
  • 网络Issuing Company;Product;distribution company;Distributor;EMI
  1. 而MGM也将不会在作为电影电影发行公司,而仅仅是一个制作公司。这使得第二十三部《007詹姆斯-邦德》电影问世日期更加具体化。

    MGM will no longer be a distributor , but a working studio , which now puts James Bond 23 on the auction block and closer to an actual start date .

  2. 发行公司:沃尔特-迪斯尼影业公司

    Distributor : Walt Disney Pictures

  3. 我国A股发行公司IPO前盈余管理的影响因素实证研究

    Empirical Research on Factors Influencing Earnings Management Prior to IPO in China 's A-share Market

  4. 本文采取实证研究方法,研究考察了2001、2002两年中国A股发行公司在IPO前后年度的收益表现。

    The paper researches the earnings performance surrounding Chinese firms ' A-share IPOs during the 2001-2002 periods .

  5. 去年,由于担心外国电影在中国电影票房收入中占据的份额太大,政府控制的发行公司中国电影集团(ChinaFilmGroup,简称:中影集团)让一些好莱坞大片在相同的档期放映,进而限制了它们的商业潜力。

    Last year , concerned that foreign films were taking too big a share of box office , the government-controlled China Film distribution company released some big Hollywood movies on the same date , limiting their commercial potential .

  6. 因此,为了符合SOX法案的要求下,许多公开发行公司开始考虑持续性审计。

    In order to address the mandates of SOX , many of companies start to cogitate a continuous auditing .

  7. 香港的IPO交易受到散户情绪的推动,投资者希望发行公司及其顾问能够通过定价,令股票在上市首日走出强劲行情,以便他们脱手所持股份。

    Hong Kong IPOs are driven by retail sentiment , and investors look to issuers and their advisers to price the shares to achieve strong debuts so they can flip their holdings .

  8. 苹果必须逐个国家去跟不同的发行公司达成交易,才能允许歌曲在每个市场的iTunes平台上出售。

    Apple has to conclude deals with individual record labels at the country level to allow songs to be sold on the iTunes platform in each market .

  9. 然后选择2009年至2010年上市的90家IPO公司作为样本,并提出假设:我国创业板发行公司的IPO抑价与IPO前盈余管理水平之间具有显著的正相关关系。

    Then select the 2009-2010 IPO companies listed on a sample of 90 , and a hypothesis : My GEM IPO issuing company before the IPO underpricing and the level of earnings management is significantly positive correlation .

  10. 中国最大电子商务集团旗下在香港上市的阿里影业(AlibabaPictures)周日表示,它将买入美国电影制作和发行公司、斯皮尔伯格的AmblinPartners的少数股份,并在该公司获得一个董事会席位。

    Alibaba Pictures , a Hong Kong-listed unit of China 's largest ecommerce group , said on Sunday that it would take a minority equity stake and board seat in Mr Spielberg 's Amblin Partners , a film production and distribution company .

  11. 成功的IPO不仅可以使发行公司筹集到发展所需资金,提高知名度,而且有助于优化资本结构,分散公司风险,提高资本在二级市场的流动性,完善公司内部治理。

    Not only can the success of IPO issuers to raise capital needed for development , increase awareness , but also help optimize the capital structure , decentralized company risk , raising capital in the secondary market liquidity , improve internal governance .

  12. 英国竞争监管机构公平交易局(OFT)在接到发行公司的投诉后,于6月10日宣布将针对证券承销展开调查。

    The Office of Fair Trading ( OFT ), a British competition agency , said on June10th that it would conduct an inquiry into equity underwriting , following complaints from issuing firms .

  13. 1995年,米歇尔又获得了优秀的发行公司ICTV。ICTV公司作为法国和国际制片人代表了今天世界市场的一道彩虹。

    In1995 he acquired the well established distribution company ICTV which represents in today 's world markets a colourful rainbow of small French and international producers .

  14. Indieflix是一个独特的电影发行公司,致力于联合国授权成立的独立制片人赚钱的主要在线电影发行商。

    Indieflix is a unique film distribution company that strives to empower un-established independent filmmakers to make money off of major online film distributors .

  15. 《权力的游戏》女星娜塔莉·多默尔签订了一份第一优先合作协议,她将与国际制片及发行公司Fremantle独家联合开发一系列电视剧。

    Game of Thrones actress Natalie Dormer has signed a multiyear first-look deal that will see her exclusively co-develop a slate of drama series with international production and distribution group Fremantle .

  16. 首先采用单因素分析方法对解释变量在单个基础上运用平均值差异t检验和中位数Mann-WhitneyU检验,对涉及两类证券发行公司的财务特征的显著差异提供一个初步的考察。

    Firstly , adopting single-element analysis method to conduct " average diversity " t test and " median Mann-WhitneyU " test for explanatory variables , to provide a primary review for concerned two kinds bond issue companies remarkable diversity of financial characteristics .

  17. 发行公司可能直接将票据出售给交易商。

    The issuing company may sell the paper directly to the dealer .

  18. 发行公司与投资人在可转换债券条款上的博弈均衡

    Game Equilibrium between Issuing Companies and Investors on Qualification of Convertible Bond

  19. 对发行公司债券作出决议

    To decide on the issue of Bonds by the company

  20. 不同的条款设计对发行公司和投资者的收益和风险都有很大影响,条款设计是可转换债券发行成功的关键因素。

    Different clause design has great influence to issuing company and investors .

  21. 公开市场上发行公司股票可以带来新的资金。

    New capital can come from floating company shares on the open market .

  22. Krafton得到了腾讯的支持,腾讯是Krafton在中国的游戏发行公司。

    Krafton is backed by Tencent , which distributes its games in China .

  23. 发行公司质量信息揭示&基于承销方式的选择

    Quality Information Revelation of the Issuer : Based on the Selection of Underwriting Fashion

  24. 为发行公司发行可转换债券和投资者选择如何投资可转换债券提供了理论依据和实证方法。

    The thesis provides the theory gist and empirical method for issuing company and investors .

  25. 这一结论将对证券监管部门政策制定以及发行公司提供借鉴作用。

    This conclusion can provide reference for the securities regulatory departments and the issuing company .

  26. 可转换债券发行公司的最优决策

    Optimal Decision-Making of Issuers of Convertible Bonds

  27. 这一次,随着债券发行公司的麻烦越来越多,惯常的不平等开始浮出水面。

    As troubles mount for issuers this time around , the usual inequalities are surfacing .

  28. 尚未发行公司债券的,停止发行;

    If the company bonds have not been issued , the issue shall be terminated ;

  29. 已发行公司债帐面价值

    Carrying value of a bond issued

  30. 虚拟货币出现之初,使用范围只限于其发行公司。

    At the beginning of appearance of virtual currency , it was confined to its issuer .