- 名customs union ;tariff union;tariff alliance

Car exporters fear for their futures outside the EU 's single market and customs union .
Mr Hague suggests an offer by the European Union of a free trade area and , eventually , a customs union .
In the situation of zollverein , the basic principles of impost reformation are the same .
On the purpose of the GATT XXIV and its legal consequences , it is clear that the political purpose is beyond the economic logics .
The Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) was the first common policy of European Economic Community , which was the predecessor of European Union . The CAP and the Customs Union have been regarded as the two pillars of European economic integration .
Brazil favours instead an expansion from the Mercosur customs union , which it dominates .
Process of the enabling clause appear , the developing countries challenge GATT Article XXIV by the new development of economic theory based on the requirements to change the grip of formation customs union .
The dissertation is focused on the research on the legal issues of customs union under the multilateral trade system , and the formation rules of law on customs union from GATT to WTO , with the analysis on background and legal issues .
Along with the trade globalization the world economy has entered into the FTA era , and many countries around the world hope to establish a free trade zone , Korea and China have also reached customs union relations .
It analyzes the International Division of Labor Theory , the Interdependence Theory , the Customs Union Theory and the Free Trade Area Theory , the theory of customs union is the basis of analyzing the economic effects of CAFTA .
The regional economies integration theory may explain the reason why the CAFTA could emergence and development . The theory mainly includes the Customs union theory , the free-trade area theory , theory of leading market , and the agreement division of labor theory .
As one typical representative of numerous regional economic integration organizations in Africa , trade volume between the Southern African Customs Union ( SACU ) and China has been growing .
There are three clauses relating closely to customs union , such as GATT Article XXIV , the enabling clause and the GATS Article V. During the processes of these clauses forming , the relation between economic theory and law of multilateral trade is shown scenery from conflicting to coordinating .
The theoretical bases are Interdependence Theory and Customs Union Theory .
A customs union comprising Belgium and Netherlands and luxembourg .
On a " New " Type of Customs Union : Hybrid Customs Union
On the Functions of the German Customs Union in the Industrialization of Germany
The Development Progress of Customs Unions Theory and The Analysis of the Welfare Effect
The formation of a customs union is one of those trade policy changes .
The Impact of the Economic Integration in West Europe on the Theories of Custom Union
Review of Customs Unions and Free-Trade Areas
Like a customs union , free trade agreements are also legal under GATT rules .
Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen
China should take advantage of the multila-teral rules to develop the trading relations with customs unions .
The European Union ( EU ) is the world 's largest trading unit known as a customs union .
Russia has tried to use the gas issue to persuade Ukraine to join a customs union and common market .
The styles of international tax harmony are tax treaty , tax declaration , and custom union and so on .
Chapter I , the first part of the dissertation , is focused on the basic theories on customs union .
A third question points to the role of Europe beyond the achievement of a sort of glorified customs union .
In this chapter we focus on trade integration in the form of either a customs union or a free trade area .