
  • 网络publicizing;public relations advertising
  1. 公关广告立足于企业长远发展,是提高企业声誉,打造或重塑形象的视觉传播艺术。

    Public relations advertising based on the long-term development of enterprises and organizations is to enhance corporate reputation , build or rebuild the image of the visual communication arts .

  2. 运用公关广告,可以起到塑造组织形象、强化品牌形象、宣传组织宗旨、引导公众观念等作用。

    With the use of public relations advertising , you can shape the image of the Organization , strengthen brand image and organization to guide public perceptions and so on .

  3. 文化资本和经济资本的联姻:媒介事件与公关广告

    The Marriage of the Culture Capital and Economic Capital : the Media-event and PR Advertisement

  4. 浸大公关广告毕业生可兼获由国际广告协会颁发的市场传播学文凭。

    Students graduating from this programme will be awarded the IAA 's Diploma in Marketing Communications .

  5. 可见,良好的公关广告可给企业或组织带来显著的经济和社会效益。

    Visibility , good advertising and PR business or organization can bring significant economic and social benefits .

  6. 现代大众传播时代,利用媒介事件做公关广告,在市场营销中属于一种事件营销。

    Taking the advantages of media incidents to make public advertisements in contemporary era is called " events marketing " .

  7. 北京办公室日常行政事务管理及对内对外联系,包括日常与上海总部联络以及对外与公关广告和服务商的联络。

    Beijing Office administration management and both internal and external communications , as daily communication with Shanghai HQ and also communication with PR , Advertising and other service agencies .

  8. 除了鼓励学生多参与实习及多参与本系的公关广告工作坊的工作之外,浸会大学还希望与香港及内地公关协会有更紧密的接触,以帮助学生学习更专业的操作。

    HKBU also hope to have an even closer contact with the Hong Kong and the mainland PR associations so as to assist the students to learn more professional operation .

  9. 至于公关广告化趋势也是一个值得研究的课题,限于篇幅,本文不做重点研究。

    As for the " advertising and public relations ," the trend is also a topic worthy of study , space is limited , do not give discussion in this article .

  10. 公关广告是公共关系与广告整合下诞生的新的广告形式,作为广告大家族的一员,公关广告已渐趋强势。

    Public relations advertising is public relations and advertising under the birth of a new integrated forms of advertising . As advertising a large family , public relations advertising is getting stronger .

  11. 同时,采用考察、收集资料等方式,针对公关广告在发展中存在的现状和实际问题给予分析。

    At the same time , the use of inspection , data collection , etc. , for the development of public relations advertising exist in the current situation and analysis of the actual problems .

  12. 并对国内现阶段代表性的公关广告的艺术特征进行深入、系统地研究,总结了利于公关广告的投入时机与制作策略。

    Then , on domestic public relations advertising representative at this stage of the artistic features in-depth , systematic study , summed up the benefit of public relations advertising strategy of investment in time and production .

  13. 传播运营主要指营销、公关与广告等。

    Spread operation refers to marketing , public relations , advertisements and so on .

  14. 消费者委员会处理的一个麻烦问题是烟草公司采取的公关和广告策略。

    A thorny question handled by consumer councils is the public relations and advertising strategies of the tobacco industry .

  15. 这是一个大好时机去开展公关或广告战役,或去发展个网站或博客。

    It would be a great time to do a publicity or advertising campaign or to develop a website or blog .

  16. 大学缀学的他曾先后供职于仙童公司和国家半导体公司,后来创办了自己的公关和广告公司。

    A college dropout , he had worked for Fairchild and National Semiconductor before starting his own PR and advertising firm .

  17. 主修人力资源管理学、传播学、数码图象传播学,以及公关及广告学的毕业生均全部全职就业。

    Graduates in Human Resources Management , Applied Communication Studies , Digital Graphic Communication , and Public Relations and Advertising enjoyed a100 percent full-time employment rate .

  18. 文章从质量、服务、企业形象、企业文化、管理、公关与广告等方面对如何塑造强势品牌进行了阐述。

    This paper describes how to mould such name brand from the following aspects : quality , service , enterprise image , enterprise culture , management , public relation and advertisement etc.

  19. 我始终认为,公关与广告相比有两大优势:首先,它是免费的;其次,新闻报道比付费广告的影响力和可信度更高。

    I always took the view that public relations has two great advantages over advertising : first , it is free ; and second , that editorial copy has more impact and credibility than paid-for messages .

  20. 对公关宣传与广告宣传差异的探讨

    An Analysis on Propagation between Public Relations and Advertising Communications

  21. 企业危机公关下的广告策略调整研究&以产品质量和企业形象为例

    A Strategic Adjustment Research of Advertisement in PR Crisis Taking PQ CI as for Example

  22. 除了理论上的创新,本研究还特别注重研究的现实意义,希望能够为博客公关、博客广告等基于博客影响力的实际运用提供参考。

    Besides the creation on the theory , my research also gives attention to the reality meaning and wish to make some sense to the applications based on the blog influence such as blog ad. and blog PR.

  23. 三年以上专业公关咨询公司或广告行业工作经验;

    A minimum of three years experience in a professional PR consultancy firm or ad firm ;

  24. 在灵思传播机构和睿符品牌传播机构的工作经历使我积累了在汽车,公关以及相关的广告领域里的广泛的知识和经验。

    Have accumulated broad knowledge in the field of Auto Industry , P.R.and related advertisements industry during staying in Linksus Communication Group and Revo Branding Communication .

  25. 广告教育提升阶段的人才培养目标是:培养具备能够在国际市场从事市场营销、广告信息传播和从事公关活动能力的广告人才;

    The goal of this education is to train people of higher calibre who are capable of marketing , advertising , management and public relations in international trade markets .

  26. 但由于公关的好处来自广告的疲软,它就要掌握大量新的计策,并将提高其在公司中的地位。

    But as PR profits from advertising 's difficulties , it is taking up a host of new stratagems & and seeking to move up the corporate pecking order .

  27. 随着网络公关的兴起,在一阵盲目跟风之后暴露出来了一些问题,主要有对网络公关认识不清以及将网络公关和网络广告相混淆等。

    Along with the rise of the public relation on network , some problems are exposed out after following-up , which are mainly following : ambiguous cognition of it and confuse between it and advertising on network .