
ɡōnɡ quán lì
  • Public power;public rights;government power/authority
  1. 在有些情况下,法律还应允许法院、行政机关运用公权力来对公司有关行为实施监督。

    In some cases , both law court and administration department should be allowed by law to use public rights to exercise their supervision over the behavior concerned .

  2. 新闻审查本质上是新闻审查主体对新闻媒体的监管,是公权力对新闻媒体的限制和干预。

    Censorship of press is essentially the intendance of administrative subject to news medium , in another way to say , it is restrictions and intervention of public rights to medium .

  3. 法谚云:执行乃法律之终局及果实(excutioestnniset-fmctuslegis)。以国家强制性公权力为后盾的民事强制执行是私权救济的最后保证。

    A legal proverb says , " Execution is the end and fruit of law ( excutioestnniset-fmctuslegis ) . " Civil compulsory execution which takes the state compulsory public powers as backing is the final guarantee for the relief of private right .

  4. 在法律地位上,它是与公权力相对应的基本权利,是一种宪法权利。

    In reality , it is a kind of constitutional right .

  5. 贿赂是在不正当寻租中作为为公权力对价的不正当报酬。

    Bribery is the illegal consideration in the process of illegitimate rent-seeking .

  6. 从主体要件、公权力行为、形式要件上看,行政承诺都符合行政行为的典型特征。

    The administrative promises are all accord with administrative behavioral typical characteristic .

  7. 其在性质上是一种公权力。

    Which is a kind of public power in nature .

  8. 需要减少公权力侵犯私权利的行为,完善权力监督制约体系。

    The supervision and balance system of administration rights should be improved .

  9. 公权力行使的有关赔偿责任探析

    An Academic Probe Into The Liability For Compensation Of Public Right Exertion

  10. 靠什么制约公权力的滥用?

    What Can Restrain the Abuse of the Public Power ?

  11. 公权力与中国农村土地制度的演变

    The Public Power and the Evolvement of the Chinese Countryside Land System

  12. 中国行政公权力对私权利侵害的现状分析

    Chinese Administration Civil Rights Strength to Private Right Violation Present Situation Analysis

  13. 教育寻租:问题及规制&公权力的消解

    Education Rent-seeking : the Problem and Regulation & Dissolution of Public Power

  14. 政府公权力异化的微观经济机理研究

    Research of Micro-economic Mechanism for Alienation of Public Power

  15. 因为在婚姻家庭领域里,父母与子女的关系,不仅是私法关系,而且也含有公法性质的因素,国家的公权力已不断地深入到家庭领域中去,使未成年子女受到法律的特殊保护。

    In family laws , the public power has intervened in the domestic field .

  16. 公权力通常或主要指的是广义上的政府权力。

    Public power often or mainly refers to government power in a broader sense .

  17. 信息不对称的加剧促使公权力涉入到消费领域。

    Increasing asymmetry of information led to public authority involved in the field of consumption .

  18. 其实质是公民私权利对抗行政公权力。

    The essence of the private rights of citizens against the administration of public power .

  19. 因此,公权力对劳动合同的介入应当以劳动者生存权为限,由私法自治原则调整劳动者生存权以外的部分。

    Therefore the intervention of public power should be limited outside the survival right of labourers .

  20. 主要观点是:(1)作为一种公权力和行政权,统一收购权包括四项子权力和四种行使方式;

    Its main viewpoints contain : ( 1 ) the uniform authority consists of four sub-authorities ;

  21. 多元权利基础、公权力权威与良法之治

    Foundations of Pluralist Rights , Authority of Public Power , and the Rule of Good Law

  22. 公权力的异化与利益失衡

    Power Dissimilation and Benefit Unbalance

  23. 公权力的侵权有两种类型:滥用公权的侵权和公权缺位的侵权。

    Infringement of public power has two types : abusing public power and omission of public power .

  24. 公权力何时、何情况介入,必须有充足的理由。

    When it will be common power and what situation get involved , must have sufficient reason .

  25. 但财产权也是宪法权利之一,财产权要求排除公权力对私法关系的干涉。

    But property right is one of the constitutional rights , which tend to exclude public power .

  26. 由于与公权力相连,公务员&特别是基层公务员,面临诸多冲突与压力。

    As connected with the public power , the grassroots civil servants face much conflicts and pressures .

  27. 他呈现了在公权力面前,拍摄者应该有什么样的位置。

    He emerged to show public authorities just what kind of status those doing filming should have .

  28. 行业组织权力是公权力范畴中社会公权力的一种表达形式,其权力来源于成员之间的契约约定。

    As the product of power multiplying and country socializing , public social power originates from the society .

  29. 公权力具有扩张的天性,权力制约是现代国家的基本共识。

    Public power has the nature of expansion ; power constraint is a basic consensus of the modern state .

  30. 只有严明的法律,强有力的公权力才是能够立竿见影,不能或缺的。

    Strict and clear law and powerful public right can get quick results ; none of them can be neglected .