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  • 网络History of the Yuan Dynasty;History of Yuan;History of Yuan Dynasty
  1. 本文综合分析《元史》等汉文史料中关于元朝军队征伐爪哇战争之有关记载,对元朝军队征伐爪哇战争的起因、经过及这次战争的最后结果等方面作了全面概述。

    The author of this thesis takes advantage of Chinese historical materials , just like history of Yuan dynasty , sets forth reasons , full course and final results of Java war .

  2. 顺帝在朝中举行盛会,令文人学士和画家著诗文、作画来记述这一盛事,《元史》亦有记载。

    The emperor held splendid banquet and convened scholars and painters to write poetic prose and draw pictures to record and narrate this great occasion ," The History of Yuan Dynasty " recorded it .

  3. 《元史》满文翻译和蒙古文翻译的学术意义论满文谚语翻译中的关联缺失与重构

    On the Loss and Reconstruction of Relevance in the Proverbs Translated from Manchu Language into Chinese

  4. 其中《元史》满、蒙翻译,有以下三个方面的学术意义,第一,考订历史人物,指正文本疑乱;

    Three academic significances are included in the translation of Manchu and Mongolian : Firstly , historical figures'examination and commenting texts'uncertainty .

  5. 明代王宗沐的《续资治通鉴》是元明时期第一部以《通鉴》原典体例来续著宋元史的续通鉴类史书。

    In Ming dynasty , xuzizhitongjian of Wang zong-mu is the first continuous work of Zizhitongjian in the original J-Teisai in Yuan and Ming dynasty .

  6. 《天城石壁记》是研究宋元万州之战最详细、最可靠的原始史料,有些记载可以补正《宋史》、《元史》之缺失,具有很高的文献价值。

    It is of great documental value , for according tocertain records of it , additions and corrections can be made to Song Shi and Yuan Shi .

  7. 元太宗窝阔台即位伊始即设汉军“三万户”分统汉军,《元史·刘黑马传》又有增立“七万户”的记载。

    When the Emperor Taizong of the Yuan dynasty ascended the throne , he established three Han marquises with fiefs of10,000 families to govern the Han army .

  8. 魏源高举爱国史学的大旗,首开研究当代史、世界史地和鸦片战争后重编元史的新风。

    Wei Yuan raised the big flag of patriotic history and pioneered in the research into world history and in recompiling the history of the Yuan Dynasty after the Opium War .

  9. 审音与勘同之法在蒙元史等研究领域内的运用然而,从那时起,国内外的人对这个政策一直发表不同的看法。

    The Exercise of Checking and Comparing Pronunciations in the Research of the Mongolian History and Yuan Dynasty ; Yet ever since then , people at home and abroad have voiced different opinions about it .

  10. 浅谈《蒙古秘史》中的婚姻状况论成吉思汗形象的传播和接受&以《蒙古秘史》、《元史》和《青史演义》为例

    A Trial Talk about Martial Status of the Secret History of the Mongolians ON GENGHIS KHAN 'S IMAGE 'S SPREAD AND EMBRACE & Centered on Mongolian Secret History , History of the Yuan Dynasty and Qing Shi Yan Yi