- concurrent

The3 altitudes of a triangle are concurrent .
The Ceva 's theorem concerning the concurrent problem of three lines in a triangle is extended to that of ( n + 1 ) ( n-1 ) - dimensional hyperplanes of simplex in the n-dimensional Euclidean E ~ n.
In the calculation of fixed end moments , joints B and C are temporarily locked .
Robinson 's method , only those of the first kind work .
The geometric characteristics of 2D symmetric objects ' in perspective images are lucubrated . The cross ratio of four lines is applied to describe feature points on object silhouette .
In the paper , we investigate the rank-1 ambiguity problem involved in the polarization-angular coherence structure ( PACS ) of a two-dimensional co-localized vector antenna whose elements are orthogonally oriented .
By Desargues proposition and Desargues converse proposition , we can prove the problem of three point sharing one line and three line sharing one point ;
Ordinary Ways of Proving the Idea Three Lines Share One point
A research into the semi-norms on a finite-dimensional vector space ;
Traditional calibration technology mostly uses these properties in projective transformation .
Common mark of equi-distance scale and double scale in bar
Relation between the choice of a Factory Location and the Copolar Force System
The graphic solutions to concurrent noncoplanar vectors descriptive geometry
Directing Effect of Projective Geometry on the Problems of Cointersection Lines and Collinear Points
Each vector hydrophone is composed of one velocity hydrophone plus another co-located pressure hydrophone .
Conditions of the Chordal Circles Sharing the Common Point on the Three Sides of a Triangle
Concurrent Relations aud Non-standard Models
Considering the feature of area-contact interaction , our haptic proxies are constructed by sampling the contact areas .
The second catalog is constraints among geometric elements , which include common control point constraint , coplanarity constraint and symmetry constraint .
In this paper , we mainly dicuss the traditional camera calibration technology and present a simple camera calibration method with intersecting lines on a plane .
This paper discusses the relations between concurrent lines theorem and collinear points theorem of the projection geometry , and obtains their duality relation and equivalence relation .
This paper intends to illustrate the important role of the proof of concurent line or collinear point in higher geometry through ten solutions to one question .
The acoustic vector hydrophone is a new type sensor , which can simultaneously measure the pressure and particle velocity of the same point in acoustic field .
In experiments , we handle the calibration objects images with a pre-processing technology , adjusting pixels to let them meet points colinearity and curves intersection in original space .
This article makes a study on the problem of concurrent lines in polygon through the way of higher geometry and analytic geometry and reaches brief proof and more general conclusions .
The contributions are listed as follows : Firstly , a fast and robust person localization algorithm in multi-camera environment is proposed by utilizing the geometrical concurrent constraints regarding perpendicular lines in multi-camera environment .
In this paper , we give a new theorem on Newton lines of a complete quadrilateral , and use it to prove direct a type of proposition of common point and common line in the projective geometry .
This paper presents a parametric method for 3D garment design . Based on the features of the human body and garment , we present a concept of garment geometric elements , with the spline curve as its basic element .
Through the use of the multivalued directed angle and its related notions , It is given the sufficient and necessary conditions when the three chordal circles based on the three sides of a triangle as their chords share the same point .
The Grove Mountains ( GRV ) 021788 meteorite from Antarctica consists of olivine , pyroxene , and a few carbonaceous matrices and opaque minerals . It has petrography and mineralogy of typical ureilites , such as triple junctions and Mg-rich reduction rims of olivines .