
  1. 小说《倾城之恋》改编电影后的精神错位

    On Spirit Dislocation of adapted Film " Love in a Fallen City "

  2. 灰白色的团圆&试论《倾城之恋》的艺术特色

    A gray reunion & On the artistic features of Love of the City

  3. 是虚构,亦或是现实&《倾城之恋》的接受阅读

    Fictional or Realistic & Receptive Read on A Love Story in The Ruined City

  4. 张爱玲最著名的小说包括《色戒》和《倾城之恋》。

    Chang 's most famous works include Lust , Caution and Love in a Fallen City .

  5. 从关联理论视角分析小说《倾城之恋》中人物对话

    An Analysis of Fictional Dialogues of Love in a Fallen City in the Light of Relevance Theory

  6. 无限人生话沧桑&《倾城之恋》的存在论解读

    On the Vicissitudes of Life & the existence interpretation of A Love Story in the Ruined City

  7. 在创作艺术上,《倾城之恋》采取了参差对照的手法,结构则显示了非封闭性回环特征,在高潮中沉入反高潮的渊底。

    The artistic feature of the Love of the City is in the style of parallel antithesis , its structure of open reverberation of climax from anti-climax .

  8. 倾城之恋》是张爱玲的成名作,也是《传奇》中惟一以团圆结局的作品。

    The Love of the City is a well-known work , and the only one that ends in reunion in the collection entitled Legend by Zhang Ailing .

  9. 香港的情与爱&张爱玲《倾城之恋》与王安忆《香港的情与爱》之比较

    Emotions and Love in Hong Kong & the Comparison between Zhang Ailing 's " Love Causing Cities to Fall " and Wang Anyi 's " Emotions and Love in Hong Kong "

  10. 《倾城之恋》在开头与结尾写下一模一样的句于,强行拉开读者与作品之间的距离,从而创造出独特的文艺美。

    The employment of the same sentences both at the beginning and the ending of the novel draw a distance between the work and the audience , thus creating a special artistic beauty .

  11. 在对一场倾城之恋的故事的叙写中,张爱玲完成了对男女主人公的婚恋心理所占据的文化背景&中国传统文化和西方现代文明,而尤其是西方现代文明的审视和批判。

    In the narration of this story , Zhang Ailing perfectly finished the criticism of western modern civilization in comparing the male and the female ' cultural background-traditional Chinese culture and western modern civilization .

  12. 都市民间的安稳追求与精神思考&张爱玲《倾城之恋》与王安忆《长恨歌》比较分析

    The Pursuit of Stability and Spirit Meditation in the City ── A Comparative Analysis " Love in a Fallen City " by Zhang Ailing and " A Song of Unending Sorrow " by Wang Anyi

  13. 如果我们把张爱玲、王安忆、卫慧的《金锁记》、《倾城之恋》、《长恨歌》、《上海宝贝》等小说放在一起,我们就会看到很长的一段上海的历史变迁。

    If we can put " The biography of golden lock ", " The love of the whole city ", " The song of the everlasting sorrow " and " Shanghai baby " together , we will see a very long section of historical changes of Shanghai .