development . Using excellent computer aided software engineering tools can make system analysis and system design more efficient .

  13. 相位解缠作为InSAR技术中的关键步骤,一直是研究的难点和热点。

    Phase unwrapping is the difficult point and hotspot in research on InSAR as the key step .

  14. 对AFLP分析的关键步骤进行了讨论,并对生产上应用AFLP技术检测苹果品种真实性和纯度作了展望。

    Key points and application for testing trueness and purity of apple varieties of AFLP techniques were discussed .

  15. PDM(ProductdataManagement)内涵是集成并管理与产品有关的信息与过程,因此对产品数据管理中的数据管理模型的研究是实现产品数据管理系统的关键步骤。

    Because PDM ( Product Data Management ) is to integrate and management data information which relate developing product , it is crucial to studying the model of information management in PDM for realizing a PDM system .

  16. 邻居发现是无线adhoc网络自组织过程中的关键步骤之一,邻居发现效率的高低直接影响着网络的性能。

    Neighbor discovery is one of the important steps in the process of self-organization of wireless ad hoc networks , which has significant impact on the network performance .

  17. 二维相位展开是干涉SAR数据处理中的关键步骤.该文在讨论干涉SAR相关系数图分类与二维相位展开之间关系的基础上,将相关系数图分类应用于干涉SAR二维相位展开。

    Based on the analyzing of the relation between interferometric SAR coherence map classification and two-dimensional phase unwrapping , coherence map classification is applied in two-dimensional phase unwrapping .

  18. 连续环形撕囊术(continuouscurvilinearcapsulorhexis,CCC)是白内障超声乳化术的关键步骤之一。

    A continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis ( CCC ) of the anterior capsule is one of the critical steps in phacoemulsification procedure .

  19. EGFR为受体型酪氨酸蛋白激酶,EGFR激活的关键步骤为二聚体形成及酪氨酸自身磷酸化。

    EGFR is a tyrosine-protein kinase receptor ; the key steps of EGFR activation are the formation of dimers and their tyrosine phosphorylation .

  20. 本文对干涉SAR处理的关键步骤-相位展开-进行了讨论和分析,提出了利用残点识别和环路积分校正的相位解缠绕方法。

    Phase unwrapping-the key step of interferometric synthetic aperture radar ( InSAR ) signal processing-is discussed , and a new method is proposed which is based on residues recognition and modified loop-integration .

  21. 文章最后通过一个具体实例阐述了QFD和DOE的集成应用过程和关键步骤。

    At the end , an example is given to present the integration process and key steps of QFD and DOE .

  22. 在研究过程中,首先分析PIN二极管的等效电路,这是成功设计的限幅器的关键步骤。

    When begin designing the limiter , the equivalent circuit of PIN diode should be studied first . Because an accurate equivalent circuit is very important in successfully designing the limiter .

  23. 这样Jigsaw将使得Java桌面应用在sun支持的各个平台上更加接近一等公民,这是Sun振兴桌面Java所做努力的一个关键步骤。

    As such Jigsaw will make Java desktop applications appear more as first class citizens on the various platforms that Sun supports , a critical step in Sun 's efforts to revitalise desktop Java .

  24. 深入分析了分布式信息检索的基本原理和体系结构,提出了采用分布式检索方式检索InvisibleWeb信息的关键步骤,即:数据集合划分、数据集合选择、结果合并。

    Then it analyzes the basic principle and architecture of distributed information retrieval , and points out 3 key procedures in distributed retrieving Invisible Web : Data Collection Partition , Data Collection Selection , and Results Merging .

  25. 羰基钴催化烯烃醛化反应中RCOCo(H)2(CO)3还原消去关键步骤的理论研究

    Theoretical Studies on the Reductive Elimination of RCOCo ( H ) 2 ( CO ), in the Hydroformylation of Olefins with Cobalt Carbonyl as Catalyst

  26. LASIK手术的关键步骤之一是角膜瓣的制作,也是该手术的难点所在。

    Creation of corneal flap is one of the most key procedure in LASIK , which is also the most difficult part of the operation .

  27. 注册、定位服务是整个SIP呼叫过程中的关键步骤,要使系统具有更快的处理速度,就要尽可能得缩短这两部分功能的处理时间。

    Register and location service is the key step in the whole SIP call setup , so to get faster processing speed is to reduce the time spent on these two steps .

  28. 聚丙烯腈(PAN)纤维的低温热处理过程是碳纤维制备过程中的关键步骤之一,该过程中产生的化学结构将影响碳纤维的最终性能。

    Thermal stabilization of Polyacrylonitrile fibers is one of the key processes in the preparation of carbon fiber , and the chemical structures generated in this process will affect the final properties of carbon fiber .

  29. 在IMOD中实现以应用程序为中心的管理的三个关键步骤

    Three keys to establishing application-centric management in IMOD

  30. 对这种难治性疾病,抑制HSCs的激活、促进肝星状细胞的凋亡是治疗肝纤维化的关键步骤。

    Inhibiting the activation of HSCs , and promote apoptosis in rat hepatic stellate cells is the key to the treatment of hepatic fibrosis .