
cān yù shì ɡuān chá
  • participant observation
  1. 首先运用酒精依赖疾患识别测验(AUDIT)和饮酒问卷(AlcoholUseQuestionnaire,ADS)筛查出A村经常饮酒的人员,然后采用参与式观察和深入访谈法对他们嗜酒信息的收集和整理。

    First use of alcohol dependence disorders identification test ( AUDIT ) and alcohol consumption questionnaire ( Alcohol Use Questionnaire , ADS ) drink regularly screened out A village people , and then using participant observation and in-depth interviews on their information collection and collation of alcohol .

  2. 同时也有微观视角的心理行为取向和理性选择取向的方法,定性研究方面的参与式观察方法,以及案例研究方法。

    At the same time research methods of micro perspective have psychology and behavior tropism , rational choice-oriented , participant observation of qualitative research , and case study method .

  3. 本文通过参与式观察和非结构化访谈的民族志研究方法,探索了深圳市P医院医务社会工作资源链接与整合的实务内容。

    By participant observations and unstructured interviews , this paper has studied the linkages and integrations to resources of medical social work of Hospital P in Shenzhen .

  4. 调查方法主要是深入访谈法和参与式观察法。

    It was comprised of depth interview and participatory observation .

  5. 本论文采用深度访谈和非参与式观察的方法对农民工的人际交往进行研究。

    Using depth interviews and non-participatory observation method , this thesis studied the Interpersonal Communication of migrant workers .

  6. 在具体研究方法上,本研究在汲取现有实证研究数据的基础上,选择两项紧密相关的研究个案,采用访谈和参与式观察等质性研究方法。

    With regard to the methodology , this study conducts in-depth interviews and participatory observations on two closely related cases .

  7. 采用问卷调查、参与式观察、半格式化访谈等调查方法,收集了定量资料与定性资料。

    Questionnaire survey , participatory observation and semi-structured interview were used during the survey . The quantitative data and qualitative data were collected .

  8. 问卷调查结果、访谈记录以及参与式观察记录显示:文化共享工程教化功能实效偏低。

    The results of questionnaires , interviews and participating observation records show that the efficiency in the use of cultural sharing project was low .

  9. 因此,本研究主要通过采用非参与式观察、问卷调查、正式访谈和非正式访谈等研究方法。

    Therefore , the main methods of study include non-participant observation , questionnaire , formal and informal interviews and other research methods in this paper .

  10. 由于本研究尚处于探索阶段,采用定量研究难以达到深度研究的目的,因此本文采用案例研究中对话性个案研究方法,通过文献法、访谈法、参与式观察方法,获得丰富的研究资料。

    So this paper adopts conversational case study method , use literature method , interview method , and participatory observation to obtain abundant research material .

  11. 然而,笔者发现,以往研究多采用定量研究等实证的方法,缺少案例分析、参与式观察等定性的研究。

    However , the author discovered that this kind of research almost uses the method of the quantitative investigation , lacking the analysis of cases and the participation-like observation .

  12. 本研究考虑到研究对象的特殊性,研究者采用行动研究的方法,在整个调查中不仅使用问卷法搜集定量资料,还通过大量的访谈和参与式观察搜集了宝贵的定性资料。

    In the entire survey , not only use questionnaires to collect quantitative data , but also adopt a lot of interviews and participant observation to collect precious qualitative data .

  13. 然后,采取问卷调查、访谈和参与式观察等方法对兰州市保障性住房政策执行过程中的住房权利均等化问题进行了实地调查与分析。

    Then , by such means as questionnaires , interviews and participatory observation , the Affordable housing policy implementation in Lanzhou city housing equal rights in the process are investigate and analyzed .

  14. 文章以参与式观察法和深入访谈法为资料的主要来源,收集教师的个人简历,教案,随笔,教学反思等资料,并同时记录研究者田野笔记和研究日志。

    The main source of information in the paper has collected by participatory observation and in-depth interview . Besides teacher resumes , lesson plans , essays , teaching reflection , etc. are collected .

  15. 本文是在生态系统理论的解释框架下来评价A机构的城市社区居家养老服务的,主要运用了参与式观察法的研究方法,并将长度访谈法的一些技巧运用到其中。

    This article assesses urban community-based elderly care service in the explanatory framework of ecosystem theory , and uses the research method of participant observations , and the skills of the Long Interview are employed .

  16. 通过文献检索、问卷调查、访谈和非参与式观察等方法搜集资料,然后对资料进行归类整理和分析,提取出当前中学化学教师在教学实践中采取的合作方式。

    I collected information through document retrievals , questionnaires , interviews and non-participatory observations . Then I sorted the data and extracted the ways of cooperation from current middle school chemistry teachers ' teaching practice .

  17. 教师教学语言行为的指标体系的建立是本课题的创新之处。第三章,使用观察量表进行大量的非参与式观察,得到大量的数据。

    Teachers ' teaching language behavior of the establishment of index system is the subject of innovation . Chapter Three : By using a lot of observing scale participatory observation , get a lot of data .

  18. 通过参与式观察和对团队成员访谈的信息收集及文本整理,从个体角度分析参与社区团队过程中团队成员的参与动机和学习内容,得出社区团队发展的内部动因。

    Through the participant observation and interviewing the team members collects the information and organize the text , analyses the motivation and the content of learning part . Try to find out the within development motivation of community team .

  19. 本论文选择深度访谈法、行动研究方法、采取参与式观察法等方法收集并分析资料,行动过程中主要采用了社会工作的小组工作方法,并使用了社会工作及社会学的相关理论。

    This paper choose depth interview method , action research methods , such as participatory observation method to collect and analyze material , action process mainly adopts social work team working methods , and use a social work and the related theory of emotional sociology .

  20. 在调查阶段,笔者运用了田野调查方法,参与式观察法与访谈相结合,对该庙会前期、庙会当天、庙会后期的整体状况和一些细节内容进行了深入细致的调研。

    During the investigation phase , by combining the methods of fieldwork , participant observation , and interview , the author are deeply involved into the community and learn the whole condition as well as details from aspects of preliminary , present , and late stage of the temple fair .

  21. 本章通过实证研究,采用案例分析、访谈及非参与式课堂观察等研究方法对课堂中学生理解和重构课程的具体过程进行探究。

    The specific process of students ' understanding and reconstruction of curriculum is probed by means of case study , interviews and non-participative classroom observation .

  22. 研究选择教授相同教学内容的一位专家教师和一位非专家教师为个案,主要通过参与式课堂观察、教学录像分析、访谈、收集文件(主要是教学教案)等方法,收集原始资料。

    The study chooses an expert teacher and a novice teacher with the same teaching contents , using different research methods to collect data , such as participatory classroom observation , teaching video analysis , interviews , and collection of documents ( mainly teaching plans ) .

  23. 2000多名被试参与本次研究。通过参与式观察、深入访谈、资料分析和问卷调查,得到以下结论:(1)初中生反学校文化是指初中生对抗学校主流文化以及代表主流文化的权威。

    According to participant observation , depth interview , text analysis and questionnaire survey , the conclusions of this study are drawn as followings : ( 1 ) The meaning of counter-school culture is to resist the authority of school mainstream culture .