
  1. 其实,我们每天生活在小幸福之中,只是浑然不觉。

    We should have known that we are living in the subtle happiness surroundings every day .

  2. 简简单单而平平静静、这就是我想要的小幸福。

    Simple and calm , this is what I want happiness .

  3. 我仍旧为你守候,那些小幸福,我当真,你随意。

    I 'm still waiting for you , those small happiness , I take it seriously , you at will .

  4. 这是个好机会,去发现那些你曾经有过,却又失落遗忘的小幸福。

    This will be a great opportunity to rediscover all those lost or forgotten little joys that we have ( once ) enjoyed .

  5. 那时候,人们虽不富裕,但只要能够吃饱穿暖,就拥有了简单而美好的小幸福。

    Although people were not rich in that time , they were happy and satisfied as long as getting enough food and clothing .

  6. 每天都期待一点小幸福,去院子里喝喝咖啡,浏览一本自己喜欢的杂志,拜访自己喜欢的好友,享受自己喜欢的曲奇…..

    Have a small pleasure to look forward to every day : coffee out on the patio , going through a favorite magazine , visiting a beloved friend , baking cookies ...

  7. 他们同奶奶和小主人幸福快乐地生活在一起。

    They live happily with their grandma and little master .

  8. 非常小的幸福,也会经常放大回味。

    Very small happiness , will often amplification aftertaste .

  9. 只要有了你的收录,来流量了,小姑娘幸福,我更兴奋啊。

    Want those who had you to collect only , come discharge , girl happiness , I am gladder .

  10. 讲的学术点,因为一个稳固的婚姻带来的好处远远超过单身的小“幸福”。

    Because , academically speaking , a solid marriage has a host of benefits beyond just individual " happiness . " There are broader social and health implications as well .

  11. 在另两个变量一定的情况下,效用越大,幸福值越大;欲望越小,幸福值越大。

    Under the condition of the other two variables , and the utility , the greater the value , the greater the happiness ; The greater the value the smaller the desire happiness .

  12. 在经历了一切之后,她和她的丈夫JayZ以及他们的小女儿布露·艾薇幸福地生活在一起。

    Through all this she continues to have a very close , loving and stable relationship with her husband Jay Z and their young daughter Blue Ivy .

  13. 小时候,幸福是件很简单的事情;

    When I was young , happiness was simple ;

  14. 结束语部分提出对爱情负责就是对家庭负责,只有家庭这个小细胞和睦幸福,才会对和谐社会的构建起到添砖加瓦的作用。

    Concluding remarks on the part of the family is responsible for the love for this small cell only family harmony and happiness will be to build a harmonious society and contributing role .

  15. 我们每个“小家”都幸福美满。

    We each " small house " is all happy .

  16. 国际人道主义协会在网站上赞扬欧盟的举措,并用毛绒绒的小兔子表达了幸福感。

    The website of the Humane Society International hails the EU move with fluffy bunnies expressing their happiness .

  17. 如果您愿意教育小朋友为动物幸福奉献一份心力,请与我们联络,我们将会提供您有关资讯。

    If you would like to teach your class about animal welfare please contact us for resources and information .

  18. 有小甜饼也罢,没有小甜饼也罢,幸福与小甜饼并非息息相关,而是与生命的存在有关。

    Happiness does not have anything to do with the cookie ; it has to do with being alive .

  19. 有关女性、媒体研究以及旅行,当然,还有一些小腻歪牢骚。会介绍一些好吃好玩的东西,因为我的生活里都是这样的小幸福。

    About feminism , media study and travel , of course , there are some tiny whiny things , and other funny stuff too , since my life is fulfilled of these little happinesses .