
  • 网络Information Storage Technology
  1. PASIS架构将分散式存储系统、数据冗余和编码技术以及动态自维护技术相结合,创建了生存力强的信息存储技术。

    PASIS architecture combines decentralized storage system technologies , data redundancy and encoding , and dynamic self-maintenance to create survivable information storage technology .

  2. 数字时代背景下的信息存储技术变迁

    The Digital Age in the Context of Information Storage Technology Changes

  3. 本论文在分析了国内外网络环境下三维CAD协同系统的发展状况后,着重研究以下四个方面的内容:(1)研究网络环境下三维CAD模型信息存储技术。

    After analyzing developing status in network-centric collaborative CAD , the thesis emphatically studies four aspects , as followed : Studying the information storing technology of 3D model based on network .

  4. 超高密度、高速光磁混合数字信息存储技术和存在的问题

    Research and problems in the ultra high-density OPTICAL-MAGNET mixed digital storage

  5. 超高密度光存储技术是新近兴起的重要信息存储技术。

    Ultrahigh density optical memory technology is a rising important technology .

  6. 基于图像分析的视频监控系统信息存储技术的研究

    Research on Image Storage of Video Surveillance System Based on Image Analyzing

  7. 信息存储技术是数字化医院的支撑技术之一。

    Information storage is one of the crutch techniques in digital hospital .

  8. 双光子激光三维微细加工及信息存储技术

    Two-photon laser three-dimensional microfabrication and three-dimensional optical data storage technology

  9. 网络环境下数字图书馆的信息存储技术

    On the Information Storage Technique of the Digital Library under the Network Environment

  10. 光信息存储技术的发展前景

    Developing situation and the future of optical storage technology

  11. 信息存储技术在图书馆的应用

    Application of the Information Memory Technology in Library

  12. 光信息存储技术(简称光存储)是70年代发展起来的继磁存储之后的重要信息存储技术。

    The technique of optical data storage is an important data storage that arises from 1970s following magnetic storage .

  13. 这应该是敦煌信息存储技术史上真正意义的革命。

    This will be a revolution in its true sense in the history of the techniques of Dunhuang information storage .

  14. 数据仓库技术是信息存储技术的新兴分支,越来越成为数据分析领域的研究热点。

    Data warehouse is a new branch of storage technology . It has become research focus in the field of data analysis .

  15. 随着信息存储技术和通信技术的迅猛发展,人们面临的信息数据呈现爆炸式的增长。

    Along with rapid development of information storage technologies and the communications technologies , the information people are faced have an explosive growth .

  16. 由于在信息存储技术中的应用潜力,人们对巨磁电阻效应发生了浓厚的兴趣。

    Because of its application potential of GMR in information storage technology , it 's very useful for us to develop GMR researches .

  17. 现代科技对数据容量需求的急速增长使超高密度信息存储技术成为当代信息技术领域重要的研究课题。

    The urgently increasing requirement on data storage capacity makes the super-high density storage technology to be one of the most important research topics .

  18. 数字图书馆建设是包括数字技术、信息存储技术、数据库技术、网络安全技术在内的基础技术建设。

    The construction of digital libraries base on digitalization technology , the storage technology of information , database technology , and net security technology .

  19. 网络和数字信息存储技术的应用引起了关于这两个权利保护的一系列问题,国际公约和主要发达国家对此做了不同的规定。

    The implementation of network technology and digitized information storage technology causes a number of new problems in the respect of the two rights .

  20. 以电子计算机技术、现代通讯技术和信息存储技术为重点的现代技术已把传统的图书馆推向了全球一体化、网络化的新境地。

    Computer technology , modern communication technology and information memory technology have impressively improved and promoted the traditional libraries to new stage of information globalization and network .

  21. 磁记录技术已经经历了一个世纪的发展,迄今仍然是最重要的信息存储技术。

    Although existing and increasingly growing over the span of an entire century , magnetic recording has been one of the most important of information storage technologies .

  22. 信息存储技术与信息处理和信息传输技术一道被称为数字技术的三支翅膀,三位一体,缺一不可;

    Information storage technology together with information processing and information transmission technology are called three wings of the digital technology , which build a triunity with no absence each other .

  23. 信息存储技术的迅猛发展与互联网的普及,导致了大容量的包含不同内容图像库的产生。

    With the rapid development of information storage technology and the spread of the Internet , a large capacity image databases that contain different contents in the images are generated .

  24. 体全息存储技术以其存储密度高、存储容量大,数据传输速率高、数据搜索时间短等优势成为一种颇具潜力新型信息存储技术。

    Owing to the high density , mass capacity , and fast data transfer rate , the holographic data storage ( HDS ) technology has become one of the potential new types of information storage technologies .

  25. 大容量、高速度、高密度、低功耗、低成本、高可靠性和灵活性一直都是星上记录设备的信息存储技术的主要研究内容和追求目标。

    Large capacity , high speed , high density , low power consumption , low cost , high reliability and flexibility are always the primary research areas and goals of information storage technique of the data record equipment .

  26. 除此之外,本研究还将目录服务技术应用到这个系统平台中,通过角色授权机制以及客户端信息存储技术的应用,实现了系统的集成验证以及客户端的动态管理和直接授权。

    In addition , this study will also apply to the directory service technology platform , through role-based authorization mechanisms , and client information exist technology to achieve system integration and verification of mobile client management and direct authorization .

  27. 场发射电子源是一种冷阴极电子源,在很多领域都有重要应用,如平板显示器,多电子束平版印刷,微推进,射频源,信息存储技术和电子制冷等。

    A field emitter serves as a cold source of electrons . It has practical applications in various fields such as field emission flat panel displays , multiple electron-beam lithography , ion propulsion / micro-thrusters , radio frequency source , information storage technology , and electronic cooling .

  28. 超高密度存储技术已经成为信息存储技术的制高点,离散磁道式磁盘作为提高存储密度的有效手段,有望达到1Tbit/in2的存储密度,因而得到了广泛的关注。

    Ultra-high density information storage technology has become the commanding height of storage technology . Discrete track recording ( DTR ) media , as an effective approach to achieve higher storage density , is hopeful to attain storage density of 1Tbit / in2 , therefore , has received widespread attention .

  29. 信息存储新技术:NAS和SAN

    New Technologies for Information Storage - - NAS & SAN

  30. 关键技术的研究中介绍了车载终端涉及到的智能报站、无线通信、信息存储等技术。

    In the key technology research , intelligence stop-report , wireless communications , information storage and other technologies are introduced .