
  • 网络vacation pay;leave pay;holiday pay
  1. 可以这样处理法定假期工资么?

    Could wages for statutory holiday be made in the following way ?

  2. 我甚至没拿到欠我的两周假期工资

    I didn 't even get the two-weeks vacation pay due to me .

  3. 无故拖延的确是一条延长假期工资税:失业保险的合理办法,这的确拖延了长期失业税和许多其他税。

    Still missing is a path to extend the payroll tax holiday : unemployment insurance for the long-term unemployed and a number of other year-end fixes .

  4. 此外,按以上原则计算的假期工资基数均不得低于本市规定的最低工资标准。

    In addition , all do not get the minimum wage standard that sets under this city by base of pay of vacation of above principle calculative .

  5. 假期的工资问题是达成协议的主要障碍。

    The issue of holiday pay was the major block in reaching an agreement .

  6. 记住假期和工资不是一开始就应该问的问题。

    Make sure that holidays and pay are not the first things you ask about .

  7. 拼命给职工假期和涨工资。

    Holidays and salary rises were showered on staff .

  8. optfor选择他们选择了延长假期而不是增加工资。

    They opt for more holiday instead of more pay

  9. 他们选择了延长假期而不是增加工资。

    They opt for more holiday instead of more pay .

  10. 报告说广英国目前有很长一段时间的假期留给母亲,在国际上引起了人们的注意,其中大部分假期工资比较低,并有一个相对短暂的育儿假

    Britain now stands out internationally for having a very long period of leave reserved for mothers , most of it at a low rate of pay , and for having a relatively weak parental leave , " the report says .