
  1. 通过GPRS网络实现车载子系统与地面监测中心之间的通信。

    The communication via GPRS between vehicle-mounted subsystem and ground monitoring center is carried out .

  2. TM图像的获取时间比地面监测的时间晚;

    Second , the time of TM images is later than that of in-situ monitoring data .

  3. 该系统由地面监测设备、单片机构成的数据采集系统以及GPRS通信设备构成。

    This system made up of collection equipment , single-chip of data collection and GPRS communicate equipment .

  4. 由于这些优点,使得SAR广泛的应用于地质勘探,地面监测,军事侦察等领域。

    Because of these advantages , SAR is widely applied in many fields such as geological exploration , ground and military surveillance , etc.

  5. 对La形状-15允许柜,锁在一起形成一个梯形或允许系统将在作为地面监测水平位置使用。

    The shape of The LA-15 allows the cabinets to lock together in a trapezoid formation or allows the system to be used in a horizontal position as a floor monitor .

  6. 基于3S技术和地面监测相结合,构建了农业气象灾害动态监测系统,从宏观和微观角度来全面监测农业气象灾害的发生发展;

    Based on 3s technology and surface observation , the dynamic monitoring system of agro-meteorological disasters was built to monitor the emergence and development of agro-meteorological disasters the year round . Satellite remote sensing monitoring system was built and improved .

  7. DYD直读技术,可靠地实现了测试全过程的地面监测控制,确保了二关压力恢复曲线的测量和地层参数的获取。

    Ground monitor and control in the process were executed by using DYD technology . These insured to get pressure build up test data and the formation parameter .

  8. 本文介绍一套无人机地面监测系统。

    A ground monitor system for remotely Piloted vehicles is presented .

  9. 论生态环境地面监测技术指标与方法

    Discussion on the technical index and methods of ecological environment ground monitoring

  10. 它的数据将与地面监测网络的数据关联起来。

    Its data will be correlated with data from ground-based monitoring systems .

  11. 山体下采煤的地面监测与数据分析

    Surface monitoring and field data analysis during mining under mountain

  12. 车辆动力学性能方向性地面监测研究

    Research on Directional Vehicle Dynamics Performance by Ground Monitoring

  13. 全国土壤水分及作物长势地面监测体系的初步构想

    Primary idea of national ground monitoring system for soil moisture and crop growth

  14. 基于地面监测的车辆动力学性能贝叶斯评估技术

    Bayesian Estimation of Vehicle Dynamic Performance by Rail Measurement

  15. 地面监测资料说明,本文的措施对其顶板稳定性控制非常有效。

    Monitoring data indicate that the measures are effective for the roof stability control .

  16. 没有地面监测信息的区域,采用基本单元网格管理。

    In the no ground monitoring information area , we will use basic unit grid .

  17. 基于嵌套式状态机模型的导弹武器系统地面监测系统设计

    Design of Ground Test Equipment for Missile Weapon System Based on Nested State Machine Model

  18. 井下油水分离系统设计及地面监测模型研究

    Design of the downhole oil-water separation system for submersible electric pump wells and its ground monitoring model

  19. 总之,遥感评价结果与地面监测结果基本是一致的,利用遥感进行湖泊水体富营养化监测评价是可行的、有效的;

    In a word , the result by remote sensing is almost agreed with the monitoring data .

  20. 基于遥感与地面监测数据的城市气溶胶定量反演研究

    Study on the Urban Aerosol Quantitative Retrieval Based on the Remote Sensing and Ground-based Air Quality Measurement Data

  21. 针对目前生态与农业气象工作的特点,结合当前工作的实际需要,建立了生态与农业气象地面监测分析评估系统。

    Based on the analysis of current state and future of agro-meteorology in agricultural university or college undergraduate course .

  22. 应用贝叶斯估计原理,提出了基于地面监测数据的车辆动力学性能评估方法。

    An assessment technique that assesses vehicle dynamic performance using the data of rail measurement was developed by Bayesian estimation principle .

  23. 证明了本文提出的地面监测及诊断系统可以有效地对航空电源进行监测和故障诊断。

    The results of the simulations show the effectiveness of evidence reasoning method and the condition detection and fault diagnosis system on the ground .

  24. 利用水质遥感监测信息和地面监测信息的互补性,提出一种基于神经网络一证据理论的数据融合处理方法。

    Using complementarity of remote sensing information and ground monitoring information on water quality , a data fusion method based on neural network and evidence theory is proposed .

  25. 现在,对冲基金运用研究资金支付非洲矿业或石油项目进展的地面监测,为了更好的对这些项目进行估值。

    Hedge funds now use research dollars to pay for ground surveillance on the progress of mining or oil projects in Africa , in order to value them better .

  26. 现代无人直升机飞行控制系统一般由飞行控制计算机、伺服驱动机构、传感器、地面监测控制等分系统组成。

    The modern unmanned helicopter flight control system is generally composed of the flight control computer , the servo driving mechanism , the sensor , and the ground monitor control system etc.

  27. 微地震监测技术就是通过观测、分析生产活动中所产生的微小地震事件来监测生产活动的影响、效果及地下状态的地球物理技术,分为井中监测与地面监测两种。

    Microseismic monitoring is a geophysical technique , which is used to monitor the influence of producing activity and underground state through observing and analysing microseismic events caused by producing activity .

  28. 考虑到微地震监测仪在正常运行时可能产生火花、电弧或危险高温,根据煤矿安全生产的要求,如果将用于地面监测的仪器应用到井下,必须对它进行防爆。

    Considering electric spark , electric arc and high temperature produced by microseismic monitoring apparatuses and according to requirements of coal mine production , underground microseismic monitoring systems are protected to avoid explosion .

  29. 本文解决了运行机车和地面监测系统的双向通信问题,实现了对运行机车远程实时监测,确保行车安全。

    In the paper , this system resolved bi-directional communication between remote running locomotives and monitor system on the ground , and realized the Real-time monitoring on running locomotives which ensure the locomotives ' security .

  30. 在上述研究过程中,作者完成了地面监测中心软件系统总体设计,系统的组网方案,设计了地面监测系统机车故障列表及机车故障报警功能。

    Based on above-mentioned researches , the network architecture of ground monitor system , locomotive fault list , locomotive fault alarm , the function of query locomotive information and locomotive alarm and the whole system are realized .