
jiǎ shuō
  • hypothesis;premise;presumption;presupposition;if
假说 [jiǎ shuō]
  • (1) [hypothesis]∶见“ 假设”

  • 放射性衰变的假说

  • (2) [if]∶假使;纵使

假说[jiǎ shuō]
  1. 科学假说和艺术想象

    Science Presumption and Art Imagination

  2. 提出来的解释,只要它的正确性仍然有疑问,便称为假说。

    A suggested explanation , so long as its correctness is still in doubt , is called a hypothesis .

  3. 人们已经提出不同的假说来解释为什么这些食物更有可能带来问题。

    Different hypotheses have been put forward to explain why these foods are more likely to cause problems .

  4. 薛蟠也假说来上学,不过是:“三天打鱼,两天晒网”*却不见有一点进益。

    Xue Pan hastened to register himself as a pupil . His school-going was , needless to say , a pretence -- “ one day fishing and two days to dry the net ” as they say -- and had nothing to do with the advancement of learning .

  5. 实验结果证明了这个假说。

    The results of the experiment confirmed this hypothesis .

  6. 他的新假说提出气象变化的一个可能的原因。

    His new hypothesis gives a possible reason for the change of the weather .

  7. 这是迄今为止反驳“运动眩晕”假说的最有力证据。

    It 's the strongest evidence yet against the ' motion dazzle ' hypothesis .

  8. 这就是我的想法诞生的过程,然后,我就有了项目的开展和假说,那么我的下一步呢?

    So my idea was born , and I had the project set up and a hypothesis , so what was my next step ?

  9. 握手的历史回顾一个流传较广的假说认为,克雷兰德反对鞠躬的声明其实是想回到欧洲传统的问候方式(尽管鲜有记载)。

    A popular hypothesis suggests that Cleland 's statements against bowing were actually a wish to go back to a potentially very traditional ( though poorly recorded ) method of greeting in Europe .

  10. 所以,我将两种想法综合在一起,创造了一个假说,那就是,因为酸碱度的改变,致癌物很可能因为腌泡汁的浸泡而降低?

    So I combined these two ideas and I formulated a hypothesis , saying that , could possibly the carcinogens be decreased due to a marinade and could it be due to the differences in PH ?

  11. IPO折价、逆向选择与分离均衡假说

    IPO Underpricing 、 Adverse Selection and Separating Equilibrium Hypothesis

  12. 检验发现威廉姆讯倒U假说在陕成立。

    Through the inspection we found that William inverse " U " hypothesis was founded in Shaanxi Province .

  13. 化学气相沉积CVD动力学的一种假说

    A Hypothesis of Kinetics of the CVD

  14. Lin(19941996a,b,19992001)的技术选择假说认为一个国家的经济结构是由其要素禀赋结构内生决定的。

    Lin ( 1994,1996a , b , 1999,2001 ) hypothesizes that the economic structure of a country is endogenously determined by its endowment structure .

  15. 有关FDI的环境溢出效应的污染避难所假说和污染晕轮假说在中国都能够得到验证。

    Spill-over effects of FDI on environment such as assumption of pollution refuge and assumption of pollution halo have not been verified in China .

  16. 对于IPO后市表现,由于事关有效市场假说能否成立,因而对其存在和解释的争议更大。

    The controversy about the existence and explanation of the after-market performance is greater as it challenges the efficient markets hypothesis .

  17. 笔者根据理论假设前提的不同对股票定价理论进行了分类,讨论了有效市场假说(EMH)的含义、理论基础和缺陷,并以此为基础分析了不同市场环境下各种理论的适用性。

    The author classified different theories in terms of the difference in premises .

  18. 这项研究对FOK的线索熟悉性假说进行了进一步检验。

    This study examined the cue-familiarity theory of FOK .

  19. 最优货币区内生性假说争议探析FR内生性假说和Krugman专业化假说的对立与并存

    An Analysis of the Controversial Hypothesis on the Endogenous Money Supply of the Optimal Currency Area Co-existence and Antithesis of F R Hypothesis and Krugman Hypothesis

  20. 基于分形市场假说,本文对传统的CEV(constantElasticityofVariance)期权定价模型进行了改进。

    Base on the fractal theory , improved the classic traditional option pricing model-CEV ( constant elasticity of variance ) model which is base on the efficient market hypothesis .

  21. 有效市场假说(EMH)自诞生之日起,就成为现代金融理论的一个重要基石。

    Efficient Market Hypothesis ( EMH ) has become an important foundation of modern financial theory since it was founded .

  22. 研究者一般基于信息不对称理论、制度理论和行为金融学理论,试图去解释IPO溢价现象,由此形成了不同的理论假说。

    Researchers generally based on asymmetric information theory , systems theory and behavioral finance theory , trying to explain the phenomenon of IPO premium , thus forming the different hypotheses .

  23. 基于MDH假说的中国沪深股市量价关系实证研究

    The Relationship between Price Volatility and Trading Volume in the China Stock Markets Based on Mixture Distribution Hypothesis

  24. 自Fama提出有效市场假说(EMH)开始,有关市场效率研究的成果层出不穷。

    Research results about market efficiency are emerging endlessly following Fama 's theory of Efficient Market Hypothesis ( EMH ) .

  25. 第一,McRaeetal.(1997)提出动词-特有概念假说(theverb-specificconceptshypothesis)认为,动词论元结构是基于日常生活经验而形成的概念知识。

    First , the verb-specific concepts hypothesis proposed by McRae et al . ( 1997 ) suggests that verb-argument structure is conceptually shaped through everyday experience .

  26. 有效市场假说(EMH)无疑是近现代金融理论最重要的基石之一。

    Without doubt , Efficient Markets Hypothesis has become the most important foundation of the modern financial theories since the day Eugene Fama presented it .

  27. 规模效应和月份效应因其与EMH假说和CAPM模型的矛盾,在股票市场异象研究中占据重要地位。

    Because of the conflicts with EMH and CAPM , the size-effect and month-effect are often discussed in the literatures about market anomalies and plays an important role .

  28. 以有效市场假说(EMH)为代表的经典金融理论在研究投资者投资行为时,假设市场的参与者都是完全理性并且市场总是有效的。

    The hypothesis that classical financial theory which is represented by Efficient Market Hypothesis research the behavior of investor are totally rational people and the efficient market .

  29. 在SCP范式基础上,通过一个理论模型说明即使放弃SCP假说垄断竞争假定,银行业市场集中度变化也会对银行绩效产生影响。

    Although abandon the SCP hypothesis assuming monopoly competition based on a theoretical model of SCP paradigm , changes of the banking market concentration will also have an impact on the banks performance . 3 .

  30. 随着金融市场上各种异象的累积,有效市场假说(EMH)和资本资产定价模型(CAPM)的权威地位已开始动摇。

    Along with various accumulations of anomalies in financial market , the correctness of Efficient Market Hypothesis ( EMH ) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model ( CAPM ) has been doubted .