
  1. 西汉帝陵在西咸新区、关中天水经济区等建设的大潮下也处于这种矛盾之中。

    The Western Han Dynasty mausoleum is also in this kind of contradiction , during the construction of Xi Xian New Area and Guanzhong Tianshui Economic Zone .

  2. 最后选择的主导产业基本上是符合关中天水经济区经济发展的实际情况,因此,该分析具有一定的客观性和现实性。

    Basically , the final choice is in line with the leading industries in Tianshui economic zone off the actual situation of economic development , therefore , the analysis has a certain objectivity and realism .

  3. 关中-天水经济区形成基础及空间结构优化

    Forming Bases and Its Spatial Structure Optimization of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Region

  4. 广西北部湾经济区与关中&天水经济区比较研究

    A Comparative Study between Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Area

  5. 关中一天水经济区区域差异分析与区域协调度测度。

    Analysis difference and measure coordination degree in region of Guanzhong-Tianshui economy region .

  6. 紧跟《关中-天水经济区发展规划》的颁布,响应合作发展的呼声,对关天经济区旅游合作进行深入分析探讨。

    Follow " Guanzhong-Tianshui economic zone Development Plan ", response the trend of cooperation .

  7. 关中&天水经济区建设背景下天水市旅游发展研究

    Research on Tourism Development of Tianshui City under the Background of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone

  8. 关中&天水经济区的辐射带动作用和发展路径选择

    The radiating exemplary role and the path choice of the development of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone

  9. 以关中&天水经济区建设为契机加快天水新农村建设步伐

    Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone as an opportunity to accelerate the pace of building new rural Tianshui

  10. 阅读大量文献资料,分析了城市群的概念,对关中&天水经济区城市群的研究进展进行了归纳总结。

    Read the large number of documents , make an analysis of concept of urban agglomeration .

  11. 《关中&天水经济区发展规划》的颁布为西部地区又迎来一个十分难得的发展机遇。

    Tianshui Economic Zone Development Plan brings a very rare opportunity for development of the western region .

  12. 本文主要探讨的就是在关中&天水经济区合作背景下,天水市如何参与经济区内的旅游合作问题。

    This article mainly discussed how to participate in the tourism cooperation under the background of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone .

  13. 关中-天水经济区空间流量经济分析&以铁路客运部门为例

    The Economic Analysis of Spatial Network Flux in the Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Region & Take the Railway Passenger Transportation as an Example

  14. 根据规划的部署,关中-天水经济区深化改革,经济和产业在西部地区实现率先发展。

    According to the plan , economic zone deepen the reform . Economic and industry take the lead in development in the western region .

  15. 处于西部的关中-天水经济区在国家发布《关中-天水经济区发展规划》的背景下,旅游合作已成为必然。

    Cooperation in tourism has become a necessity in Guanzhong-Tianshui economic zone after " Guanzhong-Tianshui economic zone Development Plan " issued by the State .

  16. 本文以关中-天水经济区的成立为契机,研究运用民间资本发展关中-天水经济区的相关问题。

    This paper taking the establishment of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone as an opportunity to study the issues related to the use of private capital .

  17. 开发关中&天水经济区,则为宝鸡历史文化资源的充分发掘提供了良好的发展机遇。也为宝鸡的文化旅游产业发展赢得主动权。

    Developing Guanzhong-Tianshui economic region provides a perfect opportunity for exploring Baoji historical and cultural resources and winning the initiative for its cultural tourism .

  18. 为加强陕西与甘肃两省合作进而推动关中一天水经济区地方政府合作找到产业依据。

    Find the industry basis for strengthening the cooperation between Shaanxi and Gansu Province , and then promote the local government of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone cooperation .

  19. 2009年,国务院正式发布了《关中-天水经济区发展规划》,提出打造西安国际化大都市发展总目标。

    In 2009 , China State Council officially issued the " Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone Development Plan ", proposing general objective of building Xi ' an into an International Metropolis .

