
jiàn wàng zhèng
  • amnesia
健忘症[jiàn wàng zhèng]
  1. “他是不是患了健忘症?”我试探着问道。

    ' Could he be suffering from amnesia ? ' I suggested

  2. 患健忘症的人不会忘记关于物体的一些基本知识。

    People suffering from amnesia don 't forget their general knowledge of objects .

  3. 1953年,病人HM因接受脑部实验手术患上了严重的健忘症。

    In 1953 , Patient HM had experimental brain surgery that left him with striking amnesia .

  4. 英国特许金融分析师协会(CFA)在一份报告中指责机构投资者普遍犯有金融健忘症。报告中指出,未能汲取以往泡沫的教训,是导致本次全球金融危机的一个关键因素。

    A report by the Chartered Financial Analyst Society of the UK condemns financial amnesia among institutional investors , arguing that a failure to heed the lessons of past bubbles was a key factor behind the global financial crisis .

  5. 最近健忘症越来越严重,经常丢东西。

    Recently , I 'm getting forgetful and keep losing things .

  6. 所有这些都将成为国会健忘症的高昂代价。

    All this would be a high price for congressional amnesia .

  7. 你应该原谅他的健忘症。

    You should forgive him for his forgetfulness , after all .

  8. 那可能是在他得健忘症时发生的。

    It could have happened when he was suffering from amnesia .

  9. 很有可能健忘症是暂时的。

    There 's a good chance the amnesia 's only temporary .

  10. 玩得开心,不是得健忘症,一点也没错

    Have fun , just don 't have amnesia . Exactly .

  11. 皮特:不,我不记得。我有健忘症。

    Pete : No , I don 't. I have amnesia .

  12. “不道德的健忘症”解释了为什么人们很快地忘记他们可怕的行为

    Unethical Amnesia " Explains Why People Conveniently Forget Their Awful Behavior

  13. 如果美国国会又一次被愚弄,那么它肯定是患上了严重的健忘症。

    Congress would need an awfully short memory to be fooled again .

  14. 举例来说,对一个会说两种语言的人健忘症的影响。

    For example , the effects of amnesia on a bilingual person .

  15. 我确实遇到了很多有健忘症的女人

    I dated an awful lot of women with amnesia .

  16. 发育停滞、健忘症、无知,以及缺乏创造力。

    stunted growth , memory loss , ignorance , absence of creativity .

  17. 一个患有健忘症的人。他担心,由于健忘又要挨她的训斥了。

    He feared she would berate him for his forgetfulness .

  18. 高管健忘症是一种需要反抗的专制恐怖主义。

    Executive amnesia is a form of authoritarian terrorism that must be fought .

  19. 患有健忘症的人通常记不起自己的名字和身份。

    People suffering from amnesia typically cannot recall their own name or identity .

  20. 儿童健忘症的原因是什么呢?

    What is the reason from the child amnesia ?

  21. 她因头部撞了一下而得了健忘症。

    A bump on the head caused her amnesia .

  22. 但患上这种健忘症既不可能,也不是好事。

    But such amnesia is neither possible nor desirable .

  23. 它被称为儿童健忘症,而且在1893年文献中首次记载。

    It is called child amnesia and it was first documented in 1893 .

  24. 我告诉过你他的健忘症很严重。

    I told you his amnesia is severe .

  25. 她认为实验表明健忘症患者是陷入当前状态的人。

    She says it shows amnesias has as people tract trapped in the present .

  26. 从表情来看,她优雅地断定我有健忘症。

    Judging by her expression , she graciously decided to assume I had amnesia .

  27. 精神创伤可能导致健忘症。

    Amnesia can be caused by emotional trauma .

  28. 他的健忘症、妄想症还是存在。

    His amnesia and his delusion have persisted .

  29. 有效的知识转移是消除项目健忘症的重要方式。

    The effective knowledge transfer is an important manner to avoid the project amnesia .

  30. 有些人即使没有毒发身亡,也会长期受到一些健康困扰,如健忘症。

    Those who survive the poisoning experience long-term health conditions , such as amnesia .