- 名public domain

The main obstacle to utilizing public domain resources was identifying them .
In the end , the organization defined the size of the public domain .
Some trade secrets but in fact belong to the public domain technical knowledge .
Some currency designs are ineligible for copyright and are in the public domain .
If he did not renew the copyright , his work passed into the public domain .
Issues such as the protection of the public domain were interesting and could be examined .
But a new formula was then being used : the protection of the public domain .
Creative processes were fed by access to knowledge , which was in the public domain .
In the trade secrets protection , the public domain and the public interest must been considered .
They were not trying to put a fence around the public domain , but meant quite the opposite .
In fact , the threat to the public domain would come from a loss of intellectual property protection .
Many collage artists avoid the issue of copyright by using only source material that is in the public domain .
The requirement of renewal meant that works that no longer needed copyright protection would pass more quickly into the public domain .
This means either that the copyright has expired , or that the work was never properly copyrighted in the first place .
Intellectual property standards , especially patents and copyright , had negative effects or might have negative effects on the public domain .
In their view , pressure for harmonization of the term of copyright protection leads to the shrinking of the public domain .
Generally believed that the public domain is the community 's public wealth , the members of the community can use for freedom .
The delegation said that Brazil could not just accept those trends as a reality and not do something to defend the public domain .
Public domain is a very important concept in intellectual property law , especially should be worthy of more attention in the copyright law .
International instruments on copyright represented a balance that already took into account the value of the public domain and allowed countries to implement development considerations .
It said that it was not about putting a money value on the public domain , but highlighting its importance for society as a whole .
Based on the reality that public domain has been continuously undermined , the establishment of the public domain in copyright law is of great significance .
However , this proposition does not apply to intellectual property , which can be simultaneously used by many individuals without decreasing the stock of human knowledge .
Despite these issues , the meeting agreed to push forward with the framework and consider technologies already available in the public domain , while continuing discussions on IPR .
The representative noted that in addition to the ordinary consumers , creators themselves , were particularly dependent on access to a robust public domain for education and inspiration .
The delegation said that there was a very simple public domain definition and believed all agreed on it , especially as not everything was protected by intellectual property .
The term public domain was being used frequently and required some clarification , both as to its definition and with respect to the implications that its use carried .
In practice , People of trademark right usually realize that the exclusive right is an absolute private right , and prevent the public from fair use public knowledge .
It was fighting to keep early versions of its Mickey Mouse character from entering the public domain in 1998 , when its existing copyright was scheduled to expire .
Those were very interesting issues , but were complicated and so needed a cautious approach , because they were not even unanimous on the definition of public domain .