
ɡònɡ zhèn xiào yīnɡ
  • resonance effect
  1. 本文对遥测NQR谱中的偏离共振效应作了较详细地研究,发现~(14)N谱线的强度随偏离共振效应而变化。

    Off - resonance effect in 14N remote NQR was studied in detail .

  2. 分子振动光谱中费米共振效应的理论研究

    Theoretical investigation on the fermi resonance effect in molecular vibronic spectra

  3. ~(59)Co核磁共振效应的观测

    Measurement of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of ~ ( 59 ) Coin Ferromagnets

  4. 最后讨论了超Raman散射中的共振效应。

    Finally , the resonance hyper-Raman scattering is also discussed .

  5. 对SPIRAL的梯度场波形、k空间分布以及网格重建算法进行了描述。讨论了偏共振效应对SPIRAL点传播函数的影响,以及在对该效应进行校正时积分面积大小的影响。

    The factors , such as the off-resonance effect and gradient shape , which affect the quality of the SPIRAL imaging were discussed .

  6. CdSe量子点拉曼谱的共振效应研究

    Effect of Resonance on the Raman Spectrum of CdSe Quantum Dots

  7. 根据地球自由核章动在周日重力潮汐观测中的共振效应确定了自由核章动的复本征周期和品质因子Q值,研究了极移重力效应;

    The complex eigen period period and Q value of the FCN are evaluated based on the resonance observed in the diurnal tidal gravity , the gravity change due to the polar motion is also studied .

  8. 分析表明,在紫外区获得的铑的SERS信号主要源自于有着特定形貌的铑纳米粒子所引起的避雷针效应及微弱的表面等离子体共振效应的共同作用。

    The mechanisms of SERS for rhodium electrode in the ultraviolet region are mainly attributed to the lightning rod effect together with the weak surface plasmon resonance .

  9. 由于梯度回波对磁场不均匀性比较敏感,因此在构建三维SWI相位模板时,某些局部磁场严重不均匀的区域会因为非共振效应而产生伪影。

    Artifact can arise during the construction of the 3D phase mask in regions with severe field inhomogeneity due to the off-resonance effect .

  10. 利用表面等离子体波共振效应(SPRE)对角度与共振波长关系的研究

    The study on the relationship between the angle and the resonant wavelength by using the SPRE

  11. 这种效应由波导耦合和类F-P腔共振效应产生,其取决于金属箔厚度与入射波长之间的关系。

    According to the relation between the thickness of metal foil and the wavelength of incident radiation , this effect is interpreted by the waveguide coupling theory and resonant Fabry-Perot-like cavity theory .

  12. 表面等离子体波共振效应(SPR)对液体折射率变化非常敏感,而温度变化又会导致液体折射率和金膜复介电常数的改变。

    Surface plasmon wave resonance ( SPR ) phenomenon is quite sensitive to the change of liquid refractive index , and the liquid temperature change will lead to the change of liquid refractive index and complex dielectric .

  13. 结论表明:HPM孔缝耦合存在共振效应、增强效应与极化特性;在孔洞面积相同的条件下,正方形或圆形孔隙的耦合能量小于矩形孔隙。

    The results show that the resonant effect , enhancement effect and the polarized property of electric field will appear during the HPM pulse into cavity , and that the coupling energy of square or circular slot is less than that of rectangular slot .

  14. 变换溶剂法研究费米共振效应

    Study of Fermi Resonance by the Method of Solvent Variation

  15. 企业技术创新中的战略共振效应及实证研究

    Study on Strategic Resonance Effect & empirical implementation in enterprise technological innovation

  16. 而且预言了越窄共振效应的新结果。

    The new results for the supernarrow resonant effects are also predicted .

  17. 同位素铷原子的超精细法拉第共振效应研究

    Study of Faraday Resonant Effect of A Natural Mixture of Two Rubidium Isotopes

  18. 强震振动的共振效应与昆明市高层建筑震害

    Resonance effect of MACROSEISMIC vibration and hazard of high buildings in Kunming City

  19. 目的:研究听觉的随机共振效应。

    Objective : To study the effect of stochastic resonance on hearing sensitivity .

  20. 由于拉曼的共振效应,在冷冻过程中与氧化态链段相关的谱带得到了增强。

    This led the enhancements of the Raman bands related to the oxidized species .

  21. 均匀白噪声比高斯白噪声有更强的共振效应。

    Compared with Gaussian noise , the even white noise has stronger SR behavior .

  22. 文章最后在前述分析的基础上,给出了基于共振效应的投资政策及策略建议,并对以后的工作做了展望。

    Finally it present the investment policy and strategy recommendations based on resonance effects .

  23. 不同剂量He&Ne激光对酵母细胞生长的非热共振效应

    Athermal resonance effect of different doses of He-Ne laser radiation on the growth of yeast cells

  24. 非线性波-粒共振效应

    Nonlinear wave particle resonant effect

  25. 这个机制目前还不清楚,但似乎包括电磁、引力和其他共振效应。

    The mechanism is unclear , but appears to include electromagnetic , gravitational , and other resonance effects .

  26. 考虑避免共振效应的措施。

    Avoiding resonance effect .

  27. 采用溶胶凝胶金属氧化物半导体薄膜,作为表面等离子体激元共振效应的光化学传感器的传感介质。

    The metal oxide semiconductor films have been used as sensing medium in the opto chemical sensor based on surface plasmon resonance .

  28. 研究发现,表面等离子体波共振效应光谱特征的折射率灵敏度会随着液体性质变化而发生改变。

    It is found that the variety of liquid characteristics will lead to the change of refractive index sensitivity of SPR spectrum .

  29. 自从导模共振效应被提出以来,导模共振滤波器受到了广泛的关注并得到了大量的研究。

    Since the guided-mode resonance effects have been proposed , the guided-mode resonance filters attained a lot of attention and got research widely .

  30. 通过定义耦合系数,还可实现对表面等离子体波共振效应效应强弱和变化趋势的评估。

    In addition , the coupling coefficient , which can be used to estimate intensity and change trend of SPR effect , is researched .