
guān shuì jí mào yì zǒng xié dìng
  • General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
关税及贸易总协定[guān shuì jí mào yì zǒng xié dìng]
  1. TRIMs是关税及贸易总协定乌拉圭回合谈判达成的一项协议,我国在复关和加入WTO后必须遵守它。

    TRIMs are agreements reached by GATT at the Uruguay Round Talks . After GATT reentry and joining WTO , China will have to conform to this agreement set out in TRIMs .

  2. 关税及贸易总协定(总协定)缔约方

    Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

  3. 关税及贸易总协定第五号更正议定书

    Fifth Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

  4. 其前身是关税及贸易总协定,或称关贸。

    It developed out of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT .

  5. 关贸总协定是临时的。国际贸易组织临时委员会/关税及贸易总协定

    Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization / General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

  6. 作为回报,华盛顿支持中国加入关税及贸易总协定。

    In return , Washington would support china 's membership in the general agreement on Tariffs and trade .

  7. 各国政府用许多方式来补贴出口,尽管它们是暗中进行的,以逃避关税及贸易总协定的指控。

    Governments subsidize exports in many ways , even though they do so quietly to escape indictment under GATT .

  8. 在《关税及贸易总协定》及其它多边、双边合作项目原则下规定各自之权利义务;

    BUILD on their respective rights and obligations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of cooperation ;

  9. 北美自由贸易协定的支持者辩称,这项协定若能实现,丝毫不会与关税及贸易总协定相抵触。

    Proponents of the North American pact ( NAFTA ) argue that nothing in the agreement will contravene the GATT accord , if it is ever reached .

  10. 继关税及贸易总协定七个回合主要关于降低税价的贸易协定之后,税收所起的保护作用日趋下降。

    After seven " Rounds " of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade trade negotiations that focused heavily on tariff reductions , tariffs are less important measures of protection than they used to be .

  11. 如果世界贸易体系有一部完整法典的话,这部法典的内容就体现在《关税及贸易总协定》及其继承者&世界贸易组织的条文中。

    If the world trade system has a constitution , it is embodied in the articles of the General Agreement on tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) and now its successor organization , the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) .

  12. 为了承担入世的义务,中国在经济政策、行政机构改革和法制体系方面进行了大规模的调整,清理了与关税及贸易总协定和世界贸易组织所不相适应的地方规章和制度。

    In order to undertake WTO duties , China undertook a large scale policy adjustment in the field of economy , administrative institution and legal system , and cleaned up the local rules and regulations which do not adapted with GATT and WTO rules .

  13. 由世贸组织和其前身关税及贸易总协定的前总裁彼得?萨瑟兰和哥伦比亚大学贸易经济学家贾迪什?巴格瓦蒂带头的专家们将于1月28日发布一份报告。

    Led by Peter Sutherland , a combative former director-general of the World Trade Organisation and its predecessor body , GATT , and by a trade economist at Columbia University , Jagdish Bhagwati , the experts were due to issue a report on January 28th .