
ɡōnɡ jué fū rén
  • duchess
  1. “不是真的,”公爵夫人插话道。

    ' Not true , ' the Duchess cut in .

  2. 公爵夫人应被称为“大人”。

    The Duchess should be addressed as Your Grace .

  3. 虽然地位显赫,但是公爵夫人并不会得到优待。

    Despite her status , the Duchess will not be given preferential treatment .

  4. 第二天晚上公爵夫人又在会客。

    The following evening the duchess was again receiving guests

  5. 英格丽德和公爵夫人握了握手并行了屈膝礼。

    Ingrid shook the Duchess 's hand and curtsied .

  6. 肯特公爵夫人殿下最近为一个艺术展览揭幕。

    Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent opened an art exhibition recently .

  7. 公爵夫人估计会现身参加仪式。

    The duchess is expected to come out of hiding to attend the ceremony .

  8. 公爵夫人冷漠地看着。

    The Duchess 's glare was glacial

  9. 公爵夫人在大批随从人马的簇拥下到达了。

    The duchess arrived , surrounded by her retinue of servants .

  10. “公爵夫人效应”指英国王妃凯特•米德尔顿的时尚穿衣品味对经济产生的积极影响,该说法来源于凯特的新头衔“剑桥公爵夫人”。

    The Duchess Effect – The positive economic impact of Kate Middleton ’ s fashion choices , derived from her new title , ‘ the Duchess of Cambridge ’ .

  11. 当凯特王妃(剑桥公爵夫人)和其他王室成员一起在桑德林汉姆庄园参加圣诞节礼拜活动时,她穿着一件既暖和又漂亮而且还……过时得一塌糊涂的大衣。

    When the Duchess of Cambridge joined the Royal Family for the Christmas Day service at Sandringham , she wore a coat that was warm , stylish … and thoroughly1 out of date .

  12. “公爵夫人效应”似乎还不仅仅限于凯特的穿衣品味对经济的影响,整个时尚圈都在其影响下变得更加明快,比我们过去所知的时尚圈多了更多色彩、更加女性化,也更加优雅。

    The Duchess Effect appears to extend much further than the economic impact of Kate 's fashion choices ; this year the fashion landscape seems to be a brighter , more accessible place with the styles more colorful , feminine and graceful than we 've observed in many years .

  13. 为纪念英国版《Vogue杂志》创建一百周年,剑桥公爵夫人(凯特王妃)将登上其封面。

    The Duchess of Cambridge will feature on the cover of British Vogue to mark the magazine 's centenary .

  14. 这是康沃尔公爵夫人嫁给威尔士亲王(威廉王子的父亲)时穿着的一件由RobinsonValentineS设计的漂亮的礼服。

    The Duchess of Cornwall married the Prince of Wales wearing a beautiful outfit by Robinson Valentine in2005 .

  15. 2008年“公爵夫人”中的Georgiana

    Georgiana in " The Duchess " ( 2008 )

  16. 这项任务堪比电影《窈窕淑女》(MyFairLady)中亨利?希金斯(HenryHiggins)教授所做的事情,他试图让言语粗俗的卖花姑娘伊丽莎?杜利特尔(ElizaDoolittle)冒充公爵夫人。

    It is a task worthy of Professor Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady , who sought to pass off foul-mouthed flower girl Eliza Doolittle as a duchess .

  17. 威廉王子的妻子凯特目前的正式头衔为剑桥公爵夫人,她最近蝉联时尚热词榜桂冠,而造型夸张的流行歌手LadyGaga却没能跻身榜单。

    The wife of Prince William , now formally known as the Duchess of Cambridge , topped a fashion buzzword list for a second year running while outrageous pop star Lady Gaga disappeared from sight .

  18. AlexanderMcQueen的SarahBurton设计的剑桥公爵夫人的婚纱是2011年最常被谈及的服装,所以,自然地,它应该获得一项设计奖提名。

    The Duchess of Cambridge 's wedding gown by Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen was the most talked-about dress of 2011 , so unsurprisingly , it should be nominated for a design award .

