
  1. 在上次党代会上,金正日接受了党内职务,成为其父亲金日成(Kimil-sung)的指定接班人。

    At the last congress , Kim Jong-il received the party titles that anointed him as heir apparent to his father , Kim Il-sung .

  2. 一名副书记撤销党内职务。

    A deputy secretary has been removed from his party position .

  3. 同其前任一样,胡对于重要党内职务引进真正的竞选没有兴趣。

    Mr Hu , like his predecessor , has shown no interest in introducing truly competitive elections for leading party posts .

  4. 周二,朝鲜劳动党召开了30余年来最重要的一场会议。会上金正银除军衔之外,还应该获得党内职务,这对于其掌控国家的能力至关重要。

    On Tuesday , the Workers ' party convened its most important meeting for more than 30 years , at which Kim Jong-eun should add a party title to his military position , which is crucial to his ability to control the country .

  5. 对党内领袖职务的争夺正在加剧。

    The contest for leadership of the party is gathering speed .

  6. 朝鲜周一证实了张成泽被革职的消息。虽然张成泽在军方和党内均有职务,但他与朝鲜劳动党联系更多。

    While Mr. Jang , whose ouster was confirmed by North Korea on Monday , had positions of power in both the military and the party , he was more commonly associated with the party .

  7. 许多优秀妇女担任了党内各级领导职务。

    Many outstanding women work in various leading posts within the Party .