
  • 网络GSMA;GSM Association
  1. 代表全世界移动运营商的行业协会——全球移动通信系统协会(GSMA)已接近公布一项协议,协议涉及的是生产一种面向消费者设备的标准化嵌入式SIM卡,智能手机生产商将参与其中。

    The GSMA , the industry association which represents mobile operators worldwide , is close to announcing an agreement to produce a standardised embedded Sim for consumer devices that would include the smartphone makers .

  2. 主办此次大会的行业组织——全球移动通信系统协会(GSMA)的总干事马茨?格兰吕德(MatsGranryd)表示:“今年我们将不再对5G前景模糊不清,而是会有具体的建议。”

    Mats Granryd , director-general of the industry body GSMA , which organises the conference , says : " We will move away from being vague on the prospects of 5G this year to concrete proposals . "

  3. 斯寒是全球移动通信系统协会大中华区总裁。

    Sihan Bo Chen is the head of Global Systems for the Mobile Communication Association in Greater China .