
jiè dài qì yuē
  • see also 借贷合同
  1. 许多上市公司和非上市公司需要出售手中资产,以满足借贷契约的要求。

    Many listed and unlisted companies need to sell to address covenants .

  2. 然而契约是不完备的,借贷契约也不例外,信贷风险也就客观存在。

    But loan contract is incomplete , and it allows for the improvement .

  3. 敦煌吐鲁番借贷契约比较研究

    On Comparative Study of Loan Contracts Unearthed in Dunhuang-Turpan

  4. 第五部分:唐朝借贷契约的保障措施。

    The Part Five : The Safeguard Measures of Loan Contract In Tang Dynasty .

  5. 第六部分:对唐代借贷契约制度的反思。

    The Part Six : Reflect on lending contract system of the tang dynasty .

  6. 第二部分:唐朝借贷契约制度的历史渊源。

    The Part Two : Historical Origin of Lending Contract System in Tang Dynasty .

  7. 吐鲁番回鹘文借贷契约研究

    On Uyghur Loan Contracts Unearthed in Turfan

  8. 中国古代借贷契约的保证制度

    Suretyship of Loan Contracts in Ancient China

  9. 第三部分:唐朝借贷契约相对发达的原因。

    The Part Three : The Reason for Relatively Developed Loan Agreement in Tang Dynasty .

  10. 借贷契约就为银行如何实施这种风险的事前控制提供了一个很好的载体。

    So loan contract is the carrier that helps the implement of ex ante control of credit risks .

  11. 有关借贷契约的法律和契约实践表明,契约内容和契约活动是在法律规制下进行的。

    The laws and practices in the contact of borrow and lend show that contents and activities of contract were processed under law .

  12. 借贷契约并非开始发展于唐朝时期,但经济的发展促进了该时期契约的发展,所以借贷契约唐朝时期得到全面地发展。

    The loan contract did not start developing in the Tang period , but the development of the economy of this time is a promoting factor .

  13. 此部分主要探讨唐代的契约制度、卖契约和借贷契约。

    This part inquire into the contractual system of the Tang Dynasty primarily contract of buying and selling as well as the contract of debit and credit sides .

  14. 虽然唐朝高度发达的借贷契约法律制度是商品经济发展的必然结果,但是又具有一定的历史局限性。

    Although the highly developed lending agreement system in the tang dynasty is the inevitable result of the commodity economy development , but also has the certain historical limitations .

  15. 纵观中国借贷契约的历史,考察唐朝借贷契约的产生、发展以及与以往朝代相比了解唐朝借贷的特色、贡献所在。

    Observing the history of ancient Chinese loan agreement , we can understand its emergence , development and the feature of the loan in Tang dynasty than previous dynasties .

  16. 然后将其与承揽合同和借贷契约相比较,论述清代徽商合伙合同对徽商、当时社会以及现在经营理念的意义。

    At last I compare partnership contract and agreement for work , borrow contract , and discuss partnership contract meaning to Hui merchant the meaning of principle of business management .

  17. 在透过国家颁布的法律条文对国家的干预研究的同时,我们还要关注当时的借贷契约文书是否受到国家干预的影响。

    While penetrating the national promulgation the provision of law to the country intervention research , we were also concerned that whether the Contract Documents had the impact of state intervention .

  18. 分期付款买卖契约说、租赁契约说、货币借贷契约说、动产担保交易说仅从传统契约类型的角度阐释了融资租赁交易的局部特征。

    Contract of payment by instalments , leasing contract , money lending contract and movable estate guarantee contract only respectively deal with partial characteristics of financial leasing from the perspectives of traditional contracts .

  19. 本文以《合同法》借款合同为参照,对我国近现代盐业契约中借贷契约的基本内容和担保制度进行一些粗浅的法律比较。

    Consulting the Contract Law , this paper is a description of its basic contents debit and credit , ant it also compares that with modern assuring system on the base of law .

  20. 本文的第三章,从不完备契约理论以及信贷风险和借贷契约的关系入手建立了分析问题的理论平台,指出信贷风险和信贷风险事前控制的结合点&借贷契约。

    Pate two starts from incomplete contract theory and the relationship of credit risk and loan contract , it points out the integration of credit risk and ex ante credit risk control - loan contract .

  21. 敦煌吐鲁番借贷契约的抵赦条款与国家对民间债负的赦免&唐宋时期民间高利贷与国家控制的博弈

    The Articles that Resisting an Absolution from the Emperor in Loan Contracts Found in Tunhuang and Turfan and the Commands of Remitting Civil Debts by the Emperor in That Time & the conflict between the civil usury and state control in Tang and Song Dynasties

  22. 唐朝相对成熟的立契技术,为当时借货关系的正常运行提供了保障,同时也为后世借贷契约提供了示范程式,是我国现行借贷之债成立要件的文化渊源。

    Tang dynasty made relatively mature fellowship technology that provides the security for the normal operation of the loan relationship then and also provides demonstration program for later lending agreement . The relatively mature fellowship technology in Tang dynasty is the cultural origin of the loan contract in China nowadays .

  23. 这一赦免初衷,也波及到无息借贷,致使抵赦条款也出现在无息借贷契约中,反映了民间防御意识的加强。

    Besides , this absolution also affects the interest-free loan contracts , so that there are articles that resisting an absolution from the emperor in this kind of contract . From this phenomenon we can see the strengthening of civil defending consciousness .