
  • 网络natural antigen;natural Ag
  1. 结论卫氏并殖吸虫抗原模拟表位对卫氏并殖吸虫病的诊断具有潜在的应用价值,有望代替天然抗原用于卫氏并殖吸虫病的诊断。

    Conclusion The mimic antigen epitopes of P. westermani have potential value in the diagnosis of paragonimiasis , and may substitute the natural antigen .

  2. 目的探讨噬菌体展示肺吸虫模拟抗原的诊断价值并分析与天然抗原的同源性。

    Objective To study the diagnostic value of mimic antigen of paragonimus and analyze the sequence homology between the mimic antigen and the natural antigen .

  3. 用其rSj31-b-ELISA检测52份慢性日本血吸虫病人血清及83份正常人血清,敏感性和特异性与常规应用的天然抗原SEA(可溶性虫卵抗原)差异无显著性。

    The recombinant Sj3l ( rSj31 - b ) were purified , then used as an antigen for ELISA to detect serum samples from chronic schistosomiasis patients and normal persons .

  4. 隐匿性抗原表位的暴露采用6M尿素对组织切片进行预处理,天然抗原表位的检测则以未经处理的组织切片作为底物。

    The cryostat sections of normal renal tissue were pre-treated by 6M urea to unmask cryptic epitopes , and untreated cryostat sections were used to detect natural exposed epitopes .

  5. 结论肺吸虫模拟抗原对肺吸虫病具有一定的诊断价值,这5种表位可能从空间结构上模拟了天然抗原表位。

    Conclusion The mimic antigen of paragonimus had definite diagnostic value in the paragonimiasis , and the five epitopes may mimic the natural antigen in the special structure .

  6. 早期进行疫苗研究的抗原均为天然抗原,虽然对脑包虫的免疫预防有一定的效果;但是由于受抗原来源的限制,使其很难推广应用。

    Early vaccine antigens are natural products , can prevent the Coenurus cerebralis infection effectively ; However , because the antigen originates limited , it very difficult to promote .

  7. 结论噬菌体递呈肽能够模拟天然HSVgC抗原的部分免疫活性且具有一定的免疫原性,可用作HSV亚单位疫苗或表位疫苗的研究。

    Conclusion Mimic peptide displayed by positive phages can be used as immunogen instead of the nature antigen for novel HSV vaccine development .

  8. 阳性噬菌体展示肽也能与抗天然JEV抗原的鼠血清产生特异性反应。

    The peptide displayed on positive phage could react specifically with the mouse antiserum against natural JEV Ag .

  9. 经HGXPRT诱导血清能识别恶性疟原虫天然HGXPRT抗原。

    The antibodies against HGXPRT recognized the cultured parasite by IFAT .

  10. 日本血吸虫成虫38kDa天然分子抗原的分离纯化与免疫保护性的研究

    Isolation and purification of the 38 kDa adult worm antigen of Schistosoma japonicum and its immuno protection

  11. 结论重组Jo-1蛋白与天然Jo-1抗原具有相同的免疫原性和免疫原特异性。

    Conclusion The fusion Jo - 1 polypetide had the immune-identity with natural Jo - 1 antigen .

  12. 天然麝香抗原性质的研究

    Research on antigenicity of the natural musk

  13. 利用昆虫杆状病毒表达系统方法来表达其主要的结构蛋白是获得有天然活性抗原的最有前途的方法。

    The most promising method is using a baculovirus expression system , expressing major structural activity protein .

  14. 目的观察日本血吸虫酚氧化酶天然蛋白抗原诱导免疫对病鼠肝脏的病理变化。

    Objective To explore the effect of phenol oxidase antigen on liver pathologic change in mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum .

  15. 方法:采用之前从种子中分离纯化的天然TBa作为抗原免疫小鼠,制备抗血清,建立了类似竞争酶联免疫吸附检测TBa的分析方法。

    Methods : The natural TBa was extracted and purified from the tartary buckwheat seeds as the antigen to immunize the white mouse for the anti-sera . The immunocompetence of the recombinant TBa was identified through analogous competitive ELISA established by the authers .

  16. 对天然和人工抗原用于麻风血清学诊断的评价

    Evaluation of Natural and Artificial Antibodies in Serological Diagnosis