
  1. 它是1996年开始的“上海五国”元首会晤机制的延续。

    It is a regular practice of SCO 's predecessor , the Shanghai Five mechanism started in1996 .

  2. 两国元首会晤后,双方都有一系列延伸性工作需要紧紧跟上。

    In the next few months , the two sides have a lot of follow up work to do .

  3. 最后我想说,这次元首会晤是中美双方过去几年来共同努力的结果。

    Before concluding , I would like to make an additional point . The Sunnylands meeting was the logical outcome of joint efforts by both sides in the last few years .

  4. 两国元首已经会晤12次。

    Our two presidents have met 12 times .

  5. 月,两国元首再次会晤,充分肯定了两国关系的发展方向。

    The two heads of state met again in September and reaffirmed the orientation of this relationship .

  6. 这是他们首次以国家元首身份会晤。下周,巴勒斯坦和埃及总统将出访白宫。

    It was their first meeting as leaders . Next week , the Palestinian and Egyptian presidents visit the White House .

  7. 两国元首作出举行会晤的决定,并引领了整个准备过程。

    The two Presidents made the decision to meet and gave us guidance throughout the preparation process .

  8. 六国元首商定,上海合作组织成员国元首下次会晤将于2002年夏在俄罗斯举行。

    The heads of state decided that the next summit of SCO heads of state would be held in Russia in the summer of 2002 .