
sēnɡ rén
  • a monk;Buddhist monk
僧人 [sēng rén]
  • [monk] 和尚,出家人

  1. 我不是佛教僧人,我也不能说我本身喜欢“克己绝欲”,或者花上一个多小时出去打印一篇文章,或者错过NBA决赛。

    I 'm no Buddhist monk , and I can 't say I 'm in love with 16 ) renunciation in itself , or traveling an hour or more to print out an article I 've written , or missing out on the N.B.A. Finals .

  2. 在真实生活中,玄奘的确是一个了不起的僧人。

    In real life , Xuan Zang was a truly remarkable Buddhist monk .

  3. 他扮作一个僧人。

    He disguised himself as a monk .

  4. 帮助奥巴马赢得总统大选的“变(change)”字于上周五当选日本2008年度汉字。这一结果于当天在日本最著名的寺庙之一由一名僧人公布。

    After helping Barack Obama sweep to victory in the US election , the president-elect 's motto of " change " was Friday declared character of the year by a monk at one of Japan 's most revered temples .

  5. 例如,你会看到:一群光头僧人披着假发,嬉闹着在翻唱DeadorAlive乐队八十年代的流行经典“你让我(如唱片般)旋转”(YouSpinMeRound(LikeARecord))。

    The result : mash-ups of monks with shaved heads cavorting about in wigs to Dead or Alive 's 1980s hit ' You Spin Me Round ( Like A Record ) . '

  6. 我曾去听伟大的越南僧人、诗人、和平运动者一行禅师(ThichNhatHanh)在纽约演讲。

    I once went to see the great Vietnamese monk , poet and peacemaker Thich Nhat Hanh speak in New York .

  7. 40岁的僧人垣内渡边(KaichiWatanabe)最近被派遣到上松裕家中主持葬礼。他说他一直不断寻找主持仪式的机会,以此来维持生计,并与更多人一同分享佛教的教导。

    Kaichi Watanabe , the 40-year-old monk dispatched to a memorial ceremony for the Uematsu family recently , said he had been looking ways to perform rituals to earn a living and meet more people to share Buddha 's teachings .

  8. 传说,Sokushinbutsu是指通过一种独特的方式自行死去的佛教徒和僧人,这种特殊死亡方式我们称为木乃伊化。

    It is said that a " Sokushinbutsu " is a monk who died through a special , natural process , which we call Live Mummification .

  9. 目的探讨僧人的个性特征及心理问题。

    Objectives To explore the personalities and psychological problems of monks .

  10. 宋代僧人词研究

    Research on the Ci Poems of the Monks in Song Dynasty

  11. 1873年,国王再次成为一名僧人返回。

    In1873 , the king became a monk again and returned .

  12. 明中前期,僧人数量不多。

    In the early Ming Dynasty , there were few monks .

  13. 僧人草书的缺陷使得其影响非常短暂;

    The limitation of monk cursive script makes its influence brevity .

  14. 唐代思想家与佛教僧人交往的原因&读刘禹锡送僧诗

    Reasons for the Contact between Thinkers and Buddhists in Tang Dynasty

  15. 七世纪时,中国僧人曾在印度学习佛法。

    In the7th century , Chinese monk Xuanzang studied Buddhism in India .

  16. 正殿后面是方丈和僧人的住处。

    Behind the hall is the residence of the abbot and monks .

  17. 第四部分主要是论述了雍和宫僧人的作用。

    Part IV discusses the Lama Temple is the role of monks .

  18. 僧人对这些矛盾的认识和态度如何?

    What is the recognition and attitude to the contradiction ?

  19. 在他的一生中与僧人、道士、隐士都有着密切的交往。

    He has a close relationship with Taoist , Buddhist and hermit .

  20. 僧人个性特征及心理问题分析

    A analysis on the personality and psychological problems of Monks

  21. 他精进修持,成为一个了不起的僧人。

    He worked very hard and became a great monk .

  22. 无人知道,某僧人,一些僧人,久远的。

    Nobody knows , some monk , or monks , long ago .

  23. 几个僧人走在泰国北部的向日葵地里。

    Buddhist monks walk beside a field of sunflowers in northern Thailand .

  24. 僧人惊讶地回过头来看着我,“就是什么了?”

    Surprised , the monk turned toward me . " That 's what ?"

  25. 在大地图也可以遇到僧人和酋长了?

    Shaman and chieftain now found in nomad encounters .

  26. 大多数僧人和道士穿黄色袍子。

    Most monks and Taoist priests wore yellow dress .

  27. 对中晚唐僧人草书现象产生的原因进行探讨:禅宗的兴盛使得僧人用草书作为参禅悟道的手段;

    Discuss the reason of why the phenomenon of cursive script monk produced .

  28. 它的历史可以追溯到用餐时,1239年为僧人食堂服务。

    Its dining history dates back to1239 when it served as the monks'refectory .

  29. 其中大的寺庙,有数千僧人。

    The temples of them , thousands of monks .

  30. 两个僧人抬水吃,三个僧人无水吃。

    Two is company , but three is none .