
miǎn yì méi jì shù
  • immunoenzymatic technique
  1. 用免疫酶技术对人类腭扁桃体免疫球蛋白定位的观察

    Localization of immunoglobulins in human palatine tonsils by means of immunoenzymatic technique

  2. 基于免疫酶技术的全自动酶免分析系统的设计与开发酶联免疫快速检测技术在太湖流域微囊藻毒素污染调查中的应用研究

    Automatic Immunoenzymatic Analytic System Design and Research Based on Immunoenzymatic Technique ; ELISA for fast screening of microcystins pollution in Taihu Lake

  3. 应用免疫酶技术检测EHF病毒抗原

    Detection of HFRS Viral Antigen with Immunoenzyme Assay

  4. 方法:应用免疫酶技术,检测27例HTC和33例Graves病(GD)患者甲状腺组织内甲状腺刺激性免疫球蛋白(Thyroidstimulatingimmunoglobulin,TSI)的表达情况。

    Methods : Immunohistochemical technique was used to identify the expression of thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin ( TSI ) in thyroids of 27 patients with HTC and 33 patients with Graves ' disease ( GD ) .

  5. 采用ABC免疫酶技术,电镜下观测了海马生长抑素(SS)神经元突触结构及其内线粒体数目以及含有不同级数量(<10,11~50,>50)SS阳性囊泡突触比例的变化。

    The number of chondriosome in SS positive synapses and the constituent ratio of the SS positive synapses which contain different vesicular numbers ( less than 10,11 ~ 50 over 50 ) of the hippocampus were measured with TEM ABC immunoenzyme technique .

  6. 牛白血病免疫酶技术的研究

    A study on immunoenzymatic techniques for detection of antibodies to bovine leukemia virus

  7. 微斑免疫酶技术在检测肾综合征出血热病毒及其特异抗体中的应用

    Application of Microplaque Immunoperoxidase Detection of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Virus and Specific Antibody

  8. 玉米赤霉烯酮单克隆抗体和免疫酶技术研究双酶双标记法技术探讨

    Monoclonal antibodies against mycotoxin zearalenone and its application in immunoassay the study of two-enzyme double-labelled method

  9. DNA末端原位标记结合免疫酶标技术研究骨髓增生异常综合征原位细胞凋亡

    Study on apoptosis in myelodysplastic syndromes by DNA in situ end labelling combined with APAAP

  10. HLA-DR单克隆抗体和ABC免疫酶标技术在电镜上的应用

    Studies on HLA-DR monoclonal antibody and ABC technique with electron microscope

  11. 采用免疫酶标技术(ELISA)检测HKC细胞上清液中转化生长因子β1(TGFβ1)的表达。

    The expression of transforming growth factor β( TGF β 1 ) in the supernatant of HKC cells was assessed with ELISA .

  12. 采用一组单克隆抗体及免疫酶标技术,对42例特发性血小板减少性紫癜患者(ITP)外周血T淋巴细胞亚群及HLA-DR的表达进行了测定。

    By using a panel of monoclonal antibodies and APAAP staining method , the expression of HLA-DR and T lymphocyte subsets were investigated in 42 patients with ITP .

  13. 本文报导大鼠胚肝及新生鼠肝正常发育的组织学观察和利用免疫酶标技术观察胚鼠及新生鼠肝内AFP的分布情况。

    Histological observations are reported of the normal development of embryonic and neonatal rat liver with simultaneous observations by the immunoenzyme technique of AFP synthesis in these tissues .

  14. 方法用免疫过氧化物酶技术(ABC法)观察9只猴早、中、晚期青光眼模型筛板中,Ⅳ型胶原蛋白、层连接蛋白的分布。

    Methods Immunoperoxidase ( ABC ) staining method was used to investigate the changes of collagen type IV and laminin in the lamina cribrosa of 9 monkey eyes with experimental glaucoma .

  15. 采用单克隆抗体以免疫酶标技术(APAAP法)对不同病期SLE患者外周血单个核细胞中的IL-2、IL-6分泌细胞量进行了检测。

    By using monoclonal antibodies and immunoenzyme labelling technique ( APAAP method ), the IL-2 and IL-6 producer cells were detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with active and inactive SLE .

  16. 免疫酶染技术用于流行性出血热早期诊断的初步研究

    The Early Diagnosis of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever With Immunoenzymatic Technique

  17. 采用免疫酶标技术显示出伊贝母愈伤组织细胞内的微管网络。

    The microtubule network of fritillary callus cell was showed through immunoenzymological technique .

  18. 免疫酶斑点技术应用于布鲁氏菌病诊断的研究

    Study on Applications of DIBA to Diagnosis of Brucellosis

  19. 目的用免疫酶标技术对犬脑组织狂犬病毒抗原进行分析。

    Objective To analyze rabies virus antigen in canine encephalic tissues with immunoenzymatic technique .

  20. 方法应用单克隆抗体和免疫酶标技术标记犬脑组织中狂犬病毒抗原。

    Methods The techniques of monoclonal antibody and immunoenzyme were used for detection of the rabies virus antigen in the encephalic tissues of the dogs .

  21. 系统感染长叶车前花叶病毒的青菜叶片叶柄分别作冰冻切片,运用免疫酶标技术对叶片叶柄内的病毒进行显色定位。

    A Chinese cabbage leaf blade and leaf stalk of Brassica Chinensis systematically infected with Ribgrass Mosaic virus was separately made by the freezing cut transection .

  22. 方法采用免疫酶染技术及三联抗原片,对外来流动人员进行血吸虫免疫测定、疟疾血片免疫测定及疟原虫血检和丝虫免疫测定。

    Methods Immunoenzymatic staining and triple antigen glass slide were adopted for immunoassay of schistosomiasis , malaria and filariasis , as well as blood test of plasmodia .

  23. S-100蛋白染色和免疫酶组化技术在早期麻风诊断中的作用

    Study on S-100 protein immunostaining and peroxidase technique in the early diagnosis of leprosy

  24. 结果表明:SPA协同凝集试验、生物素&亲和素免疫酶组化技术,同血凝与血凝抑制试验一样,是诊断RHD的特异、灵敏的可靠方法。

    The results showed that SPA coagglutination , BA immune enzymatic histochemical technique as well as HA and HI were the specific , sensitive and reliable methods in diagnosis of RHD ;

  25. 为了探讨人体肝(广品山)宿主肝细胞AFP的来源和性质,应用双重免疫酶组化技术(PAP法)进行了AFP与HBsAg、IgG及Alb的检测和定位。

    In order to investigate the origin and nature of AFp in the host liver cells , the authors used a double immunoenzymatic technique ( PAP method ) to detect and localize AFP , HBsAg , IgG and albumin .

  26. 大鼠肝组织内甲胎蛋白的免疫酶标记定位技术

    The immunoenzyme technique for intracellular localization of a fetoprotein in rat liver

  27. 用免疫荧光、酶标技术检测赭曲霉毒素A的研究

    A study on the detection of ochratoxin A ( OA ) by indirect immunofluorescent dyeing and indirect ELISA

  28. 方法对1例骨髓瘤患者的血清尿液采用醋酸纤维膜电泳、免疫固定电泳和免疫球蛋白定量等方法鉴定M蛋白,采用直接和间接免疫酶标技术检测瘤组织IgE及轻链的表达。

    Methods : M-component in serum and urine was determined using cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis , immunofixation electrophoresis and quantification of immunoglobulins . Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect the expression of IgE and its light chain .