
ɡōnɡ wén zhǐ
  • paper for copying official documents
  1. 明朝的造纸技术集历代之大成,有了长足的发展,公文纸的种类也十分繁多。

    The technology of making paper in the Ming Dynasty , which was the culmination of the past dynasties , saw its considerable progress marked by the variety of paper for copying official documents .

  2. 南京临时政府档案中的公文纸式及程式变革述论

    On the Changes of Paper Form and Formula of Official Documents in Archives of Nanjing Provisional Government

  3. 她也曾像此刻一样,感慨地、默默地看着那张公文纸。

    And she had then as now gazed silently yet with great emotion at the official notice .

  4. 因此毛本的来源不能简单地指定某一本子,它是一个综合各本而又较多沿袭公文纸印本的一个新版本

    But the MAO edition also consulted other editions , so its origin can 't be defined simply , it is a new one by collection . To Build a Creditable Government Evenness of paper sheet

  5. 说过后,他大模大样地坐在桌子跟前,桌上还摆着烛台和写字用具,他从衣袋里抽出一张公文纸,开始写他的报告。

    That said , he seated himself with sovereign dignity before the table , where the candle and the writing-materials still remained , drew a stamped paper from his pocket , and began to prepare his report .

  6. 他打开铁盒,我看见一卷公文,虽然纸色发黄,但字迹还清楚可读。

    He opened it and I saw a bundle of papers , yellowed but still legible .

  7. 我被纸割伤很多次,不是被普通的纸割到,而是那些放在文件夹和公文袋里的纸;

    I have lots of paper cuts * not from regular paper , but ones that hurt from pockets and folders .