- dip angle;pitch;rake;incidence;angle of dip;ascent

(1) [dip]
(2) 实际水平线和海上视觉水平线间的垂直角,后者因地球表面的弯曲和视察者所在的高度而低于前一水平线
(3) 岩层、岩片、岩脉、裂隙、断层或类似的地质构造面与水平面的夹角(在垂直走向的面上测量)
(4) [rake]
(5) 从垂直物(如桅或烟囱)算起的倾斜度;尤指船首或船尾的外伸部分
(6) 船尾柱斜度或舵前部分的斜度
(7) 从水平面算起的倾斜度(如台阶或讲堂的地板)
(8) [ascent]∶高度或向上倾斜的斜度
(9) [angle of dip]∶地层或断层面与水平面所夹的角
Calculating the Apparent Dip and Plotting Dip of Strata or Faults in Excel
This paper introduced the method and procedure of calculating the apparent dip and plotting dip of strata or faults in Excel .
The Non η Corrected Side Inclination Method in X-ray Stress Measurement
To Explore Value of Measuring Scapula Glenoid Inclination Angle with MRI
Clinical Study of Femoral Neck Anteversion of Developmental Dislocation of the Hip by Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography
MEMS accelerometer ; aircraft ; tilt angle indication system ;
Design and Test of a Novel MEMS Inclinometer
Application of spiral CT three dimensional reconstruction on measurement of femoral neck anteversion
Signal-to-noise ratio enhancement of seismic data using space-time varying and dip scanning stack KL transform
VSP imaging based on horizontally layered velocity model fails to yield desired results when seismic reflectors are not horizontal .
The results showed that the water volume ( V ) and film thickness ( b ) on the flat plate were separately correlated with the inclined angle and the circulating flow rate .
Discussion on Depth Errors in HDT Diplog
The system use high precision obliquity sensor , and via examine the obliquity of the bridge to computer the parameters by IIR filter and FFT .
Conclusion The comprehensive protective function of 45 ° tilt-back seats and new bladder-type anti-G system may amount to 10 G.
The retroversion of the glenoid ( glenoscapular angle ) and the ratio of humeral head posterior subluxation were measured on the CT or MRI images according to the method described by Friedman .
Purpose To compare two dimensional method ( 2D ) and three dimensional method ( 3D ) with spiral CT for measurement of femoral neck anteversion ( FNA ) .
Steep mylonite foliation in the earlier shear belts strikes NE-NNE , and dips NW or SE ; its stretching lineation is gentle .
With the development of GPS and the need of the real systems , it is important to measure the roll , pitch and azimuth of the system , such as ships or planes and so on , with GPS .
Thrust nappes consist of the limestone of Sinian and Cambrian which thrusted over the shale of Silurian with NW → SE thrust direction and had a drape cline thrust surface .
The statistics average value of dipping angel of T-axis and P-axis are both at about 20 ° . The dip angle of the maximum and the minimum press axis are low , intermediate axis is steep , that shows the actuating force is from horizontal direction .
The predictive filtering with dip muting in T & K domain
Experiments were carried on the guide within level , oblique and vertical , respectively . Matlab was used to achieve curve fitting for PC angle and displacement data , and perpendicularity errors of the guide was shown in the form of intuitive chart .
The technique of MPR was used to evaluate acetabulum index ( AI ) and femoral neck anteversion ( FNA ) . The differences between pre and post operation were compared .
Under 0K & 400K , the grain boundaries with large tilt angle are easy to slide and the results agree well with Ashby-Verrall model ;
It has been found that the upper bound of the focal fault is the G interface obtained by seismic sounding data and is consistent with the high-dip angle deep fault beneath the interface , which proved that the deep fault underwent a shers disturbance during the earthquake .
Based on the conclusion , an algorithm to calculate the maximum angle and displacement is proposed and then applied to the NC verification of WEDM to avoid the motion collision and profile interference .
By introducing the calculation formula into the p-y curve , a new p-y curve expression which considers batter pile inclination and axial load effect is brought up .
In the part of hardware , the MCU controller , the sensor ( including the angle sensor , the motor speed and steering sensors , parking pulling sensor ) and execution motor are selected , and the circuit schematic is designed .
When the simulating temperature is up to 600K , the interfaces melt and tiny liquid phases exist on them .
Study on Dynamics Controlling Basis of System " R-S-F " in Steeply Dipping Seam Mining