
  1. 在只有14岁,哈利是三年太年轻而无法进入使极度疲劳竞争。

    At just 14 years old , Harry is three years too young to enter the grueling competition .

  2. 记者:你能帮忙催催《神探夏洛克》吗?网友说一季才出三集太少了。而且还等了两年。

    Reporter : Could you please help to push more of Sherlock ? Three episodes , the online followers say , a season is not really enough and they 've been waiting for two years .

  3. 一磅三美元,太贵了。

    Three dollars a pound . That 's too expensive .

  4. 约翰:一磅三美元,太贵了。

    John : Three dollars a pound . That 's too expensive .

  5. 等三个月太长了。

    Three months is too long to wait .

  6. 结果很意外的几年之后又受孕,她觉得三个孩子太多,又难带;

    To her surprise , after a number of years , she got pregnant again .

  7. 那是上城很远的地方大概要转搭三种车太棒了

    That 's way uptown ! That 's three trains away ...... which is great !

  8. 我们刚赢了15美金!相当于三件针织衫太好了

    We just won $ 15 ! That 's three sweaters ! Yes ! Yes !

  9. 你看,问题是,我拿起三个地方太多不同的活动。

    You see , the problem is , I have to pick up three places too many different activities .

  10. 工作、做妈妈和太太&一人三职是太辛苦了。

    It 's got too hard trying to juggle three responsibility & had a career and is a mother and housewife .

  11. 我不忍心让她同我隔开十英里路;讲到柏卫别业,那所假三层实在太糟了。

    I could not bear to have her ten miles from me ; and as for Purvis Lodge , the attics are dreadful .

  12. 前两种属于元古宙绿岩型金矿,后三种属于太古宙绿岩型金矿,目前,该区已发现70余处金矿床(点)。

    The former two types belong to the Proterozoic greenstone type gold deposit , and the latter three types belong to the Archeozoic greenstone type gold deposit .

  13. 父亲很少说“我爱你”,对他而言,这三个字太难说出口,可是父亲的爱却始终都在。

    Father seldom say " I love you ", for them those three little words are the hardest ones to say , yet the feeling of love is always there .

  14. 目前广西海洋产业结构中,第一产业比重过大,第二、第三产业比重太小,这种结构对产业的持续发展不利。

    At present , at marine industry structure of Guangxi , the proportion of the primary industry is too large , but the proportion of the secondary industry and the tertiary industry are too small . This industry structure is unfavorable to sustainable development of industry .

  15. 如果能在星期三前完成就太好了。

    It would be really nice to get this done by Wednesday .

  16. 他的三女儿心智不太健全。

    His third daughter was to quite right in the head .

  17. 要我们等三天,时间太长了。

    Three days is too long for us to wait .

  18. 我们能再次拿到三分真是太棒了。

    It was great for us to pick up another three points .

  19. 秘密一人知道太少,两个人知道刚刚好,三个人知道就太多了。

    Eg. a secret is too little for one , enough for two , too much for three .

  20. 第三,创新能力太低,直接导致大部分企业名牌产品少,品种低水平重复现象严重。

    Third , the ability to innovate is too lower , led to most enterprises brand less serious varieties of low-level redundant directly .

  21. 刘翔说:“三连冠的感觉太好了,我希望下次能赢第四场”。

    " To be a triple champion was great . I still hope to win the fourth next time ," said a beaming Liu .

  22. 第三方不想太依赖那些可以轻松脱离他们的软件,使他们没有可卖的东西。

    Third parties don 't want to be too dependent on software that could easily migrate away from them , leaving them with nothing to sell .

  23. 第二任主编死于肺结核,而第三任主编实在太迂腐,导致半数志愿者辞职不干,其中一个还被关进了精神病院。

    The second died of TB and the third was so boring that half his volunteers quit and one of them ended up in an asylum .

  24. 与此形成鲜明对比的是,那些曾对伴侣不忠的男性中有四分之三的人由于太害怕被发现而不把此事告诉任何人。

    In stark contrast , three quarters of men who cheat on their partner are far too scared of being found out to tell anyone at all .

  25. 好吧,这几个士兵是犯错了,但是西方人对待他们的女性要比亚洲人和第三世界国家好太多了。

    It is a terrible deed done , but the western nations treat their women far far better than the asians and the third world countries do .

  26. 对他来说,竞逐第七个任期有点尴尬——当初他初出茅庐时,曾经批评对手三任就已经太多了。

    It is slightly awkward to be running for a seventh term considering that during his first campaign he denounced his opponent 's three terms as too many .

  27. 哦,如果你不在意的话,先生,我想再大一点,爱丽丝说,像这样三英寸高,太可怜了。

    ' Well , I should like to be a LITTLE larger , sir , if you wouldn 't mind , 'said Alice : ' three inches is such a wretched height to be . '

  28. 我想要三个孩子(我父母就生了三个,我很喜欢在那样的环境里长大),但由于我起步晚了,生三个可能不太现实,因为身体会变老,生育能力和精力会跟不上。

    I 'd like to have three kids ( I grew up in a family of three children and loved it ) but because I got a ' later ' start , that might not be so feasible as my body gets older and my fertility and energy-level wane .