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  • 网络The bride
  1. 新郎和他的亲戚来接新娘及嫁妆回家。

    The groom and his relatives come for the bride and take her to his home along with the dowry .

  2. 过了两三个月以后,新娘及他的亲属们前来接新娘,把她和她的嫁妆一起带回丈夫家。

    After a few moths , the groom and his relatives come for the bride and take her to his home along with the dowry .

  3. 而当新郎和伴郎团前往新娘的住处接新娘前往婚礼现场时,昔日的小虎队三名成员也一起演唱了他们的主打曲目《青苹果乐园》、《爱》。

    The band also performed their hit songs , including ' Green Apple Paradise ' and ' Love , ' while visiting the bride 's place to escort her back to the wedding .

  4. 过了两三个月以后,新娘及他的亲属们前来接新娘,把她和她的嫁妆一起带回丈夫家。嫁妆跟随妇女由娘家到婆家,成为她们在新家庭中的私产。

    After a few moths , the groom and his relatives come for the bride and take her to his home along with the dowry . Together with the bride to the house of the husband , the dowry became the woman 's private property in her new home .

  5. 不过,他既已作好接新娘的准备,离别的愁苦也就因此减轻了,他只等下次再来哈福郡,订出佳期,使他成为天下最幸福的男子。

    The pain of separation , however , might be alleviated on his side , by preparations for the reception of his bride , as he had reason to hope that shortly after his next return into Hertfordshire , the day would be fixed that was to make him the happiest of men .

  6. 一辆白色轿车前来接新郎新娘去教堂。

    A white car turned up to take the groom and the bride to the church .

  7. 当巴利斯带着一队乐师来接准新娘,卡布利特大人便差遣奶妈去唤醒茱丽叶。

    When Paris arrived with a band of musicians to meet his bride-to-be , Lord Capulet sent the nurse to wake Juliet .