  20. 通过投资环境评价,以政府合作改善区域整体投资环境,拓宽关中一天水经济区政府合作领域。重点分析目前关中一天水经济区政府合作的现实依据、主要领域、方式以及加强合作的对策。

    Through the analysis of investment environment evaluation , to improve the overall investment environment of regional government cooperation , expand government cooperation in the field of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone .

  21. 由于关中-天水经济区的建设,带动了经济区域内的经济快速发展,使得各地经济密切相连,成为一个整体。

    With the construction of Guanzhong-Tianshui economic zone ( GTEZ ) the economy develops rapidly in the economic region which closely joins the economy in the vicinity as a whole .

  22. 2009年,国务院正式批准实施《关中-天水经济区发展规划》,这意味着西安将成为官方公开定位的国际化大都市。

    In 2009 , the state council formally approved the implementation of " the economic development planning guanzhong - tianshui ," which means xian will become the world third batch officially recognized international metropolis .

  23. 在系统剖析关中-天水经济区的基础上,得出了经济区农村宅基地流转方式应采取规划优先、尊重农民意愿的多元化、资本化等结论。

    In the system analysis of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone Based on the area , rural residential land should be taken for the planning priority , the diversification of farmer desires and capital of the conclusion .

  24. 《关中一天水经济区发展规划》的出台,不仅为陕西经济的发展提供了难得的机遇,也赋予陕西在西部区域经济一体化发展中领头羊的历史使命。

    The plan has not only provided a rare opportunity for the development of Shaanxi province , but also given Shaanxi the historic mission , which is to be the leader in the development of western regional integration .

  25. 就区域合作这一主题而言,关中一天水经济区政府合作只是两省之间发展实力较为悬殊部分市区之间的合作,而非陕甘两省之间的全面合作。

    In terms of the theme of regional cooperation , cooperation between Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone only two provincial development strength is relatively poor part of the city between cooperation , rather than a comprehensive cooperation between the two provinces .

  26. 关中一天水经济区发展中政府合作具有不同于国内其他经济区发展中政府合作的特点,这些特点集中体现在整体落后、发展差距大且非全面合作三个方面。

    Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone Development in cooperation with the government is different from the government cooperation in the development of other domestic economic zone , these characteristics are embodied in the overall backward , the development gap and not full cooperation .

  27. 并指出在充分发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用的同时,加大政策支持力度,制定环保政策,做好规划组织实施,切实建设关中天水生态经济区。

    And noting that market allocation of resources into full play the fundamental role of the same time , greater policy support , development of environmental policy , good planning organization and implementation , and effectively building the Tianshui ecological zone .

  28. 西部大开发十年之际,《关中&天水经济区发展规划》出台,规划中把西安定位为国际化大都市,并加快推进西咸一体化建设。

    On the occasion of the Western Development Decade , the Guanzhong Tianshui Economic Zone Development Plan was introduced , locating Xi ' an as the international city , claiming that it is necessary to accelerate the integration of Xi ' an and Xianyang .

  29. 要实现《规划》确立的目标,区域旅游合作是关中&天水经济区的必然选择,合作实践需要有效的发展模式和机制来提升区域旅游竞争力、实现可持续发展。

    To achieve the goals established by the Plan , regional tourism cooperation is the most appropriate choice of the Guanzhong & Tianshui Economic Zone . The cooperation practice in the region requires effective development models and mechanisms to enhance regional tourism competitiveness and achieve sustainable development .

  30. 2009年《关中&天水经济区发展规划》创新的提出了建设西安国际化大都市的发展目标,使西安成为了继北京、上海之后,站在国家战略层面上提出的第三个国际化大都市。

    2009 《 GuanzZhong-TianShui Economic Zone Development Plan 》 puts forward the innovative construction of Xi ' an Development Goals of the international metropolis , standing in the national strategic level , which makes Xi ' an become the third big international city after Beijing and Shanghai .