
  • 网络panchromatic band
  1. 运用该方法对北京一号小卫星的多光谱数据和全色波段数据进行了无损压缩试验,取得了良好的效果。

    When this lossless compression method applied to the multi-spectral data and panchromatic band data tanking from " Beinjing No.1 " small satellites , favorable results are obtained .

  2. SPOT全色波段山区影像反差增强方法研究

    Contrast Augment Approach in SPOT Full-color Waveband Image

  3. 为解决此问题,以陕北无定河流域为研究区,以主成分变换的方法,对多源遥感影像(TM多光谱数据和SPOT全色波段数据)进行融合处理;

    Taking the watershed of WuDing River of Northern Shaanxi Province as a test area , the TM multi-spectral data and SPOT pan data are merged by the method of Principal Components Analysis .

  4. 基于CBERS-02B和SPOT-5全色波段的图像融合纹理信息评价研究

    Study on Texture Information Evaluation of Image Fused by CBERS-02B and SPOT-5 Panchromatic Data

  5. 以上海市外环以内的中心城区为区域背景,基于SPOT全色波段遥感影像数据和GIS技术,运用空间统计分析方法,研究城市景观格局的空间尺度效应。

    Based on SPOT remote sensing images and GIS , choosing the central area of the external circle highway in Shanghai as a case study area , the paper studied the spatial scaling effect of the urban landscape pattern with different grains and extents .

  6. 因此,CBERS-02B的全色波段是一种较高质量的高分辨率数据,应用前景广阔。

    So , the panchromatic data of CBERS-02B is high resolution data with high quality and wide prospect of application .

  7. 综述了图像数据融合技术,包括融合的基本原理、融合的常见算法、融合的基本流程。然后选用IHS变换融合、PCA变换融合对Quickbird图像自身的全色波段和多光谱波段图像数据进行融合处理。

    This article summarizes the technologies of image mergence , including the basic theory , common algorithm and basic flow of mergence , then uses HIS , PCA to merge whole wave band and multi-spectrum bands of Quick Bird images .

  8. 陆地卫星TM图像含有丰富的光谱信息,SPOT全色波段图像数据分辨率较高,因此,如何将这两种图像数据有效地结合起来,在遥感应用领域中显得越来越重要。

    Landsat Thematic Mapper ( TM ) image is rich in spectral information , while SPOT panchromatic data is fine in its spatial resolution . Complementary and effective use of these data has shown in its increasing importance in the field of remote sensing application .

  9. d2时相高分辨率全色波段PAN与PC1d1进行直方图匹配后,采用了经反复试验效果较好的3×3模板进行边缘滤波增强;

    Secondly , making histogram matching between high resolution PAN band in d2 time phase and the first principle component in d1 time phase ( PCd11 ), then putting up edge filter enhancement with 3 × 3 template tested fruitfully time after time ;

  10. 再利用主成分融合技术,将多波段的ETM影像与对应的全色波段影像进行主成分融合,在此基础上进行盐田水体分类。

    Then the principal component analysis was performed by fusion of multiple spectral bands of the TM images with their panchromatic images , and based on which , the water bodies of the salt fields were classified .

  11. 在IHS变换过程中,对I分量图像与高分辨率全色波段图像采用线性回归辐射配准,减少了不同传感器、不同时相影像间光谱噪音;

    In order to applying IHS transform to change detection , first use linear aggression to perform I component and high spatial resolution PAN radiometric rectification to minimize noise and variation caused by the difference of sensor type and imaging time .

  12. 探讨了遥感多光谱与全色波段图像的融合问题。

    The multi-spectral and panchromatic image fusion is discussed .

  13. 高分辨率全色波段遥感影像处理中的图像复原问题研究

    Image Restoration in High-resolution Panchromatic Remote Sensing Images Processing

  14. ETM+全色波段及其多光谱波段图像的融合应用

    Evaluation on Image Fusion Algorithms of Landsat-7 ETM + PAN Band and Multispectral Bands

  15. 全色波段高空间分辨遥感影像特定目标变化检测技术研究

    Research on Change Detection of Specific Targets from High Spatial Resolution Panchromatic Remote Sensing Imagery

  16. 全色波段硅双结型色敏器件的研制

    A Study on the Si Color Sensor with Double PN Junction for Panchromatic Wave Band

  17. 色敏器件光生电流分配的数值分析及全色波段色敏器件研制

    Numerical Analysis of Photocurrent Distribution and the Fabrication of Color Sensor for Panchromatic Wave Band

  18. 高分辨率遥感影像尤其是全色波段影像的分析与解译,在军事判读上的应用价值是十分高的。

    Interpretation and mapping from panchromatic high-resolution remote sensing images is very important for military applications .

  19. 根据每一类所对应的高分辨率全色波段影像直方图和相应的空间关系,对配准后单个波段的多光谱影像进行调整。

    According to each class histogram of High-resolution image , adjustment of the corresponding spectral values of single multi-spectral image ;

  20. 针对全色波段遥感影像提出了一种基于无抽样小波变换的薄云去除算法。

    A new approach for detecting and removing haze from panchromatic high-resolution remote sensing images based on undecimated wavelet transform is proposed .

  21. 对于多光谱和全色波段遥感影像融合而言,影像间光谱响应范围的差异是造成融合结果光谱畸变的重要原因。

    The difference between remote sensing image spectral response is the main reason that causes distortions while merging multi-spectral and panchromatic images .

  22. 目前,大多数地球遥感卫星,都能提供高空间分辨率的全色波段影像与低空间分辨率的多光谱影像。

    At present , most earth remote sensing satellites can provide both panchromatic image with high spatial resolution and multi-spectral images with low spatial resolution .

  23. 由于分辨率较高的全色波段数据为黑白影像,包含的光谱信息量较少,本文选择全色和多光谱波段融合进行研究。

    Due to the high resolution full-color band data is black and white images , including less spectral information . This paper merge more full-color and Multi-spectral bands .

  24. 根据当前资源卫星数据的全色波段与多光谱结合的特点(分辨率一般为1/2),提出了小波变换局部高频替代融合算法有效提高了多光谱波段的空间分辨率。

    A Wavelet Transformation Algorithm developed in data fusion . The spatial resolution of ETM + multi bands are dramatically proved through local high frequency substitution of Pan data .

  25. 通过选择不同的器件结构和工艺条件,制得了对全色波段光(400nm&800nm)响应良好的硅双结型色敏器件,扩大了色敏器件的应用范围。

    The new color sensor for panchromatic wave band is gained through different choices of the structures of devices and technology conditions , which can enlarges the use of color sensor .

  26. 通过先建立多光谱波段影像与地面投影坐标系统之间的几何精纠正模型,再建立多光谱波段影像像元坐标与全色波段影像像元坐标之间的关联模型。

    Geometric correction includes the following steps : Firstly , the model between multi-spectral images and projection on the ground coordinate system should be established , as well as the correlation model between multi-spectral image pixel coordinates and pan image pixel coordinates .

  27. 文章利用航空图像、法国SPOT-2、美国Landsat-5卫星,全色和TM波段数据成像等遥感图像资料,对广西旅游资源进行了遥感调查。

    This article applies the remote sensing image data of aerial photographs , French SPOT-2 , US Landsat-5 , and the whole-color and TM-band composite images and so on to proceed remote sensing survey of Guangxi tourism resources .