- 名Lansing

For NPR News I 'm Rick Pluta in Lansing , Michigan .
Valuable results are obtained in this paper through the analysis of Lansing woods data with the application of J function and Jij function .
Ann Arbor , Battle Creek , Flint and Lansing all saw smaller drops .
According to NAFSA , the population pumps $ 213 million into the East Lansing economy .
At least 3 schools around the state were closed , because teachers went to Lansing to be part of this .
Even though he lives in Dayton , Ohio , and me in Lansing , Michigan , we are still together .
Especially the Lansing – Ishii Agreement , signed by the two parties , was a typical case which showed the compromise of America to Japan .
Rescue efforts were underway Thursday morning for 17 miners who were stuck in an elevator below ground at a Cargill rock salt mine near Lansing , New York ,
In all , the college has four hundred thirty-three foreign students in East Lansing . It also has eleven students at a in Dubai , in the United Arab Emirates .
The United States did a deal with Japan trading China as a bargaining chip , once again sold out China to realize a temporary compromise between the United States and Japan .
From the outbreak of World War I to Lansing in November 1917 - signed Ishii Agreement , the United Kingdom are the Far East during this period the first phase of the evolution strategy .
President Wilson and Secretary of State Lansing considered more Japanese and American forces in East Asia , and thought the United States could not be around by the enemy in the west and east , against that China took part in the war .
A doctored interview and a wrongful termination suit sway ACN director Charlie Skinner , anchor Will McAvoy , and executive producer MacKenzie McHale to resign -- they feel they 've lost the public 's trust -- but Leona refuses to accept their white flags .