
sēnɡ dào
  • Buddhists and Daoists, Buddhist monks and Taoist priests
僧道 [sēng dào]
  • [monk and Taoist priest] 僧侣和道士

  1. 皇室旅游者、文人士大夫旅游者、僧道旅游者、外国旅游者和女性旅游者等,均积极投身旅游浪潮。

    Royal tourists , the literary intelligentsias and scholar-bureaucrats , monks and priests , foreign tourists and women tourists all took part in tourism activities .

  2. 免丁钱是一种创行于南宋绍兴中期的身丁税,课征对象为寺观僧道,仅盛行于南宋时期。

    Exempting from poll taxation was a kind of tax policy that prevailed only in middle period of Southern Song Dynasty , and levied tax on Buddhist monks and Taoist priests .

  3. 全书通过主要人物的僧道化历程、尤其是宝玉出家的过程来诠释“情空”这一主旨。

    The whole book annotates the theme of freedom from love mainly by the Buddist monk course of the major characters , especially the process of Baoyu 's becoming a monk .

  4. 清入关前即已实行度牒制度,康熙初限制寺观及僧道数量,雍正时期,放松对僧道管理,度牒失去效力。

    During the reign of Emperor Kangxi , the number of temples and monks is restricted , while during that of Emperor Yongzheng , the system loses it power due to the negligence of management .

  5. 但是魏野为人宽和,关注苍生,与其交游的僧道隐士以及官宦往往与其道相契,因此魏野与其亲近而悉心交游。

    However , the width and Wei Ye man , concerned about the common people , instead of a hermit monk the Friendship and courtiers often their " Road " Affinities , so its close and careful Wei Ye Friendship .

  6. 然而,在唐代由于工、商、吏、僧道等阶层遭到排斥,能够有资格参加进士科考试的主要是官宦子弟和寒门士子。

    However , in the Tang Dynasty , as industrial class , commerce , clerks , monk and other sectors were excluded to be eligible to participate in " the Imperial examination " . The examination is mainly for Ethic and the poor family Scholars .

  7. “那僧笑道:”“你且莫问,日后自然明白的.”

    " Don 't ask . " The monk smiled . " You 'll find out all in good time . "

  8. “梦至一处,不辨是何地方。忽见那厢来了一僧一道,且行且谈。”

    " In dream he travelled to an unknown place , where he suddenly noticed a monk and a Taoist approaching , talking together . "