
  • 网络Shared Memory;share memory;shm;MMAP
  1. 一个基于共享内存的企业级Web服务事务处理模型研究

    Research of a Transaction Model Based on Shared Memory Enterprise-Level Web Services

  2. 定义静态成员msArena和重载操作new()是为了可以在共享内存中构造对象。

    The static member m_sArena and overloaded operator new () are there to enable the construction of objects in shared memory .

  3. 总体数据库共享内存(由databasememory配置参数控制)

    Total database shared memory ( controlled by the database_memory configuration parameter )

  4. instancememory参数只是设置了实例共享内存的限制。

    The instance_memory parameter only sets the limit for the instance shared memory .

  5. 第三个参数readwrite是共享内存对象的访问指示符。

    The third argument read_write is the access specifier of the shared memory object .

  6. 在共享内存系统中,HighPerformanceFORTRAN是一种非常适合并行编程的语言。

    On shared memory systems , High Performance FORTRAN is a language suited for parallel programming .

  7. Linux下系统V共享内存的保存与恢复

    Store / Restore of System V 's Shared Memory in Linux

  8. 用自行研制的一台使用4片TMS320C40,且利用共享内存作为主要通讯手段的数字信号高速并行处理机实现了MUSIC算法的高速并行计算。

    This paper has realized a parallel algorithm of MUSIC on a digital signal parallel processing machine .

  9. 只从共享内存读取数据的进程使用readonly指示符。

    A process that only reads from this shared memory uses the read_only specifier for access .

  10. 因为这个进程要修改共享内存对象的内容,所以使用readwrite。

    Because this process modifies the contents of the shared memory object , you use read_write .

  11. 每个DB2实例都有一个实例共享内存。

    There is one instance shared memory set per DB2 instance .

  12. 对于希望访问已经创建的共享内存的进程,第一个参数应该是openonly。

    For a process that wants to have access to an already-created shared memory , the first argument should be open_only .

  13. DB2需要一个连续的地址空间来作为共享内存区域。

    DB2 needs a contiguous address space for the shared memory area .

  14. 在Linux系统上手工查看共享内存转储

    Viewing the shared memory dump manually on Linux

  15. 用文件映射实现了USER和NETWORK两进程之间的共享内存,并对其函数和函数的参数进行了解释。

    In this paper the communication between users and network processes by means of file mapping is realized and the function and its parameters are explained .

  16. 当停止DB2时,就会释放DB2所使用的共享内存。

    When you stop DB2 , it will free up shared memory used by DB2 .

  17. 这个文件包含系统宽度限制,这系统宽度限制是系统V共享内存的页码总数。

    This file contains the system-wide limit on the total number of pages of System Vshared memory .

  18. 增加MacOSX的共享内存

    Increase Mac OS X 's shared memory

  19. 例如,locklist是属于数据库共享内存集的一个内存池。

    For example , the lock list is a memory pool that belongs to the database shared memory set .

  20. 基于PCI总线的共享内存底板网络

    Shared - memory Backplane Network Based on PCI Bus

  21. 第二个参数Hello是共享内存区域的名称。

    The second argument Hello is the name of the share memory region .

  22. 共享内存多机UNIX系统中的临界资源管理

    The Management of Critical Resource in UNIX System on Multiprocessors With Shared Memory

  23. 使用mappedregion的另一个好处是可以对共享内存对象进行完全和部分访问。

    Another benefit of using mapped_region is that both full and partial access to the shared memory object is possible .

  24. 段B(紫色)被分配给应用程序组共享内存,因为数据库支持intraparallel。

    Segment B ( purple ) is allocated to application group shared memory , because the database is intra_parallel enabled .

  25. 基于共享内存的数据交换技术及其在ATE测控程序开发中的应用

    DDE technology based on shared memory and its application in development of ATE test program

  26. 基于ACE的共享内存的开发与研究

    Development and Research of Share Memory Based on ACE

  27. 对于使用共享内存的每个进程,vadump(和TaskManager)把共享内存都计算在GrandTotalWorkingSet之内。

    Vadump ( and Task Manager ) count shared memory in the Grand Total Working Set for every process that uses it .

  28. 与共享内存对象相似,对于以只读方式打开消息队列,应该把openonly属性传递给构造函数。

    Similar to the case for a shared memory object , a message queue that is opened only for reading will have the open_only attribute passed in the constructor .

  29. 要打开一个共享内存文件,需要使用通用格式fd=open(fileName,mode)。

    To open a shared memory file , use the general form fd = open ( fileName , mode ) .

  30. 文件,共享内存,或TCP管道都可以作为程序(节点)之间通信用的通道。

    The communication channels between programs ( vertices ) are represented by files , shared memory , or TCP pipes .