
  • 网络public discussion;public discourse;public deliberation
  1. 第六章,公共讨论的当代价值。

    The sixth chapter is the contemporary value of public discussion .

  2. 但是,这样做是有助于推动活跃的公共讨论,还是会煽动仇恨和助长冲突?

    But does it contribute to robust public discussion or , instead , foment hatred and promote conflict ?

  3. 建立新契约要求进行广泛的公共讨论,银行自身应在讨论中发挥带头作用。

    A new contract requires a wide public debate , one in which banks themselves should be leading participants .

  4. 本文运用批评性语篇分析的理论和方法对公共讨论中的话语秩序问题进行理论分析和实证研究。

    Applying the theories and methods of critical discourse analysis , the present thesis investigates the order of discourse in public discussion .

  5. 公共讨论是在阴影之下进行的,民意调查也只是一种歪曲的反映。

    Public discussion , such as it is , takes place in the shadows , and opinion polls offer only a distorted reflection .

  6. 在公共讨论的过程中,每一个公民都随时准备按照其他同样作为自由和平等的公民可以合理地认可的观点来解释自己的政治行动。

    In public political discussion , then , citizens should be ready to explain the basis of their actions to one another in terms each could reasonably expect that others might endorse as consistent with their freedom and equality .

  7. 罗尔斯认为,在这种情况之下一种合适的公共讨论方式是每一个公民在可以合理地期待其他公民也能够认可的政治正义观念的基础之上展开对基本政治问题的争论。

    Hence Rawls proposed a mode of public political discourse in which citizens conduct their fundamental discussions within the framework of what each regards as a political conception of justice based on values that the others can reasonably be expected to endorse .

  8. 如果我们不能围绕机器人和人工智能对未来意味着什么展开有意义的公共讨论,并找到让我们的经济和社会适应的可行方法,那么更严重更可怕的动荡必定会很快到来。

    If we fail to have a meaningful public conversation about what robotics and artificial intelligence mean for the future , and develop workable ways in which to adapt our economy and society , then far greater , and more frightening , volatility is sure to soon arrive .

  9. 本章在公共讨论作为公共舆论形成和公共事务管理的重要前提,以及作为公民政治权利行使的重要方式的基础上对公共讨论的当代价值作了一个简要的论述。

    This chapter makes an important prerequisite for The formation of public opinion and the management of public affairs , as well as an important way to the exercise of civil and political rights on the basis of the contemporary value of public discussion made a brief exposition .

  10. 他认为年轻男性可能更愿意在公共场合讨论体重,但问题是,如果他们这样做,Briscoe说,它仍被认为可以接受他们被嘲笑,以一种你从未那样对待女性的方式。

    He thinks there might be more willingness among younger men to discuss weight in public – but the problem is , if they do , says Briscoe , it 's still considered acceptable to take the piss out of them , in a way you never would with women .

  11. 但麦克伊萨克表示,中小型企业不具备参与公共政策讨论的能力。

    But smaller companies , says Ms McIsaac , don 't have the capacity to engage in public policy discussions .

  12. 在参与公共文化讨论时必须立足于专业立场,并以此为基础承担其公共责任。

    When participating public cultural discussion , educational researchers should take a professional position so as to take his public responsibility .

  13. 而这一切都发生在一个将避孕视为重罪的州里,公共场合讨论都可能入狱,真是个难以形容的讽刺。

    And to have this going on in a state where to even talk about birth control publicly was a felony * you know , it 's such marvelous irony .

  14. 反之,当微博客转发数和评论数增大时,信息量随之增大,这反映出公民参与公共事务讨论的积极性。

    Conversely , when the micro-blog forwarded number and the number of reviews increases , the amount of information increases , this reflects the citizens to participate in public affairs to discuss the positive .

  15. 转型期的当代中国,社会民生网络论坛中,活跃着一群通过频繁发帖积极参与社会公共事务讨论的网民。

    Contemporary China is being in the social transition period . In livelihood BBS , there are a group of activists who actively participate in the discussion of the social public affairs through frequent posting .

  16. Twitter和Facebook等社交媒体实际上压制了观点的多样性,而且抑制了人们对公共事务的讨论。

    Social media , like Twitter and Facebook , has the effect of tamping down diversity of opinion and stifling debate about public affairs .

  17. 1994年,一篇发表在PC电脑杂志上的文章说一个条例草案将在国会通过,那就是酒后禁止使用互联网,或在公共网络上讨论性的问题。

    A1994 article in PC Computing magazine described a bill going through Congress that would make it illegal to use the Internet while drunk , or to discuss sexual matters over a public network .

  18. 现在人们在公共场合会讨论曾经被认为是很私密的话题。

    Now people are talking about what was considered private in public .

  19. 其三是公共领域应该讨论什么样的话题。

    The third is what should be discussed in the public sphere .

  20. 公共图书馆精神讨论的时代意义和面临的困局

    On Value about the Discussions of the Spirit of Public Library and its Problem

  21. 所有公共领域的讨论都具有过激性和非理性,但没有一个像外交政策这样。

    All zones of public discourse have their excesses and irrationalities , but none like foreign policy .

  22. 在“快速启动”栏上,单击要指定默认公共视图的讨论板的名称。

    On the quick launch , click the name of the discussion board where you want to specify the default public view .

  23. 在公共教育大讨论日益呈现两极化的大背景下,美国学生的表现掀起了另一轮熟悉的反应:焦虑、指责和邀功。

    In the midst of increasingly polarized discussions about public education , the scores set off a familiar round of hand-wringing , blaming and credit-taking .

  24. 在教育领域内,公共问题的讨论是通过该领域内所有成员的教育话语表达出来的。

    In the field of education , all the discussions about the public topics are expressed by the educational discourse of the members who are all in the field of education .

  25. 所有的自由平等的公民在公共政治论坛讨论问题时,都会根据互惠性的准则,按照公共理性行事,履行他们的义务。

    All free and equal citizens in the public political forum to discuss issues , based on the reciprocal criteria , in accordance with the public reason to act to fulfill their obligations .

  26. 其特点是媒体和记者在报道新闻的同时,还要组织公民参与公共事务的讨论,寻求解决公共问题的办法。

    It is characterized by the media and the reporters should not only focus on the news reporting but on organizing the citizens in the discussion about public affairs and on seeking the solution to these matters .

  27. 通过回顾学术界对公共财政的讨论,得出公共财政是建立在市场失灵基础上的,以实现财政管理科学化为目标的一种财政管理模式。

    By reviewing the academic discussion of public finance , it is concluded that public finance is a kind of managing model which is established on the basis of market failure for realizing the scientific management of finance .

  28. 近年来,伴随着互联网技术的飞速发展和中国网民群体数量的不断增长,越来越多的公众选择在互联网上参与公共话题的讨论。

    In recent years , along with the rapid development of Internet technology and the growing number of Chinese Internet users among the growing number of public choice to participate in the discussion of public topics on the Internet .

  29. 在一次官方的公共天气预报讨论中,正在因为政府关闭而无偿工作的安克雷奇国家气象局工作人员发布了一串被编码的信息,要求政府请发工资。

    In an official public forecast discussion , the Anchorage National Weather Service office whose employees are working without knowledge of when they will be paid during the ongoing Federal shutdown - encoded this secret message : Please pay us .

  30. 作者的中间地带理论架构,为学术界关于中国公共空间的讨论增添了新的一说,为繁盛的上海史研究提供了新的视角。

    The author 's concept of " middle realm " provides a new theory for the academic circle in its discussion of Chinese " public sphere " and a new point of view for the thriving studies of Shanghai history .