
miǎn yì yìnɡ dá jī yīn
  • immune response gene;Ir gene
  1. 肺间质纤维化大鼠肺泡巨噬细胞STAT1的活化及其依赖性免疫应答基因ICAM-1的表达

    STAT_1 activation and STAT_1 - dependent immune-response gene ICAM-1 expression in alveolar macrophages of rats suffered from interstitial pulmonary fibrosis

  2. 研究暴露组与对照组的免疫应答基因表达情况以及肺泡生长障碍。

    Objective To study immune response in mice against the HBV core DNA-based vaccine .

  3. 基因重组卡介苗(GenerecombinantBacillusCalmette-Guerinvaccine,rBCG)就是一种单次接种即可持续诱导机体对靶抗原的免疫应答的基因工程疫苗。

    Gene recombinant Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine ( rBCG ) is a single vaccination which can continue to target antigens induced the body of genetic engineering vaccine immune response .

  4. 提示融合基因DNA疫苗诱生的抗原特异的体液免疫应答不及单基因DNA疫苗,但其能诱导更强的细胞免疫应答。

    The results showed that pUE DNA vaccine induced weaker humoral immune response , but stronger cellular immune responses compared to pE DNA vaccine .

  5. 结论酸性寡糖971改善AD模型小鼠学习记忆功能可能与DNA损伤修复、神经生长、突触可塑性、免疫应答等相关基因的表达变化有一定关系。

    Conclusion The protective effect of 971 on learning and memory ability of β - AP_ ( 25-35 ) - treated mouse may be related to the expression changes of genes involved in cell cycle , DNA repair , nerve growth , synaptic plasticity and immune response , etc.

  6. 乙型肝炎疫苗免疫不应答与HLA基因单体型的相关性研究

    The relationship between nonresponse to hepatitis B vaccine and HLA genotype / haplotype

  7. 观察其在小鼠肌肉组织中的表达、所诱导的体液和细胞免疫应答、IFN-γ基因的协同免疫作用及对弓形虫感染的保护性;

    Observe the expression protein in the muscle tissue from the immunized mice and the humoral and cellular immune respond elicited by the DNA immunization , the effects coadministration with IFN - γ gene , and the protective from the infection of T. gondii ;