
  • 网络pouring method;pour-plate method;pouring freezing
  1. 薄膜反注培养基法与倾注法的相对误差率为9.1%。

    The relative error between injecting culture medium beneath filtration membrane and pouring method was 9.1 % .

  2. 方法倾注法检测消毒液染菌量,常规方法分离鉴定细菌。

    Methods The levels of bacterial contamination of disinfectant were detected with pour plate method .

  3. 方法成盐法制备碘化壳聚糖,倾注法测定碘化壳聚糖的抗菌活性,并进行急性毒性试验。

    Methods Preparing the chitosan iodide by salification , and determining its antibacterial activity by tilt-pour process .

  4. 方法:采用活菌培养计数实验,以倾注法回收率按100%计,考查反注法与贴膜法的差异,并作实际样品检查结果对照。

    METHODS The bacterial culture and count experiments were carried out to know the difference between this method and the inhibition ring test , the results were compared .

  5. 该自动计数法受不同微生物菌落形态、大小的影响不明显,但受琼脂倾注法接种的影响。

    This automatic counting method was not influenced apparently by the morphology and size of the colonies of different microorganisms , but was influenced by agar pouring inoculation .

  6. 利用最大或然数法、倾注平板法和滚管法对产出水中的细菌群落状况进行了分析。

    The composition of bacterial communities in the formation water is determined by most probable number method , pour plate method and roll-tube technique .

  7. 当采用大样倾注平板法和液体大样法检测残留消毒剂的样品时,使用抗消毒剂型培养基检出细菌和真菌能力大大高于普通培养基。

    When the big sample pouring plate method and the liquid big sample method were applied to detect the samples with the remains of the disinfectants , the bacterial and fungous detectability of the anti-disinfectant media was much higher than that of the general microbial media .