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zuò méi
  • be a matchmaker;matchmake
做媒 [zuò méi]
  • [be a matchmaker;matchmake] 介绍男女双方使其成婚

做媒[zuò méi]
  1. 全社会,尤其是朋友和伙伴,都乐意为单身男性做媒。

    The world in general , and friends and buds in particular , all try to be a matchmaker for the single man .

  2. 朋友们尝试过用有趣的男性来让她做媒,但是Kelly没有约会的精力。

    Friends have tried to fix her up with men , but Kelly has no energy to go out .

  3. 网上婚介服务为智商相同的单身做媒

    Online Dating Service Hooks up Singles of Similar IQ Scores

  4. 她经常为人做媒。

    She is always trying to make a match between two people .

  5. 安雅·泰勒-乔伊饰演的爱玛捕捉住了奥斯汀笔下的这位喜欢发号施令和做媒的女主角温暖的心。

    As Emma , Anya Taylor-Joy captures the heart and warmth beneath Austen 's bossy , match-making heroine .

  6. 正是这一点让他(以及他的女婿)产生了在线做媒的想法。

    It was this that set him - together with his son-in-law - on the idea of matchmaking online .

  7. 汪处厚想做媒是没有危险的,决不至于媒人本身也做给人去。

    Wang Ch'u-hou saw no danger in being a matchmaker , since the matchmaker herself would never be given away .

  8. 事后,刘先生怪太太不该提起昆明做媒的事,触动她一肚子的怨气。

    Afterwards , Mr. Liu reproved his wife for provoking all his sister 's pent-up resentment by bringing up the Kunming matchmaking affair .

  9. 做媒的是邻村的一名妇女,她嫁给了阿克沙伊的一个哥哥。

    The connection was made through a woman from a neighboring village who was married to one of Mr. Singh 's older brothers .

  10. 作为给百万富翁做媒的资深红娘,帕蒂•斯坦格对如何俘获富翁芳心颇为精通。

    As the Millionaire Matchmaker , Patti Stanger knows a thing or two about how to win the heart of a wealthy man .

  11. 希德妮·巴洛,跟我家莉莉一样有天赋,多亏了我来做媒,她成了莉莉的新朋友。

    Sydney Barrow - like my Lily , a gifted child , and , thanks to a little matchmaking , her new friend .

  12. 如果你想把两个朋友撮合起来,有他们在一起很般配这个想法就可以了,但是不要明确地向他们说明想要做媒。

    If you are trying to get 2 of your friends together , develop the idea that they 'd be great together without explicitly explaining you want to match-make them .

  13. 两人跟汪处厚平素不往来,也没见过汪太太,看了帖子,想起做媒的话。

    Ordinarily neither of them ever had any contact with Wang and had never met Mrs. Wang , so when they saw the invitation , they recalled the talk about matchmaking .

  14. 有个村庄的小康之家的女孩子,生得美,有许多人来做媒,但都没有说成。

    There was once a daughter of a tolerably well-off family in the country who was very lovely and sought out by many matchmakers , although nothing had come of their efforts .

  15. 正是这一点让他(以及他的女婿)产生了在线做媒的想法。当时沃伦的事业也到了单调乏味的时刻。

    It was this that set him – together with his son-in-law – on the idea of matchmaking online . Dr Warren had also reached a point in his career when his work had become samey .

  16. 我不是要找一个由信来做媒的新娘,我只是想找一个谈得来的人,她不会在饭后看电视看得直掉眼泪。

    Well , I 'm not looking for a mail-order bride . I 'm just looking for some-one I can have a decent conversation with over dinner without having it falling down into weepy tears over some movie .

  17. 为单身朋友做媒可能搞得拙劣不堪,太不乖巧,致使双方畏缩不前;但是在有些情形下-----并不一定是罗曼蒂克的情况----适合时宜的介绍可能是你能为任何人所做的最好的事情。

    Matchmaking for single friends can be done in a disastrously tactless way which makes both parties cringe ; but there are circumstances -- not necessarily romantic ones -- when a well-timed introduction can be the best thing you can do for anybody .