
Lán kǎ sī tè dà xué
  • Lancaster University
  1. 兰卡斯特大学管理学院(LancasterUniversityManagementSchool)的商业心理学教授卡里库珀(CaryCooper)表示,一名优秀的主持人还应善于化解冲突。

    Cary Cooper , professor of business psychology at Lancaster University School of management , says a good chair will also be adept at conflict resolution .

  2. 这个科研项目由政府出资,其执行人是英国兰卡斯特大学的教授AnetaStefanovska和PeterMcClintock,

    The research has been conducted by Aneta Stefanovska and Peter McClintock , physics professors from Lancaster University and is funded by government grants .

  3. 懂得在恰当的时候逗一逗乐子,能让人们知道你很坦诚、可爱,不是什么像机器人一样的技术专家,兰卡斯特大学(LancasterUniversity)的组织心理学教授卡里库珀(CaryCooper)表示。

    Knowing when to be funny shows people that you are open , likeable and not some robotic technocrat , says Cary Cooper , professor of organisational psychology at Lancaster University .

  4. 苏考克斯(suecox)过去9年一直担任英国兰卡斯特大学(universityoflancaster)校长,她认为,正是由于更多女性在教职岗位上表现出色,才使得女性出任院长成为必然趋势。

    Sue Cox , Dean at the University of Lancaster in the UK for the past nine years , believes that there are more women in strong faculty roles , making the appointment of women deans inevitable .

  5. 兰卡斯特大学管理学院(LancasterUniversityManagementSchool)经济学教授罗布o西蒙斯认为,由于市场上买家数量有限(32只球队)而且设有薪水上限,许多NFL球员的工资可能偏低。

    With a limited number of buyers in the market ( one 32-team league ) and a salary cap in place , many NFL players are likely underpaid , according to Rob Simmons , a professor of economics at the Lancaster University Management School .

  6. 最近一份英国劳动力调查(LabourForceSurvey)显示,有将近1000万人有时或一直远程工作,另外,兰卡斯特大学(LancasterUniversity)2016年2月的一项研究发现,大约半数雇主计划在2017年年底前采用灵活或弹性工作制。

    According to a recent UK Labour Force Survey , nearly 10m people work remotely some or all of the time , and a study in February 2016 by Lancaster University found that about half of all employers planned to adopt agile or flexible working by 2017 .

  7. “上个夏天它仍然是伦敦俱乐部药物之一,”兰卡斯特大学的FionaMeasham说。

    It was still the club drug of choice in London last summer , says Fiona Measham , of the University of Lancaster .

  8. 给钱给到手抽筋兰卡斯特大学管理学院(LancasterUniversityManagementSchool)经济学教授罗布o西蒙斯认为,由于市场上买家数量有限(32只球队)而且设有薪水上限,许多NFL球员的工资可能偏低。

    It pays until it hurts With a limited number of buyers in the market ( one 32-team league ) and a salary cap in place , many NFL players are likely underpaid , according to Rob Simmons , a professor of economics at the Lancaster University Management School .

  9. 我目前在兰卡斯特大学学习体育新闻学。

    I am currently studying Education Management at Birmingham University .

  10. 我刚到兰卡斯特大学时,是学校里唯一的女教授。

    When I came to Lancaster I was the only female professor in the school .

  11. 兰卡斯特大学是英国领先世界的科研大学。

    The University of Leicester is a leading UK university committed to international excellence in research .

  12. 牛津和剑桥两座学府高居榜首,花费的钱几乎是曼切斯特和兰卡斯特大学的两倍之多。

    Oxford and Cambridge take the top spots , spending more than double the amount of Manchester and Lancaster .

  13. 英国兰卡斯特大学的一些学生计划于本月晚些时候,举办他们一年一度的越狱比赛。

    Some students from Lancaster University in the UK are going to have their annual Jailbreak Competition later this month .

  14. 兰卡斯特大学校长马克·史密斯教授谈到了中国与这所大学的渊源。

    Professor Mark Smith , the vice-chancellor of Lancaster University , spoke about the links between China and the university .

  15. 研究院建在兰卡斯特大学,兰卡斯特大学是最早与中国高校建立学术交流合作的英国大学之一。

    The consortium builds on Lancaster University 's position as one of the first British universities to academic cooperation with China .

  16. 英国兰卡斯特大学的研究人员表示,这件有趣的设备的灵感来自于1982年的经典科幻电影《银翼杀手》。

    Researchers at the University of Lancaster were inspired to make the device by a gadget featured in the 1982 sci-fi fantasy film ' Blade Runner ' .

  17. 兰卡斯特大学、耶夫勒大学和中央兰开夏大学的心理学家表示,他们的发现表明音乐实际上阻碍了创造力。

    Psychologists from Lancaster University , The University of G ä vle , and The University of Central Lancashire say that their findings indicate music actually stymies creativity .

  18. 调查报告的作者、兰卡斯特大学的迈克尔•赫米教授认为,电脑和手机等电子设备已经充斥了当今社会生活的方方面面,在这种环境中长大的年轻人可以称得上是“数码一代”。

    Its author , Professor Michael Hulme of Lancaster University , names this age group " digital natives " as they have grown up in an environment rich with computer and mobile technology .

  19. 利用2014年英国国家口语语料库,兰卡斯特大学和剑桥大学出版社的研究团队最终将能向我们揭示英式口语的发展演变。

    Using the ' Spoken British National Corpus 2014 ' , the team at Lancaster University and Cambridge University Press will be able to shed light on the way our spoken language changes over time .

  20. 兰卡斯特大学的心理学教授卡里库珀说:老板们都想雇到聪明的员工,这一点儿也不奇怪。但聪明的人都戴着眼镜这种刻板印象仍然存在。

    Psychology professor Cary Cooper , from Lancaster University , said : ' It is not surprising that businesses want to employ intelligent staff but the idea that intelligent people wear glasses is an old stereotype that has not gone away . '