  19. 罗琴科夫自称发明了一种类固醇和酒的混合溶液——报告称,俄罗斯体育官员称其为“公爵夫人”(Duchess)鸡尾酒——并提供给了运动员。

    Rodchenkov said he created a mixture of steroids and liquor - known as " the Duchess " cocktail among Russian sports officials , according to the report - that was provided to athletes .

  20. 剑桥公爵夫人的母亲卡罗尔•米德尔顿(CaroleMiddleton)离开医院时说,新妈妈和宝宝的情况都非常好。

    As she left the hospital , the Duchess of Cambridge 's mother , Carole Middleton , said both new mother and baby were ' doing really well . '

  21. 《Hello》网站透露,公爵夫人很可能会与哈里王子在婚礼上度过她的生日。那天,哈里王子将作为他最亲密的朋友之一——查理·范·斯特劳本茨的伴郎。查理是和黛西·詹克斯结婚的

    According to Hello , the Duchess will likely spend her birthday at a wedding with Prince Harry , where he will serve as the best man to one of his closest friends , Charlie van Straubenzee , who will wed Daisy Jenks .

  22. 有消息称,甚至连剑桥公爵夫人(DuchessofCambridge)凯特•米德尔顿(KateMiddleton)的家人也被告知在他们公司网站上对奥运会信息做出轻微改动。这个网站销售派对用品。

    It emerged this week that even the family of Kate Middleton , Duchess of Cambridge , had been told to make minor changes to Olympic references on the website of their business , which sells party products .

  23. 他们离开医院前,小王子的祖父母和外祖父母周二下午前往看望,也就是威廉王子的父亲查尔斯王子(PrinceCharles)和妻子康沃尔公爵夫人(DuchessofCornwall),以及凯特王妃的父母。

    Their departure followed visits Tuesday afternoon by both sets of grandparents : Prince William 's father , Prince Charles , and his wife , the Duchess of Cornwall , as well as the parents of the former Kate Middleton .

  24. 例如,剑桥公爵夫人凯瑟琳(Catherine)穿了亚历山大·麦昆(AlexanderMcQueen),她在自己的婚礼上也穿了这个品牌,她的婚纱由另一位英国女性创意中坚莎拉·伯顿(SarahBurton)设计。

    Catherine , Duchess of Cambridge , for example , was wearing Alexander McQueen - the same brand she wore to her own wedding , and one designed by Sarah Burton , yet another female British creative force .

  25. 一位网友在Instagram上分享了她与公爵夫人对话视频,她问道:“你对梅根和她的即将出生的宝宝感到兴奋吗?”

    A member of the public who met the couple shared a video of her conversation with the Duchess on Instagram , asking : " Are you excited for Meghan and her new baby ? "

  26. 这位编辑在接受BBC新闻频道采访时表示:公爵夫人的照片和我们选用的其他名人照并无区别。他还表示刊登公爵夫人的照片是为了服务于我们的读者。

    The duchess would be no different to any other celeb pics we would get in . Speaking to the BBC News Channel , the editor added that he printed the photos of the Duchess as a service to our readers .

  27. 或者是剑桥公爵夫人戴的那种美利奴羊毛手套,或者是歌手蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的法式蕾丝长手套,或者是《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)里给玛丽小姐(LadyMary)的礼服添彩的长袖绸缎手套。

    Or the pure merino wool pair worn by the duchess of Cambridge , or the singer Rihanna 's long French lace ones , or even the opera-length satin sheaths that set off Lady Mary 's gowns in " Downton Abbey . "

  28. 这位新公爵夫人会负责以下4个机构,英国皇家大剧院,智慧工作慈善机构,英联邦大学协会还有Mayhew!

    The four charities the new princess will be working with arethe National Theatre , Smart Works Charity , the Association of Commonwealth Universities ( ACU ) , and Mayhew !

  29. 来自德克萨斯州的36岁的XochytlGreer四个月前接受了手术,为了摆脱腹部多余的脂肪,还做了一个鼻子整形手术,好让自己看起来像苏塞克斯公爵夫人。

    Xochytl Greer , 36 , from Texas , went under the knife four months ago to rid herself of excess fat on her stomach and have a nose job - in a bid to look like the Duchess of Sussex .

  30. 显然公爵夫人仍深受戴安娜王妃的影响。

    The Duchess clearly continues to be strongly influenced by Diana .