
  • 网络cluster financing
  1. 成都中小企业集群融资体系的构建

    Construction of Cluster Financing System for Small and Middle Enterprises in Chengdu

  2. 第三章&基于互助担保联盟的中小企业集群融资模型。

    Chapter three : the cluster financing models of small and medium-sized enterprises on the basis of mutually assuring alliance .

  3. 推进中小企业集群融资

    Promoting the Group Financing of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  4. 基于社会资本的中小企业集群融资分析

    The Financing of SME Clusters based on Social Capital

  5. 研究集群融资优势相关理论,使我国中小企业集群融资存在的问题得到相应的解决。

    Based on the theory of clusters financing advantage , this paper brings forward the solutions for Chinese small and medium-sized enterprise clusters financing .

  6. 应针对当前我国企业集群融资存在的问题,采取改进我国企业集群融资的对策。

    In view of this , we should probe into the problems in our enterprise group 's financing and take appropriate measures to get it improved .

  7. 所以,通过集群融资模式来有效解决中小企业融资难问题,最终促进中小企业的发展。

    Therefore , financing through the cluster model to effectively address the problem of financing small and medium enterprises , and ultimately promote the development of SMEs .

  8. 最后,本文就如何完善小企业集群融资的各项法律、政策、社会的配套设施和制度提出了一些建议。

    Finally , this thesis put forward some proposals on consummating the law , the policy , the society necessary facility and system of Small Business Cluster financing .

  9. 首先运用经济学、金融学的理论知识,全面深入的了解小企业集群融资的自身特点和外部环境状况。

    First the thesis utilized the knowledge of economics and finance theory to analyze the own characteristics of Small Business Cluster financing and the external environment condition comprehensively .

  10. 已有文献对中小企业集群融资的研究停留在融资优势的分析上,更为重要的在于是否能构建一个稳定的融资联盟。

    Many papers had studied the cluster financing advantages of SEMs for a long time , we should pay more time in studies of the stability of cluster financing alliance .

  11. 同时运用简单的交易合约模型分析了中小企业集群融资,中小企业集群融资可以提升金融解,提高其金融交易的水平和效率。

    Made use of simple bargain contract model to analyse SMEs cluster finance , SMEs cluster finance can promote financing solution , raising theirs level and efficiency of finance bargain .

  12. 也是基于此,本文提出了多方主体参与的中小企业集群融资鸟巢模式的框架,并对该模式的具体运作进行了初步的谈论。

    It also based on this , this paper presents a multi-participation in the financing of SME cluster " nest " model framework and preliminary discuss the specific mode of operation .

  13. 最后,中部地区应创造条件,积极发展典当融资、融资租赁、集群融资等多渠道的融资。

    Finally , the central region itself should actively create the positive conditions and develop multi-channels financing system , such as pawn financing , leasing , group financing and so on .

  14. 本文主要通过分析中小企业融资、中小企业集群融资问题,以中小企业集群联保融资模式为基础来寻找适合云南中小企业融资的有效模式。

    This paper analyzes the financing of SMEs , SME clusters financing to SME clusters based on the model of UNPROFOR to find financing for an effective mode of financing of SMEs in Yunnan .

  15. 但是,集群融资优势需要在政府、金融机构、资本市场、中介服务机构等主要利益相关者的紧密配合下才能充分发挥。

    However , it is necessary to show the advantages of cluster financing that the government , financial institutions , capital markets , intermediary service organizations , and other major stakeholders can be closely with .

  16. 在解决完外部认可和内部稳定两大问题之后,本文融合互助担保和整体融资两种集群融资模式,建立了集群融资的一般框架,分析了主要利益相关者在集群融资中的作用。

    After solving the two important problems , the financing of the whole cluster is feasible . So the paper can integrates the mutual guarantee mode and overall financing mode , setting a general framework about cluster financing .

  17. 本文研究发现,当中小企业聚集成群,相互之间建立长期稳定的良性关系之后,不但一定程度上弥补了单个企业的不足,还拥有了游离的企业无法比拟的集群融资优势。

    This study found that among SMEs clustered benign long-term stable relationship , not only to a certain extent make up for lack of individual enterprises , but also have a free finance companies can not have the advantage of the cluster .

  18. 中小企业集群信贷融资的信用优势分析

    Study on the Credit Advantages of Small Enterprise Clusters in Credit Financing

  19. 中小企业集群式融资探讨

    On the small and medium enterprises-group financing

  20. 本文分别分析了我国主要三种类型的小企业集群的融资模式选择和融资风险控制。

    This thesis analyzed three main type of Small Business Cluster financing pattern in our country separately .

  21. 为此,本研究建构了中小企业集群整体融资的框架并设计了中小企业整体融资的流程,这是本文的创新点。

    Therefore , this paper constructs a framework of SME cluster overall financing , and designs a SME cluster overall financing flow .

  22. 中小企业集群式融资是本研究设计的一种新型的融资模式,其融资流程涉及融资主体与银行、资本市场、信托公司、政府监管的相互协调和制约关系以及这些部门之间的相互关系。

    The financial flow involves the mutual coordination and restriction relations among banks , the capital market , trust companies and government regulations .

  23. 在银企信贷博弈模型下,可以证明企业集群间接融资明显优于单个企业间接融资。

    Under the condition of the dynamic game between banks and enterprises , those enterprises inside the cluster are obviously superior to those individual enterprises outside in indirect financing .

  24. 文章阐述了宁波现行金融模式与三大产业集群投融资需求不相适应,提出了创新宁波产业集群金融支撑体系的意义和对策建议。

    In this paper we discussed that the current financial model 's unfitness for the investment demand of the three industry clusters and put forward to the meanings and countermeasures to innovate the financial support system of industry clusters in Ningbo .

  25. 中小企业依赖集群进行融资在理论上具有显著的优势,然而中小企业在现实中仍面临着融资困境,这不是理论的谬误而是缺乏一种能让中小企业集群融资优势转化成现实优势的机制。

    Financing of SMEs that relies on the cluster has significant theoretical advantages , but in reality , SMEs still face financial difficulties . This is not a fallacy of the theory but the lack of a financing mechanism which can make theoretical advantages of SME clusters into real advantages .

  26. 产业集群与银企融资效率

    Industry gathering and bank and enterprise financing efficiency

  27. 中小企业集群的信贷融资优势&从信息不对称理论角度分析

    Analysis of Credit Advantage of Medium and Small-sized Enterprises clusters Based on Theory of Information Asymmetry

  28. 依次提出了市场环境、技术环境、产业集群、投融资环境、基础服务环境和政策及法律法规的优化对策。

    Proposed the optimization measures of marketing environment , technology environment , industrial cluster , investment and financing environment , fundamental service environment , and policy and laws environment .

  29. 论文依据情景-结构-行为-绩效(CSCP)研究范式,通过案头研究、问卷调查、实证研究和实地访谈,对产业集群内纺织企业融资特点和影响因素进行讨论与分析。

    The conceptual framework of Context-Structure-Conduct-Performance ( CSCP ) is applied in the paper . Through desk research , questionnaire surveys , empirical research and field interviews , the paper has a analysis and discussion on enterprises ' financing features and factors affecting financing in these clusters .

  30. 集群内企业间接融资的博弈模型和策略分析

    Analysis of Strategies and Models on the Game of Indirect Financing of Enterprises in Industrial Clusters